英语翻译1. Two planes,and ,intersect along the line .The point is given in the plane ,and the point in the plane ; neither of these points lies on the straight line .Construct an isosceles trapezoid (with ) in which a circle can be inscribed,an

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 01:40:16
英语翻译1. Two planes,and ,intersect along the line .The point is given in the plane ,and the point in the plane ; neither of these points lies on the straight line .Construct an isosceles trapezoid (with ) in which a circle can be inscribed,an

英语翻译1. Two planes,and ,intersect along the line .The point is given in the plane ,and the point in the plane ; neither of these points lies on the straight line .Construct an isosceles trapezoid (with ) in which a circle can be inscribed,an
1. Two planes,and ,intersect along the line .The point is given in the plane ,and the point in the plane ; neither of these points lies on the straight line .Construct an isosceles trapezoid (with ) in which a circle can be inscribed,and with vertices and lying in planes and respectively
2. Construct triangle ,given ,(the altitudes from and ),and ,the median from vertex .
3. Construct a triangle if ,and ,where is the midpoint of the segment and .Prove that a solution exists if and only if
4. Consider an isosceles triangle.let be the radius of its circumscribed circle and be the radius of its inscribed circle.Prove that the distance between the centers of these two circle is
5. On the circle there are given three distinct points .Construct (using only a straightedge and a compass) a fourth point on such that a circle can be inscribed in the quadrilateral thus obtained.
6. Point and segment are given.Determine the locus of points in space which are vertices of right angles with one side passing through ,and the other side intersecting segment .
7. A circle is inscribed in a triangle with sides .Tangents to the circle parallel to the sides of the triangle are contructe.Each of these tangents cuts off a triagnle from .In each of these triangles,a circle is inscribed.Find the sum of the areas of all four inscribed circles (in terms of ).
8. Consider with acute angle .Thorugh a point perpendiculars are drawn to and ,the feet of which are and respectively.The point of intersection of the altitudes of is .What is the locus of if is permitted to range over
a) the side ;
b) the interior of .
9. Let be a triangle,and let ,,be three points in the interiors of the sides ,,of this triangle.Prove that the area of at least one of the three triangles ,,is less than or equal to one quarter of the area of triangle .
Alternative formulation:Let be a triangle,and let ,,be three points on the segments ,,,respectively.Prove that
where the abbreviation denotes the (non-directed) area of an arbitrary triangle .
10. The parallelogram has ,and the triangle has all angles acute.Prove that circles radius and center cover the parallelogram if and only

英语翻译1. Two planes,and ,intersect along the line .The point is given in the plane ,and the point in the plane ; neither of these points lies on the straight line .Construct an isosceles trapezoid (with ) in which a circle can be inscribed,an
1 .,两架飞机沿着这条线相交.问题是在飞机上,在飞机;这些要点在于直线.构建等腰梯形(带),围成一个圆圈,可以刻顶点并躺在飞机和各一份
4 .考虑等腰triangle.让半径的圆的半径,受到它的圆.证明之间的距离,这两个圆圈中心
7 .一圈是在一个三角形.平行切线圆边的三角是contructe.每一种切线triagnle隔断.在每一种三角形,围成一个圆圈是刻.发现的地区的所有4个刻有圈(在).

英语翻译1. Two planes,and ,intersect along the line .The point is given in the plane ,and the point in the plane ; neither of these points lies on the straight line .Construct an isosceles trapezoid (with ) in which a circle can be inscribed,an 英语翻译1. Two planes,P and Q ,intersect along the line P .The point C is given in the plane P ,and the point C in the plane Q ; neither of these points lies on the straight line P .Construct an isosceles trapezoid ABCD (with AB‖CD ) in which 可以机译,英译中,谢谢!A cutter wheel for brittle materials includes a disk with two side planes and an outer peripheral portion between the planes. The outer peripheral portion includes two bevel portions and a ridge portion between the bevel 英语翻译draw pictures of planes 是啥意思?、、、、 英语翻译Do you think there is too much noise in our city?Perhaps you do.If you live near an airport,you will probably feel unhappy because of the noise of jet planes(喷气式飞机).It is said that the noise of planes or trains or trucks can 中文翻译Space planes will take people halfway around the world in two hours. 两个飞机模型的翻译是two plane models还是two model planes 制作飞机模型的翻译是什么? 英语翻译There are two books and an pen on the desk.还有什么 英语翻译2.the two parties finally arrived at an agreement in th end in China,(1)people go to work by bike and Sally can see(2)here and there.1.A.two B.a lot of2.A.planes B.cars C.buses D.bikes 请给这篇短文改错,一共有十处错The World Trade Center in New York city burned in the morning of September 11st,2001 after the twin 110-storey towers were hit by two hijacked planes crashing into them.Both towers felt an hour after the att “Space planes will take us around the world ( ) two hours.”[A.in B.after C.for]为什么选A? 英语翻译Mike Findlay has loved flying since he was small.When he was three years old,his dad took him to an air show.Mike loved the sounds of the Planes,he dreamed of becoming an airplane pilot some day.As Mike grew up,he learned as much as he co 英语翻译X-ray crystallographic analysis revealed the structure ofthe nickel(II) complex (Figure 2).18 The four atoms of thedonor set (N1,N2,S1,S2) and Ni1 essentially lie in a plane.The dihedral angle between the two coordination planes,N1-Ni1-S1 英语翻译_____ _____ _____ _____ passengers travel on China Airways planes every year. 英语翻译flying in planes 难道是说“在飞机里飞”吗? 英语翻译two weeks? 英语翻译是Two Creature.......