英语0 1 2 3条件句不明白了,求分析下下面句子意思区别1 Im happy to go to the party if you come with me2 I will be happy to go to the party if you come with me4

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 05:01:30
英语0 1 2 3条件句不明白了,求分析下下面句子意思区别1 Im happy to go to the party if you come with me2 I will be happy to go to the party if you come with me4

英语0 1 2 3条件句不明白了,求分析下下面句子意思区别1 Im happy to go to the party if you come with me2 I will be happy to go to the party if you come with me4
英语0 1 2 3条件句不明白了,求分析下下面句子意思区别
1 Im happy to go to the party if you come with me
2 I will be happy to go to the party if you come with me

英语0 1 2 3条件句不明白了,求分析下下面句子意思区别1 Im happy to go to the party if you come with me2 I will be happy to go to the party if you come with me4


英语0 1 2 3条件句不明白了,求分析下下面句子意思区别1 Im happy to go to the party if you come with me2 I will be happy to go to the party if you come with me4 并列句,复合句,英语例句,举例求分析~并列句,复合句,英语例句,求分析~么! 急求 英语 不明白 怎么说. 求英语1,2,3句翻译! 求IF条件句中的虚拟语气题10道有答案分析的再加30 一直不明白定积分求极限是怎么回事,怎么后面就变成0到1了呢 求极限 不明白为什么u变成了1 含容电路分析问题是这样的所示R1=6欧 R2=3欧 C1=6微法 E=18V r=0,当开关S断开时,求(1)A点的电势Ua.(2)当开关S闭合时,电容器C1的电荷量变化了多少C?其实我主要不明白的就是断开和闭合时,电容器的 这2个英语句子看不明白,1 We all have missed you.2 It's been nice seeing you.3 How have you been getting along中文意思书上都有的,是看不明白句子的语法结构,所以请分析语法,而不是翻译句子, 缩句:科学家根据这些条件对太阳系除地球外的其他行星进行了分析.备选,A科学家进行了分析,B科学家分析 请帮忙分析这个英语句子The time that children spend on schoolwork offers them more educationa than thier free time does.1,that在句子中是什么成分?这是主语从句?2,their free time does是倒装句?不明白为什么这么写. 高一数学,分析过程不明白,求详细过程~~ 两平行直线方程求距离高手请进两平衡直线 3x+2y-3=0与3x+2y+2=0之间的距离是多少?书本上分析说 在L1上任取一点(1,0),求点1,0 到L2的距离.但是我不明白那个点是怎样来的? 求以下真实条件句和非真实条件句的句子分析,1)when we are tempted to say that general truch is so obvious that is would be absund even to question it.2)it would be quite wrong to attribute all opinions-even political opinions-to-self 求问英语真实条件句和非真实条件句的详细语法!顺便讲解下! 一道暂态分析的电工技术题目,求高人指导我不明白 Uc(0+)和 Va(0+)是怎么求出来的,看了很久看不明白,求详细解答,可加分还有t=Roc里面的10欧并联10欧哪里来的 谢谢了 这句英语句子有些地方不明白,帮我分析,Realizing how much was owed the elder,Love asked Knowledge,another elder,Who helped me? 中最前面的一句 was owed是倒装吗?还有就是 owe 前面加了个was表示被千的意思怎么 这句英语有些地方不明白,帮我分析,Realizing how much was owed the elder,Love asked Knowledge,another elder,Who helped me? 中最前面的一句 was owed是倒装吗?还有就是 owe 前面加了个was表示被千的意思怎么翻译