
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 02:49:19


Internal control is an important part of enterprise management,is to ensure that the sustainable development of the enterprise system.In order to have a sustainable competitiveness in the increasingly fierce competition in the market,to meet the needs of business expansion,China's enterprises pay more attention to the research and application of internal control in the process of operation.In China,researches on internal control theory is from the mid 80's in last century began,in the brief development history,great progress in our studies have made,and in the continuous improvement and development,Chinese scholars academic research works have also made a great contribution to the theory of internal control,to promote our country research of internal control development.However,compared with foreign countries especially the developed countries,China still has a big gap to the study of internal control,internal control also has certain problem.Based on the understanding of the internal control concepts and principles,analyzes the problems existing in the internal control of Chinese enterprises,and put forward effective suggestions and further to solve the problem

Internal control is an important part of enterprise management, is to ensure that the sustainable development of the enterprise system. In order to have a sustainable competitiveness in the increasing...


Internal control is an important part of enterprise management, is to ensure that the sustainable development of the enterprise system. In order to have a sustainable competitiveness in the increasingly fierce competition in the market, to meet the needs of business expansion, China's enterprises pay more attention to the research and application of internal control in the process of operation. In China, researches on internal control theory is from the mid 80's in last century began, in the brief development history, great progress in our studies have made, and in the continuous improvement and development, Chinese scholars academic research works have also made a great contribution to the theory of internal control, to promote our country research of internal control development. However, compared with foreign countries especially the developed countries, China still has a big gap to the study of internal control, internal control also has certain problem. Based on the understanding of the internal control concepts and principles, analyzes the problems existing in the internal control of Chinese enterprises, and put forward effective suggestions and further to solve the problem


英语翻译内部控制是企业管理架构的组成部分,是企业持续发展的制度保证.为了在日益激烈的市场竞争中拥有持续的竞争力,满足业务扩展的需要,我国企业在运营过程中对内部控制的研究和运 英语翻译摘要:内部控制与风险管理是企业管理的重要组成部分.风险管理导向下内部控制的建立与完善对企业管理与发展具有重大作用.文章首先阐述了内部控制与风险管理的相关概念,试着 英语翻译企业货币资金的内部控制是企业内控的一个重要组成部分,货币资金控制的好坏直接关系到企业的生存、发展、获利.内部控制的主要目的是实现货币开支的合理、合法和货币回收的 英语翻译摘要:内部控制是现代企业管理的重要手段.尽管现在我国的内部控制体系有了一定的规模,但仍然存在许多弊端,随着相关内部控制的法律法规的出台,我国的内部控制体系会逐渐健全 英语翻译内部控制是企业管理内部事务,降低企业经营风险的重要手段.随着我市大部分中小民营企业的不断发展和规模的扩大,建立和健全完备的内控制度成为企业建设的重要内容.本文就无锡 英语翻译质量控制流程组织架构 是具有垄断性的综合性规范,也是现代企业管理的重要组成部分,英文怎么写? 英语翻译存货是企业得以生存和发展的基本元素,所以存货的管理是企业管理的重要组成部分.随着经济社会化和信息化程度的加强,必须采用先进的信息技术改造和武装自己,以控制经营成本、 工商企业管理的英语翻译. 内部控制审计与内部审计的区别是内部控制审计哦,不是内部控制 人的身体的内部组成部分是怎样的? 英语翻译摘 要内部控制制度作为现代企业管理制度的重要组成部分,需要全面系统的构筑,以保证企业平稳长久地运营.在当前的市场经济条件下,中小服装企业的竞争日益激烈,只有保证内部控 英语翻译全面预算管理是企业管理的核心内容之一,也是被各种组织证明行之有效的管理方法.在西方发达国家,全面预算管理已被企业广泛使用,并成为企业内部管理体系的一个重要组成部分. 英语翻译[摘 要]内部审计是我国审计监督的重要组成部分,内部审计模式按企业内部结构可分为单一企业内部审计模式和企业集团内部审计模式,企业集团内部审计的目标是对组织中各类业务 财经法规与会计职业道德(单选题)拜托高手来救我“要解释的”内部牵制制度,也称为( )制度,是内部控制制度的重要组成部分.AA// 内部稽核BB// 内部审计CC// 内部控制DD// 钱账分管 英语翻译摘要:上市公司的规范运作是证券市场稳定、持续发展的基石,而上市公司的规范运作依赖于内部控制制度的健全和有效执行.内部控制的重大缺陷决定内部控制有效性判断,是内部控 英语翻译财务管理; 内部控制; 内部审计 英语翻译开发成本核算与控制是房地产企业管理中一项重要工作。面对激烈的市场竞争环境,房地产企业要想取得竞争优势,获得良好经济效益,就必须重视开发成本核算与控制工作