高中二年级英语 寒假新时空答案全部、、给分 速度、、

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高中二年级英语 寒假新时空答案全部、、给分 速度、、

高中二年级英语 寒假新时空答案全部、、给分 速度、、
高中二年级英语 寒假新时空答案全部、、给分 速度、、

高中二年级英语 寒假新时空答案全部、、给分 速度、、
DAY 1CBADA CDDBDInfluence,puzzled,error,collection,exposeStatue,attraction,terrible,control,surveysBADDC CADDA CAADA BABCD DAY 2AAACC ACACB CACAC BABBBAre eager for,accused; of,approve of,concentrate on,slided intoSo as not to,looking forward to,depending against,supposed to,depend onCDACD ADCBA DAY 3DACCD DCBBCCAD ACBAD ADBCCDDCCD DAY 4Saw,Within,a,flying,unluckilyWhen,after,what,broken into,ItPrevent; from,took off,get burnt,protect; against,ironHealed,choked,am proud of,carrying out,apart fromTaking aid measuresIt was; whereIs wearing inJoin us inCut offTo his teacher’s surpriseAre close toCCBB DAY5ADDAB ACAProfessional,on purpose,gained,occuptation,colleaguesAppointments,approve,entirely,pictures,MeanwhileAccused me byIn order toIs very helpfulOnly then did I realized the importance of my health.Not only was the city polluted,but the streets were crowded.Can you turn down the radio a little bit?I can’t concentrate on my homework.I seldom upset like this.We’ll send the best journalist to cover this accident thoroughly.The company accused him of stealing a secret file.You can’t finish this task in such a short time.Mean,genius,that,rich,solvingThrough,way,takes,to,directly DAY 6CBCBC DDBI lost sight of her in the crowd.They gave up traveling abroad for lack of money.Thanks for reminding me to write to my parents.Bored of this program,he turned off the TV and went to bed.I can’t imagine living alone in the forest.CDDBA DACAA BDDAD DDCAC DAY 7BCCAC DDABB AABBCADDBB DCAAB CADCB ABBBDDAY 8Count on,amazed,bored,convinced,overcomeFortunate,amused,directed,Failure,outstanding ABBADAY 9Children,set up,buying,from,theAnswer,who,as,politely,am sentDo agree withA sense of humorA big messHow vast the world isFiverted herself by watching some old picturesADDDBDAEC DAY 10ACAAC BBCCould you introduce your friend to me?We should take care of the approach to the problem.I majored in Chemistry in college.That young man represented himself as a painter.They are curious about the neighbor upstairs.CADAA CDBDC CACBB BCBAD
