答个英语口语的问题~50个词左右就行了Black Americans has made great progress in getting full quality .Do you think there is still much left to be done?Give example to support your point of view.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:25:51
答个英语口语的问题~50个词左右就行了Black Americans has made great progress in getting full quality .Do you think there is still much left to be done?Give example to support your point of view.

答个英语口语的问题~50个词左右就行了Black Americans has made great progress in getting full quality .Do you think there is still much left to be done?Give example to support your point of view.
Black Americans has made great progress in getting full quality .Do you think there is still much left to be done?Give example to support your point of view.

答个英语口语的问题~50个词左右就行了Black Americans has made great progress in getting full quality .Do you think there is still much left to be done?Give example to support your point of view.
Yes ,I think there are still many things that we can do to help the black Americans to get full quality.In America,most of the black men are poor,so the charity organisations can provide them some financial aid.In addition,there are some places which are only allowed the white poeple to enter,and this is very inappropriate.In conclusion,black men shoud be equal to others.

答个英语口语的问题~50个词左右就行了Black Americans has made great progress in getting full quality .Do you think there is still much left to be done?Give example to support your point of view. 描写阳光的词语5个左右就行了 自我介绍的英语短文,不要特别长的,80个词左右的就行了. 答个英语口语问题~50字左右就行~What do you think has led to deterioration in security in the US? 谁帮我用英文写个关于内在美的实例60个词左右就行了! 我想找个外国笔友!最好是英国或者美国的,海归也行,只要英语口语好就可以了. 感悟的近义词有那些?5个左右就够了 写人类成语只要3个左右就行了! 渥太华简介(英语)不要用百度的翻译,大概60个词左右就行了我在加送啊! 下个星期的校运会 求写一篇英语作文,50词左右就可以了用将来时写 关于家庭的小故事,用英语写出来,100个单词左右就行了, 求1篇关于暑假生活的英语作文`20个单词左右就行了`` 不规则动词过去分词帮我总结一些常用的,20个左右就行了 my favourite animal 40—50个单词左右的短文,不要太长就可以了 就是好像介绍一下三亚的风俗,饮食,风景,100个词左右就可以了~ 求大师给个关于cell phone 的英语作文,70个词左右就OK了, 一篇关于中国人口问题的英语文章,急用!差不多70个词左右~时间紧迫,要是70个单词左右的,不要多了~ 英语作文:给笔友写信,要求有自我介绍.(用来参考)大概50个词左右就行了