英语翻译麻烦各位帮我想一篇英语作文题目叫my favourite friend,要带翻译,最少50个单词.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/22 20:33:25
英语翻译麻烦各位帮我想一篇英语作文题目叫my favourite friend,要带翻译,最少50个单词.

英语翻译麻烦各位帮我想一篇英语作文题目叫my favourite friend,要带翻译,最少50个单词.
麻烦各位帮我想一篇英语作文题目叫my favourite friend,要带翻译,最少50个单词.

英语翻译麻烦各位帮我想一篇英语作文题目叫my favourite friend,要带翻译,最少50个单词.
My good friend is Mei.She’s a girl.She is my classmate.
Mei is tall and thin.She has two big eyes and long hair.She likes listening music and reading books.Sometimes we listen to music together.She likes summer.Because she can swim in the summer holiday.She likes pink and white.She is in Class Four,Grade Six with me.Sometimes she goes to school on foot.We often go shopping together on the weekend.We will be good friends forever.

we all knew everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and we're in the same grade.
My best friend is a good student because he is...


we all knew everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and we're in the same grade.
My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking.I learn a lot from him.He helps me with math;I help him with English.We always help each other.besides that,he's honest and reliable.
My best friend is also loyal and brave.Once when a bully teased me,he came to my rescue right away.He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be We tells funny jokes and stories.He always makes me laugh.Finally,he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.
My best friend, I Like her. I hope we'll stay friends forever.


Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and we're in the same grade.
My best friend is a good student because he is very hardwor...


Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with.I also have a best friend.We met in school,and we're in the same grade.
My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking.I learn a lot from him.He helps me with math;I help him with English.We always help each other.besides that,he's honest and reliable.
My best friend is also loyal and brave.Once when a bully teased me,he came to my rescue right away.He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be We tells funny jokes and stories.He always makes me laugh.Finally,he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when I'm down.
My best friend, I Like her. I hope we'll stay friends forever.
我最好的朋友是一个好学生,因为她非常勤劳.我学到很多东西.她帮助我数学;我帮她英文.我们总是互相帮助其他人.除了 ,她的诚实和信任可靠.她完全与我们分享秘密的全部时间.


I have a good friend, her(his) name is xx .he(she) has long(short) hair and two big eyes.
我有一个好朋友 她(他)的名字是xx. 他(她)有长(短)的头发 和两只大眼睛。
I think she(he) is good-looking(hands...


I have a good friend, her(his) name is xx .he(she) has long(short) hair and two big eyes.
我有一个好朋友 她(他)的名字是xx. 他(她)有长(短)的头发 和两只大眼睛。
I think she(he) is good-looking(handsome) ,we study in the same school and we all like
我想 她(他) 很漂亮(帅) , 我们在同一所学校上学还有我们都喜欢
PE it`s fun. after school we go back home together.He(She) likes reading books very
体育,那很有趣。放学后我们一起回家 。 他(她)非常喜欢看书,
much, sometimes,we go to the library on weekends . In a word ,we are best friends!
有时, 我们在双休日去图书馆。 总而言之,我们是最好的朋友!


英语翻译麻烦各位帮我想一篇英语作文题目叫my favourite friend,要带翻译,最少50个单词. 我要写一篇英语作文,名字叫最喜欢的音乐组合,我想写英国的西城男孩和韩国的bigbang,麻烦各位帮我起草一60个字 请帮我写一篇作文好吗题目叫拜托各位了 3Q 麻烦帮写一篇英语作文! 麻烦帮写一篇英语作文 题目是how does the world wide web work? 帮我想个作文题目.我写了一篇纪念抗日战争胜利65周年的文章,但是不知道叫啥名字、才子们帮我想个作文题目 一篇英语作文- -各位帮下,3Q因为我们学校刚开了运动会,老师心血来潮,叫我们写一篇作文,题目是Our school sports meeting ,我实在懒得写了,= =,我就随便去玩了一下而已- -,反正我想运动会也大都大 帮我想题目叫;’我的爸爸妈妈‘的一个50单词的六年级英语作文 麻烦大家帮我想一个作文题目,急用. 帮忙说一个英语小报的题目!小报内容很杂,有我的英语作文,笑话,绕口令.麻烦各位帮我想一个不通俗(不要什么“English newspaper”),有创意的报头~ 求一篇作文新颖的题目,题记和后记想写一篇关于感恩的并且和落叶归根有关,麻烦各位帮我想一个特别特别新颖的题目,特别特别引人注意的题目.还要有哲理性的题记和后记. 麻烦各位帮我看一下英语作文. 我要写一篇古诗词伴我成长的作文,但题目总没有新意,希望各位高手帮我想一想有什么好的题目喽! 帮我想个英语作文的题目,我要写篇作文, 英语大侠 江湖急救 英语作文 “师生关系” 四级以内 各位英语大侠,帮我弄一篇题目为“师生关系”的英语作文,不要百度搜索到的. 老师要求写一篇关于自己中学的作文,麻烦各位帮取一个题目.以“民中,我的家园”为话题来写. 我想以My Friends和My Fclmily为英语作文题目 一百个词左右 帮写一篇吧 老师说是以珍宝 为话题也篇作文我们老师让我们写一篇话题作文 叫珍宝、、 说题目不能叫珍宝 能帮我想个题目么 生命 或 友谊的、、 题目就好了