请把下面的句子错的地方指出来并改正1.Mr king is kind for us students.2.There are some milk in the bottle.3.Do you want know about my class?4.Does Ben like soccer ball?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 04:34:30
请把下面的句子错的地方指出来并改正1.Mr king is kind for us students.2.There are some milk in the bottle.3.Do you want know about my class?4.Does Ben like soccer ball?

请把下面的句子错的地方指出来并改正1.Mr king is kind for us students.2.There are some milk in the bottle.3.Do you want know about my class?4.Does Ben like soccer ball?
1.Mr king is kind for us students.
2.There are some milk in the bottle.
3.Do you want know about my class?
4.Does Ben like soccer ball?

请把下面的句子错的地方指出来并改正1.Mr king is kind for us students.2.There are some milk in the bottle.3.Do you want know about my class?4.Does Ben like soccer ball?
1.Mr king is kind for us students.
for----- to
be kind to  对...和善
2.There are some milk in the bottle.
milk 牛奶,不可数名词
3.Do you want know about my class?
want know ------want to know
want to do sth.想要做某事
4.Does Ben like soccer ball?
soccer ball----- soccer
like soccer 喜欢足球

3.want→want to
4.soccer ball→soccer

请把下面的句子错的地方指出来并改正1.Mr king is kind for us students.2.There are some milk in the bottle.3.Do you want know about my class?4.Does Ben like soccer ball? 顺便把两个错误的地方指出来,并改正,好不好? 把句子中错的地方写出来,并改正 题目:下面的做法对不对? 如果不对,请指出错在哪里, 并改正 句子改错每一个句子里都有一个地方是错的,请指出并改正1.We have a big playground and lots of trees around it.2.After class we play games and do lots of sports,like playing basketball,football and table tennis.3.The teachers in m What a sunny weather it is today请指出这个句子的错误并改正 Our classrooms and teachers offices are in the buildings.这个句子中有一处错误的地方指出并改正. 请检查一下,有错的请指出来,怎么改正? 帮忙!初一英语改错题.下面的句子都有一处错误,请指出并改正1.Do you want to go shopping2.Please tell him don't to be late for school.3.They go to the beach last month. 修改病句,下面的句子有两处语法错误,请指出并改正.①近日,新闻出版总署下发通知,要求各级新闻出版行政主管部门进一步加强中小学教辅材料出版发行.②通知指出,教辅起到的作用整体上积 幂的运算计算题 我写完了帮忙检查一下错的指出来并改正 当外国朋友来校参观时,受到全校师生的热烈欢迎.(指出句子的语病,并改正) 改错:下面每题都有一处错误,请指出错误并改正. 把错的字标出来,并改正 改错提,把错的选出来,并改正 指出句子中错误的一处,并改正,1.The Tian'anmen square is in Beijing.2.Daming likes ried bicycles to work.3.Let's go to the Chinatown now.4.I'm sending a email to Amy.5.The West Lake is in the west of China.请指出哪一点错了,并把 下面与段中有两个句子有语病,请指出来并将改正的句子写在横线上.①遵守交通规则,是衡量一个公民素质高低的重要标志.②为了增强学生的交通安全意识,自觉遵守交通规则,光明中学(2)班 下面句子中有一处错误,请指出并改正:—Is Miss Huang a Chinese?—Yes,she is.