端起 用英语怎么说.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 10:28:11
端起 用英语怎么说.

端起 用英语怎么说.
端起 用英语怎么说

端起 用英语怎么说.
hold up,
raise up,

1She picked up the tea-tray and marched out of the room.
她端起茶盘走出房间。pick up
2He took up a bowl of water and gulped it down.
他端起一碗水,咕嘟咕嘟地喝了下去。take up
3He grew by degrees less civil, put ...


1She picked up the tea-tray and marched out of the room.
她端起茶盘走出房间。pick up
2He took up a bowl of water and gulped it down.
他端起一碗水,咕嘟咕嘟地喝了下去。take up
3He grew by degrees less civil, put on more the airs of master, frequently found fault.
他再也不那么客客气气,越来越端起他的主人架子来,经常挑剔毛 put on
4I'm the head of the noblest branch of the family, and I ought to live up to it.
“俺是族中顶高贵那一房的族长,俺应该端起这个族长的架子来。”live up to
5A white priest had tried to persuade him to pray and he had thrown a cup of hot coffee into his face.
一个白人牧师想劝他祷告,但他端起一杯热咖啡泼在他脸上. throw
每句汉语翻译后有 端起的对应词。
