
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 19:19:30


If I have money,I will realize many childhood dreams.
  If I had money,I would be all over the world to play a.Sitting on a luxury yacht,to visit the oriental pearl shining,the Leshan Giant Buddha giant; to see the statue of liberty yingzi,Eiffel Tower towering; wonderful to explore the Leaning Tower of Pisa,the Pyramid of Khufu's magic; and the beautiful The Paris Opera House.
  If I have money,I will establish the endangered animal paradise,so that the giant panda,Tibetan antelope,Southern China tiger,crested ibis,golden monkey,takin all peaceful life here,never let them out of the world with a trace of regret.
  If I have money,I will help the poor mountain children to go to school,so they like us to eat KFC,wear good clothes,watch television,and we like to live a happy life.
  If I have money,I will send a car to mother,let her no longer work with the wind and rain; I will send my daddy a set of fine tableware,let him do good,sweet,delicious taste,when the international first-class chef; and I will send a set of"Grandpa lecture room" of VCD,relieve he made notes of trouble; I will deliver my grandmother a pair of magic cards,let's pass the time,like how to play on how to play.
  如果我有钱了,我会到世界各地尽情地游玩一番.坐上豪华游艇,去浏览东方明 珠的璀璨,乐山大佛的庞大;去观看自由女神的英姿,埃菲尔铁塔的高耸;去探索比萨斜塔的奇妙,胡夫金字塔的神奇;还有那巴黎歌剧院的华丽……

If one day, I suddenly become one of the them who are tall, wealthy and handsome, I would carefully plan my future. I would use a part of money to do some safe investment like depositing, buying insur...


If one day, I suddenly become one of the them who are tall, wealthy and handsome, I would carefully plan my future. I would use a part of money to do some safe investment like depositing, buying insurance, public debts and so on. And then, I will donate some money to help the needy, because I believe in the famous saying: The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose. I will also travel around the world to experience different cultures and visit the tourist arractions which I have been expecting to visit. What's most important I think is to let the forture make your life better, but not destroy it.
