模仿例句,完成下面的句子:例句:She smiled ( ) [pleasant] She smiled pleasantly.句子:1.He read the phrase( )[slow]2.He worked ( )[lazy]3.He cut himself ( )[bad]4.He worked ( )[careful]5.The door opened ( )[sudden]

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/22 22:49:58
模仿例句,完成下面的句子:例句:She smiled ( ) [pleasant] She smiled pleasantly.句子:1.He read the phrase( )[slow]2.He worked ( )[lazy]3.He cut himself ( )[bad]4.He worked ( )[careful]5.The door opened ( )[sudden]

模仿例句,完成下面的句子:例句:She smiled ( ) [pleasant] She smiled pleasantly.句子:1.He read the phrase( )[slow]2.He worked ( )[lazy]3.He cut himself ( )[bad]4.He worked ( )[careful]5.The door opened ( )[sudden]
例句:She smiled ( ) [pleasant] She smiled pleasantly.
句子:1.He read the phrase( )[slow]
2.He worked ( )[lazy]
3.He cut himself ( )[bad]
4.He worked ( )[careful]
5.The door opened ( )[sudden]

模仿例句,完成下面的句子:例句:She smiled ( ) [pleasant] She smiled pleasantly.句子:1.He read the phrase( )[slow]2.He worked ( )[lazy]3.He cut himself ( )[bad]4.He worked ( )[careful]5.The door opened ( )[sudden]
lazy 需要变y为i,再加ly

好像he read the phrase slowly.
或者是 the door opened suddenly.

1, slowsly
2, lazily
3, badly
4, carefully
5, suddenly

例句:She goes to town every day = She went to town yesterday.模仿例句,完成下面句子She airs the room every day = She_____it this morning. 模仿例句,完成下面的句子:例句:She smiled ( ) [pleasant] She smiled pleasantly.句子:1.He read the phrase( )[slow]2.He worked ( )[lazy]3.He cut himself ( )[bad]4.He worked ( )[careful]5.The door opened ( )[sudden] 模仿例句,完成下面的句子:例句:She gose to town every year.she went to town yesterday.句子:1.She airs the room every day.She ( )it this morning.2.He often loses his pen.He ( ) his pen this morning.3.She empties this basket every da 模仿下面例句的格式,另写两个句子例句:遗忘是心的缝隙,漏掉了多少珍贵的昨天?(比喻+疑问) 模仿下面例句,写一个结构与之相似的句子.例句:有巅峰,也有低谷,可谓是一条延伸的曲线.仿句:生活,,,. 仿照例句,改写下面的句子. 根据你积累的材料,模仿下面的例句,写一个句子.要求:1.句式要与例句相同;2.内容要与给定的观点一致.例句:无论是经两代人写成《汉书》的班氏父子,还是付出一生辛劳完成《人间喜剧》的 英语六年级模仿例句改写下列句子 依照下面例句,用恰当的词语完成句子,要求前后语义关联例句:钱可以买到书本,但不可以买到智慧(写两句) 阅读以下例句:It is warm today,but it was warmer yesterday.模仿例句,完成下面的句子.1.It is cool today,but it was________yesterday.2.It is wet today,but it was________yesterday.3.He's late again today,but he was__________yesterday.4.Th 模仿例句造句, 模仿例句编写对话 模仿下面这个句子,写一个句子.例句:历史是一本书,时间是一支笔 仿写: 模仿下面句子,选取恰当的事物,再写两句,要突出所写对象的主要特征.例句:种子,如果害怕埋没,那它就永远不能发芽. 仿照例句,试着将下面的句子表达的更具体 模仿例句 造句模仿例句,以“童年”为内容,写三个句子.例句:理想是一块石,敲出星星之火;理想是一堆火,点燃熄灭的灯;理想是一盏灯,照亮夜行的路.童年是 ,;童年是 ,;童年是 ,. 模仿下面的例句来写一句话 例句:秋天迈着沉稳的脚步缓缓地向我们走来,又悄无声息地走开 模仿下面例句的句式和修辞手法,另选两个陈述对象,再写两组与例句意思相连的句子,以构成连贯的排比句.例句:蓝天有深邃的灵魂,才能吸引星月;山峰有高昂的头颅,才能俯视原野; 答: