
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 21:26:49


A day ,one tiger have starved ,searched for all around a thing eat.It so happen that it captures to one Charley ,the preparation feast once makes a pause of.But,Charley says but to it:"You are not to dare have meal in me.I am that Heaven's Emperor sends coming ,he seals off my ding-dang king of all animals.If having had meal in me you,that is the intention disobeying Heaven's Emperor".The tiger has listened to Charley's words be rather dubious about a thing ,has been so hungry that the acient cluck of cluck shouts ,does not know which way to look but.Charley sees a tiger being hesitating for ,says:Do "you believe my words is fake?Let me walk in at the head,you follow behind me ,appearance ,their block of wood taking a look at all kinds of animals after seeing me evade only monster "!The tiger feels reasonable ,Charley walks away right away then all the way.Really,the masses is bestial have seen ,fleeing in all directions with fear.The tiger does not know all wild beasts are to run away because of being afraid of self ,it returns back believe be for fear of Charley woollen cloth really!

The story of a tiger and a fox.

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