the iphone4 is () i can't buy it . A cheap enough B too cheap.要说为什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 07:22:20
the iphone4 is () i can't buy it . A cheap enough B too cheap.要说为什么

the iphone4 is () i can't buy it . A cheap enough B too cheap.要说为什么
the iphone4 is () i can't buy it . A cheap enough B too cheap.要说为什么

the iphone4 is () i can't buy it . A cheap enough B too cheap.要说为什么
cheap enough,表示有购买意愿,而且感觉自己买值了
too cheap,有惊讶的意思,在这里更和后面的不能买形成承接,表示便宜的太狠以至于有上当的危险

A 表示很便宜
too 有反义作用

the iphone4 is () i can't buy it . A cheap enough B too cheap.要说为什么 2.The price of the iphone4 is too_____.Fm afraid I can't afford it.A.high B.expensive C.cheap2.The price of the iphone4 is too_____.Fm afraid I can't afford it.A.high B.expensive D.low iphone4 where is my water下载 越狱 sorry the attached device is not supported运行越狱工具时出现这英文,对不起附加的设备不支持我的是iphone4..5.1.1 I is the devil She spends 5,000 yuan on the iphone4.(保持原句意思) She spends 5,000 yuan ______the iphone4. iphone4 手机出现we apologize for the inconvenience ,but springboard has just crashed...we apologize for the inconvenience ,but springboard has just crashed.mobilesubstrate/did not/cause this has protected you from it .your device is n My father bought me an iphone4.But I do not know﹙ ﹚ oh,it is easy.let me show you.1.My father bought me an iphone4.But I do not know﹙ ﹚oh,it is easy.Let me show to use to use it C.what to use to deal it2.We do not know w how i--the film is iphone4,ios 4.3.5越狱卡在please wait while you build is being processed Rebooting iphone4如何删除天气预报城市?没有右下角字母i 我是 IOS7系统 I is the ()() letter in the ABC I like the color is...还是I like color is... I like the color is...I like color is...还是 I love the people is the person I I see I know and I understand the seed is This is the way I wash my Kills God I is the god 是