
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 12:25:46


1. 我弟弟讨厌吃鱼肉和鸡.
My little brother ______ ______ fish and chicken.
2. 我们能从健康的食物中得到许多能量,所以健康的食物对我们的健康有益.
We can ______ ______ ______ from ______ food, so they ________ _________ for
our ______.
3. 当你运动时,很容易疲劳.
It is ______ for you ______ _____ ______ when you _______.
4. 教室里有人吗?我们需要5名学生来搬所有书.
______ ______ anyone in the classroom? We need 5 students ______ ______ all the bags.
5. 他计划这个周日去北京旅游,祝他旅途好.
He ______ ______ go on a trip in Beijing. ______ _______ ______ his trip.
6. 当我长大后,我想成为一名教师.
I want ______ ______ a teacher when I grow up.
7. 饼干里有太多的糖分.我不想再吃饼干了.
There ______ ______ ______ ______ in biscuits. I ______ want to eat them ______ ______.
8. 妈妈让我不要躺在沙发上看书.
Mother asks me not ______ _______ ______ ______ ______.
9. 每天睡多于8小时对每个学生都很重要.
It’s _____ for every student _______ ______ ______ _______ 8 hours every day.
Sometimes, I have _____ ______ or ______ ______ and ______ ______ ______ ______ for breakfast.
______ there ______ ______ _______ ______, ______ ______ ______ ______ and ______ ______ ______ ______ on the list?
12.Daniel 不想变胖,但他不知道怎样改变饮食.
Daniel _______ want to ______ ______, but he doesn’t know _______ ______ ______ _______ ______.
It’s ______ ______ to go to school ______ ______ ______.
______ your sister ______? – she ______ ______ _______ ______.
Millie is ______ ______ ______ in our class. She _______ ______ ______ 3 hours ______ English every day.
Answers unit4
My little brother __hates____ __eating____ fish and chicken.
We can get much energy from healthy food, so they are good for our health.
It is easy for you to get tired when you exercise.
Is there anyone in the classroom? We need 5 students to carry all the bags.
He plans to go on a trip in Beijing. Good luck with his trip.
I want to be a teacher when I grow up.
There is too much sugar in biscuits. I\don’t want to eat them any more.
Mother asks me not to lie on the couch .
9. 每天睡多于8小时对每个学生都很重要.
It’s important for every student to sleep for more than 8 hours every day.
Sometimes, I have an egg or some bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.
Are there two packets of salt, two kilos of beef and cartons of milk on the list?
12.Daniel 不想变胖,但他不知道怎样改变饮食.
Daniel doesn’t want to get fat, but he doesn’t know how to change his diet.
It’s not healthy to go to school without having breakfast.
Is your sister busy? – she is going roller skating.
Millie is a top student in our class. She spends more than3 hours reading English every day.
Unit5 Going shopping
Kitty在和她的父母谈论她们班同学为Sandy 和Simon买生日礼物的事情.请你根据汉语意思和中文提示,帮助她完成句子.
Simon’s birthday ¬__________________________;Meimei ___________10 Yuan ____________________________for him.
2.Kitty 在超市里为 Sandy买了一些好的东西.
Kitty ___________Sandy ________________ in the supermarket.
3.Tom 找不到他的钱包了,他正在找.
Tom can’t _________________________, he ______________it now.
Kate ___________Jim _________________________ all the shopping bags for her.
Lin tao ________________________football boots for Simon.
How ________does this notebook __________?
7.David 不想买和李雷一样的东西.
David ____________want _________¬¬_________things _______Li lei did.
Marry’s parents tells her not to _________________________.
________________are Sandy’s __________?
10. 那太贵了!有便宜点的吗?
That’s __________________! Do you have __________________ ones?
11. Sandy 想把她的一些生日礼物捐献给贫困地区儿童.
Sandy wants to _____________some of her presents _________________________________.
12. Star Shopping mall 是确实是个和朋友见面的好地方.
Star shopping mall is ___________________________to meet friends.
13. Alice 说我们可以在这家饭店吃来自不同国家的各种食物.
Alice says we can eat __________________________________________________in this restaurant.
14. 去年的鞋子打折.
There is _______________________________ last year’s shoes.
15. 这条裤子和Simon 的运动鞋很搭配.
This _______________________________________________ Simon’s sports boots.
Answers: unit5
1. Simon’s birthday is coming up; Meimei spends 10 Yuan buying some stickers for him.
2. Kitty buys Sandy something good in the supermarket.
3. Tom can’t find his wallet, he is looking for it now.
4. Kate needs Jim to carry all the shopping bags for her.
5. Lin tao doesn’t have enough money to buy football boots for Simon.
6. How much does this notebook cost?
7. David doesn’t want to buy the same things as Li lei did.
8. Marry’s parents tells her not to stay out too late.
9. What size are Sandy’s feet?
10. That’s too expensive! Do you have any cheaper ones?
11. Sandy wants to donate some of her presents to the children in poor areas.
12. Star shopping mall is a really good place to meet friends.
13. Alice says we can eat different kinds of food from different countries in this restaurant.
14. There is a discount on last year’s shoes.
15. This pair of trousers matches Simon’s sports boots.
Unit 6
1. 我们应该为贫困的孩子们筹款.
We should .
2. 我喜欢穿运动鞋,因为它们不会使我的脚感到热
I like because they don’t ..
3. 你的围巾是什么做的? 羊毛.
What is ? .
4. 你穿黑色的外套很好看.
You .
5. 你的发夹和你的毛衣很相配
Your hair clip ..
6. 你穿的是20世纪90年代的衣服吗?
Are you wearing ?
7. 看,Amy穿着一件蓝色的丝绸衬衫,一条黑色的羊毛裙和一双棕色的皮靴.
Look, Amy is wearing .
8. Simon多聪明啊!
9. 你认为我们的表演怎么样?
_______________________ our show?
10. 吴老师经常叫我们放学后早点回家.
Mr Wu often asks us .
11. 你们在谈论什么? 我们在谈论关于开新年聚会.
What are you ?
We .
12. 我不知道怎样做一个模型飞机.
I don’t know .
13. 我想多花30分钟写作业,因为今天有太多的作业了.
I want my homework, because _____________________ today.
14. Sandy,我能借你的自行车吗? 对不起,不行.我的自行车坏了.
Sandy, ? _______________. My bike is broken.
15. 妈妈,我能开窗吗? 不行.外面正在下雨.
Mum, ? No, ______________. It is raining outside.
Answers Unit 6
We should raise money for the poor children.
I like wearing trainers because they don’t make my feet feel hot..
3.你的围巾是什么做的? 羊毛.
What is your scarf made of? It is made of wool.
You look good in black coat.
Your hair clip matches your sweater well..
Are you wearing clothes from the 1990s?
Look, Amy is wearing a blue silk blouse, a black wook skirt and a pair of brown leather boots.
How clever Simon is!
What do you think of our show?
Mr Wu often asks us to go home early after school.
11.你们在谈论什么? 我们在谈论关于开新年聚会.
What are you talking about?
We are talking about having a New Year Party.
I don’t know how to make a model plane.
I want to spend 30 more minutes doing my homework, because there is too much homework today.
14/Sandy,我能借你的自行车吗? 对不起,不行.我的自行车坏了.
Sandy, can I borrow your bike? Sorry, you can’t. y bike is broken.
15/妈妈,我能开窗吗? 不行.外面正在下雨.
Mum, may I open the window? No, you may not. It is raining outside. .
1. 我能试穿一下这双鞋子吗?哦.它们正合脚!
Can I _______________ this pair of shoes? Well, they _____________________.
________________, the teacher gave us ____________________ to finish the exercise.
3. 这顿饭为我整个下午和稍后的排球运动提供能量.
This meal______________ for the afternoon and for ______________________.
4. 我们的英语老师今天穿着白色的丝绸衬衫,打着—条色彩鲜艳的领带.
Our English teacher is wearing a ______________ and a ________________ today.
There are __________________ vitamins in vegetables and you can eat more __________________.
6. 请等着轮到你给这件外套付款.Please ______________________ to _____________ the coat.
7. 举行一场篮球比赛是很令人兴奋的.___________________ to have a basketball match.
8. 我相信这个随身听可以打折.
I am _______ there ________ a _________ ________ the Walkman.