
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 04:33:43


think aloud 想到就说出,自言自语
think about 考虑
think better of 改变主意,对 .think nothing
think back 回想,回忆,重新思虑
think a little of 轻视
think of 想到,考虑,想...

think of ;think about;用的多的就这两个吧

think about doing sth 考虑做某事think of sth想起某事 I think +从句

think of think about

think of
think about

consider sb/sth 考虑到某人[某事物]: Don't you ever think about other people? 你从来就不考虑考虑别人吗? * All he ever thinks about is money. 他想的只是钱. think about sth/doing sthconsider or examine sth to see if it is desirab...


consider sb/sth 考虑到某人[某事物]: Don't you ever think about other people? 你从来就不考虑考虑别人吗? * All he ever thinks about is money. 他想的只是钱. think about sth/doing sthconsider or examine sth to see if it is desirable, practicable,etc 考虑或盘算某事(看是否可取﹑ 可行等): I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow. 我要把这事仔细想想, 明天再给你回话. * She's thinking about changing her job. 她正考虑要换个工作.
think ahead (to sth) cast one's mind forward; anticipate(an event, a situation, etc) 预想, 预见(某事﹑ 某情况等).
think back (to sth) recall and reconsider sth in the past 想起并重新考虑(过去的)某事; 反思.
think for oneself form one's opinions, make decisions, etc independently 独立思考(形成看法﹑ 做出决定等).
think of sth/doing sth (a) take sth into account; consider sth 考虑到某事物: There are so many things to think of before we decide. 我们要考虑到许多方面然後才能做决定. * You can't expect me to think of everything! 你不能指望我把什麽事都想到了! (b) contemplate the possibility of sth (without reaching a decision or taking action) 考虑某事的可能性(未做出决定亦未采取行动): They're thinking of moving to America. 他们有意移居美国. * I did think of resigning, but I decided not to.我原来确实打算辞职, 但後来打消了这个念头. (c) imagine sth 想像某事物: Just think of the expense! 想想这笔开销吧! * To think of his not knowing (ie How surprising that he didn't know) about it! 想想看, 他对此事竟一无所知! (d) have the idea of sth 对某事物有见解 (often used with could, would, should, and not or never 常与could﹑ would﹑ should及not﹑ never连用): I couldn't think of letting you take the blame. 我没想到过能让你承担责任. * She would never think of marrying someone so old. 她从未想过嫁给年纪这麽大的人. (e) call sth to mind; remember sth 想起或记得某事物: I can't think of his name at the moment. 我一时想不起他的名字了. (f) put sth forward; suggest sth 提出或建议某事: Can anybody think of a way to raise money? 有人能想出筹款的办法吗? * Who first thought of the idea? 是谁先出的这个主意?
think sth out consider sth carefully; produce (an idea, etc) by thinking 仔细思考某事; 想出(主意等): Think out your answer before you start writing. 要想好答案再动笔. * a well-thought out plan 考虑周详的计画.
think sth over reflect upon sth (esp before reaching a decision) 慎重思考某事(尤指做出决定之前): Please think over what I've said. 请仔细考虑我说的话. * I'd like more time to think things over. 我要多用些时间把事情好好想想.
think sth through consider (a problem, etc) fully 全面地考虑(问题等).
think sth up (infml 口) produce sth by thought; invent or devise sth 想出﹑ 发明出或设计出某事物: There's no telling what he'll think up next. 谁也不知道他下次会想出什麽花样. * Can't you think up a better excuse than that? 难道你想不出比这个藉口更像样的了吗?
# `think-tank n [CGp] organization or group of expertsproviding advice and ideas on national or commercial problems (国家的或商业的)智囊团, 专家小组
