
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 04:33:53


Major Characters 所有主要人物的介绍和评论
Jane Eyre:Main character of entire novel.Young orphan who grows up,goes to school,works,marries,creates a life for herself.
Mrs.Reed:Jane's harsh and cruel aunt who takes Jane in against her will,because of a promise made to her husband,Jane's late uncle.
Eliza Reed:Mrs.Reed's second daughter who is rather more serious and quiet; she eventually becomes a noviate and then a Catholic nun.
John Reed:Mrs.Reed's arrogant and spoiled son who likes to beat Jane for punishment and amusement.
Georgiana Reed:Mrs.Reed's attractive and self-absorbed first daughter,who eventually marries well in London.
Jane's mother:Jane Reed,who married against her family's wish,was disowned,and who died when Jane was a baby.
Jane's father:John Eyre,a clergyman,who died with his wife.
Bessie:The nurse at Gateshead
Abbot:The maid at Gateshead.
Mr.Reed:Mrs.Reed's late husband,and Jane's late uncle on her mother's side.
Dr.Lloyd:The doctor who comes to see Jane after she has been ill in the Red-Room.He suggests to Mrs.Reed that Jane go to school.
Brocklehurst:The cruel,intolerant,overzealous and money-pinching master of Lowood Institution,a pastor,who humiliates Jane in public,when she comes to Lowood.
Miss Miller:One of the teachers at Lowood.
Miss Maria Temple:The superintendent of Lowood Institution,whom Jane wishes to emulate,and who cares for both Helen and Jane.
Miss Scatcherd:The history teacher at Lowood,who often punishes Helen Burns with a whipping.
Helen Burns:The overly mature,fatalistic,religious best friend of Jane while she is at Lowood; Helen dies early from tuberculosis at Lowood.
Reverend Nasmyth:The man whom Miss Temple eventually marries.
Mrs.Fairfax:The widow who initially inquires after a governess for Ad�le Varens,at Thornfield Hall.
Miss Ad�le Varens:The bastard child of C�line Varens,a mistress of Rochester's while he was in Paris; Rochester takes Ad�le back with him to England,as his ward.
Mr.Edward Fairfax Rochester:The master of Thornfield Hall,traditional Gothic male hero,and eventual husband of Jane Eyre.
Sophie:The nurse or "bonne" of Ad�le Varens,who is French.
Mme Pierrot:Jane's French teacher at Lowood Institution.
Leah:The maid at Thornfield Hall,who assists Grace Poole often.
Grace Poole:The woman whom Rochester hires to watch over and care for his mad first wife,Bertha.
Pilot:Rochester's dog.
Rowland:Rochester's dead elder brother.
C�line Varens:Ad�le's mother,and Rochester old French mistress,who ran off and left her daughter.
Charge of the Vicomte:The French officer with whom C�line was cheating unknown to Rochester.
Miss Blanche Ingram:The beautiful,cold,snotty,arrogant and condescending upper-class woman whom Rochester leads to believe he wishes to marry.
Mesrour:Rochester's horse.
Mr.Mason:Bertha Mason,Rochester's first bride's,brother.He is from Jamaica,West Indies.
Sibyl:The gypsy fortune-teller character played by Rochester.
Doctor Carter:The surgeon who cares for Mr.Mason when Bertha attacks him.
Bessie's sister:She dies.
Robert Laven:Bessie's husband and the coachman of Gateshead Hall.
Uncle John Eyre:The uncle of both Jane,St.John,Diana and Mary,who dies,lived in Madeira,and leaves Jane a fortune of twenty-thousand pounds.
Mr.Briggs:The solicitor from London who handles Jane's fortune,and breaks up Rochester's attempt at a bigamous marriage.
Bertha Mason:Rochester's first wife from Jamaica,who is mad and he keeps in his attic of Thornfield Hall.It was an arranged marriage.
St.John Rivers:Jane's cold,exacting,distant and intellectual cousin who was the pastor of Morton Parish.He asks Jane to marry him and go to India to do missionary work; she refuses and he goes alone.
Diana Rivers:The beautiful,refined and caring first sister of St.John,and Jane's cousin.
Mary Rivers:The quieter,more cautious but equally intelligent second sister of St.John,and also Jane's cousin.
Hannah:The older woman/maid who lives with Mary and Diana at Moor House.
Jane Elliot:The pseudonym which Jane takes on when she arrives at Moor House.
Miss Rosamond Oliver:The beautiful and childlike heiress with whom St.John is in love.She eventually marries Mr.Granby.
Mr.Granby:Wealthy Morton resident who marries Rosamond.
Mary and John:Couple who takes care of Rochester at Ferndean Manor,when he is blind and crippled.