高手来帮我看一下这篇托福作文能得几分?Though a considerable number of people holding the idea that in order to acquire more knowledge from lessons ,students should spend more than 11 months in class each year ,in my opinion ,such lon

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 06:26:19
高手来帮我看一下这篇托福作文能得几分?Though a considerable number of people holding the idea that in order to acquire more knowledge from lessons ,students should spend more than 11 months in class each year ,in my opinion ,such lon

高手来帮我看一下这篇托福作文能得几分?Though a considerable number of people holding the idea that in order to acquire more knowledge from lessons ,students should spend more than 11 months in class each year ,in my opinion ,such lon
Though a considerable number of people holding the idea that in order to acquire more knowledge from lessons ,students should spend more than 11 months in class each year ,in my opinion ,such long time studying will do harm to students’ physical and mental health .Now ,I will give several reasons as follows.
Initially,one issue which makes me support this is that lengthen the students’ studying time does not mean a higher efficiency.Nowadays,students already have suffered from heavy work and the countless exams also bring them enormous pressure .If they must spent most time of a year in class ,physically ,it will make students feel exhausted;mentally ,it would develop dislike for study.This phenomenon will bring bad effect for the students’ further development.
Besides,vacation offer students an great opportunity to connect the classroom learning to the real world outside.If they spent 11 month studying in school ,students would have little time to do some part-time jobs or internships which could make them realize the society more comprehensive and objective.According to a recently research,the students who have completed par-time jobs or internships would find employment more easily and they are likely to be employed within their fields of study ,also they satisfied with their jobs .This research showed that the social activities are significant for students when they face a career .
Last but not least ,in the spare time ,students could possess much time to develop their own hobbies ,such as traveling to another country ,attending to some dance performances and art galleries ,these culture activities are both instructive and entertaining .they help students obtain further developments .without these wonderful life experiences and fresh knowledge beyond textbooks,we couldn’t say that our education system is effective whose goal is to develop a holistic view of education focusing on the intellectual,emotional,creative and ethical person .
So ,basing on these reasons above ,I consider that the most effective education should improve the efficiency by offering opportunities to students ,allowing them to contact with the society ,possessing private time to do what they really want to ,not just blindly lasting the studying time of school.

高手来帮我看一下这篇托福作文能得几分?Though a considerable number of people holding the idea that in order to acquire more knowledge from lessons ,students should spend more than 11 months in class each year ,in my opinion ,such lon

高手来帮我看一下这篇托福作文能得几分?Though a considerable number of people holding the idea that in order to acquire more knowledge from lessons ,students should spend more than 11 months in class each year ,in my opinion ,such lon 大家帮我评价一下这篇作文几分60分的作文可以得几分 请高手进来 帮我看下我的新托福作文能得几分我马上就要考了 能帮我看看怎么在短期内提高吗 谢谢 感激不尽 急议论文 题目是 有些情况下 谎言是否能被接受There is a severe debate on lying .I thin 【雅思作文高手进】帮我看看这篇作文,估下能得几分我是第一次考雅思,这是我摸索着写出来的作文,没什么经验,也肯定会有很多出错的地方,就不要客气指出来,顺便帮我估下能得几分,Today,env 请问大侠 我这托福作文能得几分啊?忘传了 不好意思~再来一遍~ 求高手帮我看一下这篇托福写作大概有几分Do you agree it's important for students to understand ideas and concepts than it is for them to learn fact.Some holding the belief that studentsshould attach more importance to ideas and conce 有没有高手评价一下我这篇作文,能得几分智慧+坚持=奇迹 ——读《鲁宾逊漂流记》有感 “书犹药也,善读之可以医愚”这个暑假一本叫《鲁宾逊漂流记》的书 请高手帮我写一下这篇作文!蟹蟹 帮我看一下这篇英语作文怎么样?能得多少分?Can Man Triumph over Nature Maybe you have ever heard that man can beat everything include nature.God creat us and we can dominate the nature.However,I don't agree with this opinion.I don't d 那位高手帮我看看这篇TOEFL作文能得几分啊~题目是Some movies are serious,designed to make the audience think.Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain.Which type of movie do you prefer?Use specific reasons and exam ggjj帮我评一下托福作文,能的多少分?让太傻伤透心了!放了好几天,看得人不少,就是没人帮着改改,逼不得已了!36.Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed people's li 请帮我看一下这篇雅思作文能评几分,Some people insist the belief in which the popular saying 'Spare the rod,spoil the child.' conveys.Others think beating misbehaving kids with any kind of instrument is inhumane and cruel,and doing so w 我今年英语四级作文跑题了,能得几分? 考过SAT和托福的高手来!有关阅读的问题!最近在狂学SAT,但是21号要考托福,就托福阅读没复习.我想问下SAT长短篇都看懂的水平,裸考托福阅读行不行,能拿几分.(我SAT单词都背过了,托福单词都 请高手帮我写一下这篇作文蟹蟹 托福听力阅读都错13个能得几分 能帮我看一下这句英文写得对吗?Could you please check with your boss?Thanks. 由于答案写的太乱了,希望高手帮我整理一下,能让我看清楚一点,