
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 01:59:50


中文翻译:竹子初生时,只是一寸高的小芽而已,但节、叶都已经具备了.从像蝉的腹部、蛇的鳞片一样,到剑一样挺出高达十寻的,各种形态都是天生就有的.如今画竹的人一骨节一骨节地来画它,一片叶一片叶地来堆砌它,哪里还会有完整的、活生生的竹子啊!所以画竹一定要心里先有完整的竹子形象,提笔来仔细的观察,就会看到他所想画的竹子,急起挥笔,依照心里竹子的形象,一气呵成,以再现心中所见到的(竹子).(这个过程)好象兔子跳跃飞奔、鹰隼俯冲下搏一样,稍一迟疑,机会就失去了.  与可就是这样告诉我的.我不能做到这样,但心里明白其中的道理.既然心里明白其中的道理,但又不能做到的原因,是由于想法和动作内外不一,心与手不能协调一致,没有学习的过错啊.所以凡是心里明白而操作不熟练的,平常自己以为明白,可事到临头就忽然忘记了,难道只有画竹是这样吗?
英文翻译:Bamboo is a primary,inches high small bud only just,but section,leaves are already have.Like cicada abdomen,from the snake as to the sword,as scales quite as high as 10 found out the various forms,are naturally have.Now the man a draw bamboo joints to draw a sharper than any two-edged sword,a leaf a leaf to stack it,where there will be complete,living bamboo!So painting bamboo must first heart has complete bamboo image,thought to watching carefully,you will see what he thought of painting bamboo,nasty up in accordance with the heart leaps,bamboo image,one take to recreate heart to see (bamboo).(this process) like the rabbit jump,eagles subduction ran under the same,just a cardiac winced,opportunity lost.And is this told me.I can't do this,but know the truth.Since the heart know the truth,but cannot do reason,is because the idea and action inside and outside is differ,heart and hand can't coordinate is consistent,without learning fault ah.So all know and operation not skilled,ordinary own thought why,but at the last moment he suddenly forget,is it only painting bamboo is that so?
