put the emphasis on的意思

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 04:44:10
put the emphasis on的意思

put the emphasis on的意思
put the emphasis on的意思

put the emphasis on的意思
put the emphasis on


同lay emphasis on,把重点放在……

put the emphasis on的意思 The Englishtenment Movement put much emphasis on _______ ,science and education.空格处填什么呢 put emphasis on是强调的意思吗?如果不是的话,强调应该怎么说啊? 中译英:我们的政府应该把重点放在西部大开发上.(put emphasis on) We Chinese people always put emphasis on the friendly relationships ____ peo答案是between,可是为什么啊 Words that put too much emphasis on gender are carefully avoided为什么用words而不加the? 【emphasis 法语】emphasis与emphasis on在用法与解释上的区别? put emphasis on中emphasis是名词为什么即不是单数形式也不是复数形式(名词不是要么复数要么单数的吗?它我的问题是emphasis在put emphasis为什么前面即没有加冠词,也没有用复数形式? America,s emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research的中 9.In recent years much more emphasis has been put ________ developing the students productive skilA.onto B.over C.in D.on emphasis on 和 stress on 的用法和区别 emphasis与emphasis on在解释与用法上的区别? words that put too much emphasis on gender are carefully avoided怎么翻译? place more emphasis on we will be more emphasis on the importance of protecting environment. 中be more emphasis on 用得对吗 英语翻译A large amount of theoretical and experimental research has beenconducted on extrusion processes involving gas-liquid mass transfer.The emphasis has been put on the extruder die end and beyond where gasbubble nucleation and growth occur.L put on the picture的 中文意思 put on the hat的汉语是什么