会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 >

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:37:08
会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 >

会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 >
会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 >

会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 >
The three people who had been confined up in the room that they didn't know who sent them there. Instead of saying who had sent in there, may be better say that it was the results of their own choices.

在地狱的密室之中.我注意到剧中反复提到,密室里没有镜子.加尔散一进入这间房子,就注意到“这儿没有镜子”;后来当伊内丝称他为 “刽子手”时,他又说,“要是能照一下镜子,我什么都舍得拿出来”;艾丝黛尔更是急切想找到一面镜子.
Inside the room in hell, I noticed that the play had repeatedly mentioned about the room had no mirrors. The moment 加尔散 entered the room that he had already noticed and said: "There are no mirrors in here!" Later, when 伊内丝 called him the "executioner", he said: "Only I could have a look at myself in the mirror, then I don't mind give all my things away." And 艾丝黛尔was even more desperate looking for a mrrior.

Why mirrors were so important inside here? 艾丝黛尔said: "When I can't see myself in the mirror, there is no good to touch my face. I would doubt whether I am really still exist?" When there are no mirrors, people can only use other people as mirrors, to find out one's own existence proof from other people. Through other people's sights to recognize one's own self. In addition, this room wasn't belong to the living world. Although The three newly dead people could partly see what happens in the living world, they couldn't take any action to change anything.

These three people, the three main characters were all guilty persons (criminals).

All three of them were sent to hell, they were carrying out the one only common goal, which was to avoid the torture and pain of hell. In other word, they just wanted to achieve some kind of liberation meanings and to obtain their freedom and I think what happens in the entire play was that under the confining environment, the three people'e efforts in seeking for liberation were in vain and they had eventually failed.


会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 > 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 > 请帮我把以下句子中翻英~禁止翻译软体 > 会英文的帮帮忙 请帮我把我写的proposal中翻英~禁止翻译软体 > 英语翻译希望是真的会英语的人 帮我翻 通顺 而且文法对的句子请会英文的帮我把中文句子翻英文 绝对不要翻译软体 (因为是乱翻的句子 文法不通)尽量翻的简单点喔以下当我赚到我人生中 英语好的人帮个忙,请帮我把以下两个句子翻译成英文.(1):掌控灵魂.(2):灵魂,已经超越了死亡. 请问英语的帮我翻译几个句子 非常简单的基本句!以下简单句子 请帮我翻简单清楚的英文 严禁 禁止翻译软体 我看的出来喔 请会英语的帮我翻英文 拜托了- 当我盯著她看时 她对著我笑- 当没 请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 紧急> 请帮我翻译以下的英文邮件内容,谢谢! 请帮我把这句话译成英文句子是:你是我的偶像 请会英文的帮我修改以下我写的这封信 帮我改文法句子什麼的我要写封信给家长 要介绍关於 陌生人的 (我选修的课是育保科 要写封给家长的信)请帮我看看我写的行不行 帮我排版 改错误文 英语翻译千万不要给我翻译软体翻的句子 请会英文的人帮我中文翻英文以下 请帮我翻英文 (句子尽量简单些)在电影里警察为了履行自己的职责进入世贸大楼疏散人群,退役海军陆战队成员提 请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 正在做一个 幼保的 assignment - profile以下是我写的 introduction请帮我修改 我写的introduction 语法如有不顺畅或奇怪的地方的话 请帮帮我适当地帮我删减或增加 请帮我检查英文句子文法 帮我修正为对的句子 (文法要对 句子要通顺)有附上翻译 好让你们了解我 写些什麼 帮我把文法改一改 改成对的 句子要通顺 以下Dear mrs Outram:You ask me what grade I deserve 英语翻译麻烦帮我把下面几句句子翻译成,英文,把2014年的日历的草案发给大家,最终版会在11月底或12月初,等国务院的通知出来后,另行调整后再发布.所以以下两点请注意:1、春节期间的假期 请会英文的帮我修改我的句子语法 谢谢喔 拜托了 紧急 part 2 给100分请帮我修改 我写的文章句子 可以适当地帮我删减或增加句子 让我写的这篇文更通顺拜托了 以下 这是我回答的问题 in the D 请帮我标上以下单词的音标:wolf candy push shout peach grapes kindergarten Watermelon幼儿园的小朋友问起我以上的英文怎么读,我都忘了,请各位网友帮帮忙,帮我标上音标. 英语翻译我看得出来是不是用翻译软体翻的喔 (请不要用翻译软体 来呼弄我)希望有英文高手 可以帮我把以下句子 翻成文法通顺 又简单的句子 我不要太艰深的句子要求只有这样而已 以下是