
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 02:48:06


英文作文:江户川柯南名言 1,the truth is always only one!2,My name is江户川柯南,is a detective.3,modus operandi,after all,human beings want to puzzle out just ......as long as human racked his brains,or can export a logical answer.For the reasons why people want to kill,no matter how others explained that I still can not understand,even if I can understand,or can not accept,because it can not be a crippling one,after all,creatures of reasons .4,using reasoning bring the perpetrators to end that drive and then watched the other detectives to commit suicide ......What is different with the murderer?5,to get rid of all the factors that can not be left to something ......no matter how much you do not want to believe ......but it is the truth!6,need to reason?I never knew the reasons for killing people,but people do not need to save is never justified.7,the murderer is you!8,photographs,presented is the most realistic photo.9,hateful,dare to kill in front of me (tie people)!10,in the fog on a car and standing,are the way to prove the theory can be Bale.Witch and a curse to this world only exists in the fantasy world!11,stop,stop doing it,Ray!Whether you are in life by how much more unfortunate,drug abuse and murder is definitely such a thing can not do criminal acts,which would only make you a loser,get a shameful red card.12,you is not a person's ah.13,if we can let you destroy,the public interest,I am very happy to meet their death.14,as a detective doing inference when there are many parts of the heart hidden and feared that some areas may be negligence which led to still another possibility ......so that when the middle of his reasoning when the bull's eye,this the unparalleled sense of accomplishment!15,murder is an extremely evil act,find out the truth is my responsibility.16,in my mind,each supporting both the existence of the meaning and value of each individual's performance will fluctuate each whole plot,not play a small role,like that you can exit the exit.Moreover,there is no eternal supporting role,in your life,you are always the protagonists,while others are merely supporting role,believe me.17,as long as a crime,no matter what kind of reasons,can not justifiably.18,do not escape the original gray,do not escape their destiny.19,I muster all of the alert,but,in order to break into the crime scene like you alone pay tribute to the artists,mentally prepared,intended to tell you a slug.译文:1、真相永远只有一个!2、我叫江户川柯南,是个侦探.3、犯罪手法终究是人类想出来的谜题而已……只要人类绞尽脑汁,还是可以导出一个逻辑性的答案.对于人为什么要杀人的理由,不管别人怎么解释我还是无法理解,就算我能够理解,还是无法接受,因为那毕竟不能成为残害一条生灵的理由.4、用推理把凶手逼到尽头,再眼睁睁看着对方自杀的侦探……跟凶手又有什么两样?5、去除掉所有不可能的因素,留下来的东西……无论你多么不愿意去相信……但它就是事实的真相!6、需要理由吗?我从来不知道人杀人的理由,可是人救人是从来不需要理由的.7、凶手就是你!8、照片所呈现的便是最真实的写真.9、可恶,竟敢在我面前杀人(绑人)!10、在雾上开车和站立,都是可以用理论证明的手法罢了.这世上魔女和诅咒都只存在于幻想世界里!11、停下,停止这样做吧,雷!不论你在人生中受到多大的、多不幸的事情,吸毒和杀人这样的事情是绝对不能够做的犯罪行为,那样只会使你成为一位失败者,得到一张可耻的红牌.12、你可不是一个人的啊.13、如果可以让你毁灭,为了公众的利益,我很乐意迎接死亡.14、作为侦探在做推理的时候,心里也有很多地方隐藏著不安,担心可能会疏忽某些地方,而导致还存在另一种可能性……所以说当自己的推理正中靶心的时候,这种成就感就无与伦比!15、杀人是个极其罪恶的行径,查出真相是我的责任.16、在我心里,每个配角都有存在的意义与价值,每一个人的每一次演出都会波动整篇剧情,不是跑龙套一样说退场就可以退场的.况且,没有永远的配角,在你的生命里,你就是永远的主角,其他的人都只是配角,相信我.17、只要是犯罪,无论有什么样的理由,都不可能名正言顺.18、不要逃避,灰原,不要逃避,自己的命运.19、我可是鼓起全部的警觉,为了对你这样只身闯进犯罪现场的艺术家表达敬意,做好心理准备,打算跟你一决高下的.