
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:33:13

关键词:销售团队 高绩效 营销目标 竞争

Managerialist (Management scientist) Peter Deruk once said:"A modern enterprise is not only that of the boss(es) and the subordinates,but a team."
This has proved true by practices of many world-class enterprises,such as HP,FedEx and Motorola.
With the high-performance principles,the FedEx designed a team which saved a cost expenditure of $2.1 million for the company,and reduced the package loss rate and billing error rate by 13 percent.
With the economic development and increasingly fierce and complicated competition in China,enterprises have gradually realized that a powerful competitive advantage reflects not only in the excellence of employee's personal ability,but,more importantly,in the resultant force of teamwork,in the team spirit pervading the enterprise.An enterprise can maintain its advantage in the competition only by relying on its team force.
This has been shown more obviously in enterprise’s marketing performance:an efficient and united sales team can better accomplish the goal of enterprise’s marketing,expand its market share,and win huge interest for the enterprise.
Therefore,as it were,the pursuit of an efficient sales team has become the primary task of enterprise at present.
关键词:销售团队 高绩效 营销目标 竞争
Keywords:Sales team,high performance,marketing goal,competition

Managerialist Peter F.Drucker once said: "Modern enterprise is more than just the manager and its subordinate companies, it should be a team." Plenty of world first class enterprises, such as HP, Fed...


Managerialist Peter F.Drucker once said: "Modern enterprise is more than just the manager and its subordinate companies, it should be a team." Plenty of world first class enterprises, such as HP, Fedx, MOTO etc. ,have proved his point. Fedx took advantage of High Performance Principles and designed a team which has saved this company 2.1million dollar cost of spending, and has managed to drop the package lossen rate and bill erro rate by 13%.
In China, with the development of economy and the competition getting complex and fierce, enterprises have realized that strong competitive edge cannot only be earned by outstanding abilities of every single employee. The unite of a team can be more powerful, a spirit of teamwork that pervaded in enterprises. Only by relying on teamwork could enterprises maintain their edge in competitions. Evidences have been shown more obviously in marketing of an enterprise that an efficient and united marketing team could accomplish the enterprise's markrting target better and extend the volume growth to earn huge profit for this enterprise. Thus, it is safe to say that to pursue high efficency has become the No.1 mission of a marketing team in enterprises.

Key word: marketing team; high efficency; marketing target; competition


英语翻译内容提要管理学家彼得·德鲁克曾经说过︰“现代企业不仅仅是老板和下属的企业,而应该是一个团队.”众多世界一流的企业,例如惠普、联邦快递、摩托罗拉等都用亲身实践证明了 求彼得德鲁克的管理名言 彼得·德鲁克 问答题:介绍彼得.德鲁克关于管理概念的观点 中国古代 管理学家 英语翻译内容提要存货是企业的重要资产,它管理的好坏,直接关系到企业的资金占用水平,以及资产运作,是企业管理中不司忽视的一部分.存货管理在企业流动资产中占了非常重要的地位,随着 彼得·潘读后感 20世纪90年代以来管理学家的管理思想——可以是任何一位这个时代的管理思想家们的思想如题··· 彼得原理 和 101效应 在管理上面如何运用, 彼得·德鲁克最重要最经典的著作是什么 英语翻译内容提要:管理会计理论在我国实践中的运用状况并不理想,未形成一整套真正意义上的管理会计应用体系.管理会计在我国推行已近三十年,取得了一定的成效,但其实际应用状况却不 英语翻译:彼得比萨姆写的更好. 汤姆邀请彼得下午一起去公园 英语翻译 《彼得潘》关于小飞侠彼得·潘的评论. 现代管理学之父”——彼得.德鲁克认为:“管理是一种实践,其本质不在于‘知’而在于‘行’; 其验证不在于 社会学家,管理学家,经济学家,医生,哲学家,文学家,农学家等 被称为组织理论之父的管理学家是? 、被称为“科学管理”的管理学家是( );被称为“现代经营管理之父”的管理学家是 ( )管理学.