介词+which+to do 结构 的用法

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介词+which+to do 结构 的用法

介词+which+to do 结构 的用法
介词+which+to do 结构 的用法

介词+which+to do 结构 的用法
在人教版高三英语课本中有这样一句话," Tomorrow would be Christmas Day,and Della had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim,her husband,a present." 句中"...with which to buy ..."究竟是一种什么结构?在我们的备课活动中,有的教师说是定语从句的省略,有的教师又否定,但有说不出是什么结构.
对于这个问题,首先我们不妨先来看一段选自由英国伦敦Hazell Watson and Viney LTD Aylesbury,Bucks所出版,由C.E.Eckersley编写的教材"Essential English for Foreign Students" 第三册十七课第124到125页,"Rules of Grammar" again一文中有这样一段话:It's about Sir Winston Churchil when he was Prime Minister of England.He had written out an important speech that he was going to give,and he handed it to one of his secretaries to type.When he got it back he found that the secretary had gone through the speech and changed all the sentences that ended with a preposition.Sir Winston marked all these alterations in red ink and wrote underneath:This is the sort of English up with which I will not put."
在本文中另外一段对话:Professor Grey:Oh!Priestley,you're the very man I wanted to see...About that book of yours..you know,Spoken English or something...Well,one of the mistakes may be a misprint.But the other can't be.You've put a preposition at the end of a sentence.
所以,在我的英语教学中,我将这种现象取名为"藏句尾介词法".它不是一个定语从句的省略,所以,类似in which不能象定语从句一样换成where或when等关系副词.随着语言的发展,人们已经习惯于将介词来结束一个句子,比如:That's a fine person to learn English from.And both you and your publishers will be laughed at.等.
但课文中的这句话Della had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim,her husband,a present.我们当然可以表达为:Della had only $1.87 to buy Jim,her husband,a present with.但是介词with与其宾语 $1.87就显得离得太远,不太符合语句紧凑原则,所以作者采用了旧式英语中"藏句尾介词法",已 达到语句紧凑的目的.

介词+which+to do 结构 的用法 用介词+which/whom的结构造一个句子 英文中to有时用于不定式,有时又当介词用to doing 结构如want to do 和adapt to doing ,可是这么多用to 的短语,要怎么知道到底是作不定式还是作介词呢? Do you still remember the day ___you first came to shanghai?A.that B.in which C.on which D.which 为什么介词用on 结构“介词+which/whom+不定式”的问题Please give me some paper to write on.请给我几张写字用的纸.1.请问,上面句子中write是及物动词还是不及物动词?2.句中的介词可不可以前置,变成“介词+which/whom+不 where do you visit=what place do you visit吗 但是不是说where=介词+which那不是应该是where do you visit=what place do you visit to但是Visit sp.没有介词的呀 大家帮忙分析一下这个句子的语法和结构.为什么在这个句子中先行词是in which而不是which呢?I guess it's a world in which you might as well do exactly what you want.大家再讲讲什么时候前面用介词,什么时候 suppose sb./sth.(to be) +形容词 / 介词短语的结构与suppose sb./sth.to have done 的结构的意思是还有suppose + it +形容词 / 名词+ to do 的结构.急,半小时内回答加分! Which beach are you going to Which room do you live in.这2句里分别哪个是介词 不定式作定语时介词前置:介词+which/whom+不定式请问:1.当作定语的不定式中的介词前置时(即结构“介词+which/whom+to+及物动词”),不定式与被修饰词之间是动宾关系还是动状关系?2.当作定 to do 的 to 是介词还是其他的?谢谢 定语从句中‘介词+which’的用法关系副词 转变成 ‘介词+which’ 的形式..怎样判断用什么介词呢? 为什么who do you write to要用介词to? but做介词用法but做介词,什么时候用to do,什么时候用do be going to do结构的用法 定语从句中用which 可用介词+which 代替!但什么时候用in which 什么时候用at which 等介词+which 的词? 英语翻译(句子结构 请用定语从句:介词+which) 一定要用这种句子结构,时间有限, 定语从句和介词的问题the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation exercise in which he would say a word or two in French请问in which 的IN从哪来的