英语将来时 过去时的用法用例子噢

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英语将来时 过去时的用法用例子噢

英语将来时 过去时的用法用例子噢
英语将来时 过去时的用法

英语将来时 过去时的用法用例子噢
I(or You,He,John,It,They,Those men) had come. I(or You,He,John,It,They,Those men) had been there.过去完成时的用法:
760 1)表示过去某时以前已经结束的动作,过去时间可由时间状语表示出来:
I had read the novel by three o'clock.(I finished it before threeand read it no more at three.)
He had sent the letter last Monday.(= He sent the letter be-fore last Monday.)
He had finished the work five days before(or earlier)(=five days before a given past time).
We had completed the course in the autumn of 1968.
后发生的动作 先发生的动作
— When we learned we had studied Chinese.
— By the time he got he had studied history
married, ten years.
— Before he spoke, he had prepared to die.
— Although he failed, he had done his best.
—In order that he might he had considered the
succeed matter all night.
—Where there was a ru- there had been wealth
in, or power.
When we learned English,We studied Chinese.(= We learned two languages.)(同时发生)
When she saw a roach,she screamed.(几乎同时发生)
后来的动作 更早的动作
—The man that came had travelled in fifty
yesterday countries.
—The woman he married had married five times.
—This man,who was had failed a hundred
successful now, times.
How he became prime minister had been prophesied thirty years before.
后来发生的动作 先发生的动作(状语从句)
—He went to school as soon as(or after)
he had dressed himself.
—The audience applauded when he had finished
his speech.
—He was finally defeated though he had always won.
—I got ill because I had not eaten properly.
He already died before his sons had arrived.
I left school before I had finished my course.
后来的动作 更早的动作
— I asked a man who had learned sculpture in
—My wife liked very you had sent me.
much the dog
—He married a woman who had given birth to five
—He said that he had come from
—Ha told John that Mary had got married.
—He was afraid that someone had got the
—She was worried that he had not written to
her for a year.
—He asked me why I had not got married.
后发生动作 先发生动作
—He was a beggar for he had lost millions
now, in a night.
—He became a great and he had been poor
man, many years.
—They all lay down but some had been beggars
together, and others had been kings.
后发生动作 先发生动作
—He was thirsty. He had not seen any water for a week.
—The child cried. Someone had stolen his cake.
—Husband and wife They had quarrelled all
were unhappy. day.
—He went to school as soon as( or after)he
(had) dressed himself.
—The audience ap- when he(had) finished his
plauded speech.
—He spoke after he(had) studied his speech.
—He found his watch. He(had) lost it two days
—He called on me and he(had) let me know a
on Sunday, week earlier.
—He got ill because he had not eaten(or
did not eat) properly.
—I asked a man who(had)learned sculp-
ture in Italy.
—My wife liked very the dog you(had) sent me.
—He said he came from Canada.
I borrowed a book and read it at night.A week later,I re-turned it to the library and borrowed another.(顺着时间顺序叙述)
但:I read at night a book which I had borrowed. A week later,after I had returned it to the library,I borrowed another.
When he courted her,she turned him down. But two years later,they were husband and wife. She found it queer indeed.(顺着时间顺序叙述)
但: She found the matter queer indeed. She and he were now husband and wife. But only two years before,when he had courted her,she had turned him down.(后面一句追叙更早的事)
Finally they got married. They had fallen in love in Tok-yo.They had loved each other tenderly.Their parents had been opposed to their marriage,and they had tried twice to commit suicide.(为了避免累赘,可以把追叙部分第一句中的had fallen保留,后面句子中的过去完成时全可以用一般过去时代替.)
I learned that Columbus(不用had)discoverd America.
He said Hitler(不用had)killed millions of Jews.
I knew he had lost money when he(had) gambled.
He said Jim had been caught because he (had)sold drugs.
761 2)除了表示发生时间在另一动作之前外,还可表示对后来动作的影响:
I had eaten something before I took(后来动作)dinner.
(So I had no appetite at dinner.)
但:I ate something before I took dinner.(Maybe I had my usual appetite at dinner.)
He had learned English before he came(后来动作)to England.(He already knew English when he arrived in England.)
He felt worse after he had taken the medicine.(Feeling worse is the result of taking the medicine.)
He felt worse after he took the medicine.(Feeling worse may not be the result of taking the medicine.)
762 3)在一个否定的句子中表示另一动作前刚发生的动作,有时可译成“刚刚……就……”或“不等……就……”:
He had not(or scarcely,hardly,barely) touched his re-volver when(or before) he got shot.
No sooner had he opened his mouth than I knew what he wanted to say.
763 4)表示过去某时前已经发生并在继续发生的事时,通常有一个表示一段时间的状语,可译为“到……为止”,或“自从……就一直(已经)”(可参阅725节):
By December last year,he had worked for ten years.(Most probably he was still working in December.)
Up to that time all had gone well.
He had lived here since he got married.(He was still here.)
He had learned a lot since he became a student.(He was still learning.)
764 5)还可表示一个未实现的愿望,特别是动词表示“打算”这类意思时,可译“本来打算……”:
I had intended to do.(=I intended to have gone.)( I in-tended to go,but I did not go.)
He had hoped to help you.(=He hoped to have helped you= He had hoped to have helped you= His hope was to have helped you.)(But he did not help you.)
He had expected to meet you at the restaurant.
I had meant to invite him to dinner.
He had been inclined to be an artist.
I should like to have seen it.(现在的愿望)
I should have liked to have seen(or to see) it.(过去的愿望)
You had better have stayed here.(未被接受的劝告)
765 6)用来代替一般过去时,表示惊奇(参阅747节):
I saw her from afar.In a minute,however,she had disap-peared.
When he said this,his enemy had come up to him.
It was kept secret,but two days afterwards everyone had talked about it.
He had scarcely raised his hand when his antagonist had lain him on the ground.
766 7)在 said,reported后的间接引语中优替一般过去时及现在完成时:
He said“I have asked the Mayor.”= He said that he had asked the Mayor.
He exclaimed,“I saw it.”= He exclaimed that he had seen it.
但: I said,“He had been very sad since his wife died.”= I said that he had been very sad since his wife died(不要说 had died).
I was told he had lost confidence in everything since he be-came(而不是 had become) bankrupt.
I was told he talked as if he knew(or had known) every-thing.
767 8)用来对一个没听清楚的过去情况提问(参阅742节):
A:They sold six hundred pieces.
B:(Talks about something else,and then asks)
How many pieces had they sold?(= How many pieces did you say they had sold?)
A: I kept it in a small box.
B:(After some time) Where had you kept it?
768 9)用在状语从句中表示从过去时间看将来某时前已经发生的事(来代替过去将来完成时):
He said(in the morning)he would return(in the evening) when he had spoken to Mary(in the afternoon).(代替would have spoken)
We would study abroad if our father had earned some mon-ey by then.(代替 would have earned.)
I(or You,He,John,It,They,Those men)came.
I was(or You were,He was ,It was,They were,Those menwerr)here.
737 一般过去时的用法:
At five o'clock(or As soon as he received the telegram),hedrove to the station.
He turned out the light at midnght(or when everybody wentto bed.)
Did you go swimming yesterday?” “NO.I was very ill(时间已由问句表示出来).”
“ Why did you not attend the meeting?”“Because my wife gavebirth to a baby.”(谈话双方都清楚动作发生的时间)
738 2)表示过去反复发生的或习惯性的动作,可有表示频度的状语,也可以没有:
He took a walk every morning.
I swam in the evening.
Mary learned cooking twice a week .
John seldom wrote to me.
John lived in Calcutta.
Nobody taught Japanese in this city.
He used to(表示过去习惯) drink coffee at night.(used to相当于一个助动词)
He is not so happy as he was.
China is not what she was (or used to be).
He worked much harder formerly than he works now.
739 3)可用在said,reported等后面的间接引语中,代替一般现在时:
He said,“I am very tired.”= He said that he was very tired.He exclaimed,“What a pity it is !”=He exclaimed what a pityit was.
I said I am free next Sunday.
I knew he comes tomorrow(or in three days,next week).还有一些情况,间接引语中的一般现在时可以保持不变,如:
I said,“ I must go.”=I said I must go.
He said,“I ought to do it.”= He said he ought to do it.He said God be thanked.
He said God forbid that he should ill-treat anyone.
He said thank Heaven he was well again.
He thought he could defeat me.(= Now he knows he can't.)(从句中的设想证明是错误的)
I thought he was(or had been) a scholar.( Now I see he isnot.)
I thought you knew it.
We did not know he was a cheat.(= Now we know he is.)I didn't quite realize that he was a great,great pianist.(=Now I realize he is.)
The ancients said (or imagined) the sun moved round theearth.(= Now they prove wrong)
I knew he was a simpleton(= Now we see that he is)(从句中的设想证明是对的)
I knew Wang would not accept this dirty money.
I forgot to tell you that you would get into trouble.
740 4)可用在表示时间、条件的状语从句中,表示一个从过去看来将发生的情况;
He promised to give me five dollars when he got his pay.
He said he would reward me if I worked hard.
We knew Dad would punish us unless we behaved.
741 5)还可用来表示过去计划要做的事,特别是当它有一个表示未来时间的状语时(可参阅693节):
He started(=was to start) at seven the following day.(比较:He starts at seven tomorrow.)
He left the next week.(比较: He leaves next week.)They returned in ten days.
742 6)还可在对话中用来重复对方刚提这的事:
A:His name is Mauling. B: What was his name(= What didyou say his name was )?
A:Put it under the desk. B:(Talks about something else,andthen) Where was I to put it?
Was your father in? I was hoping he was free this evening.
Did you want it? I was thinking you might like it.
“I wondered if he could come.”“I was wondering,too.”

I will go shopping this sunday.我将在这个星期天去购物,这件事还没有发生,所以用将来时。will 后面+动词原形。
I lost my key tomorrow.我昨天丢了我的钥匙。这是过去发生的事,所以用过去式。在过去时中,动词要将原型变成过去式。

英语将来时 过去时的用法用例子噢 过去时和将来时的用法 英语时态语法的用法一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、一般将来时、过去将来时、现在完成时、过去完成时的用法,最好有例子. 怎样快速记住英语的用法,像现在进行时,将来事的用法,过去将来时, 初三英语``过去时过去将来时现在完成时被动语态``这些的标志用法等等等`9 求英语中8种时态的用法.(包括特殊用法)过去将来时过去完成时过去进行时一般过去时一般现在时一般将来时现在进行时现在完成时 请问英语的过去试.将来时,正在进行时的用法是什么?拜托了各位 谢谢越多越好 英语中,将来时的几种用法的特点是什么?比如过去将来时,什么时候用,还有后面的谓语动词事态..还有,将来进行时..等等等等. 英语中过去将来时的构成 英语中过去将来时的结构 法语语法:过去将来时法语的过去将来时.从构成到用法 以及例子.谁能帮我讲解一下.我问的真是法语.谢谢第一位用英语回答的朋友!囧了 下一位照搬书上内容.也囧了! 英语问题 关于过去将来时过去将来时强调的动作时发生过了还是没发生过? 一般过去时,过去进行时,过去完成时,过去将来时的定义不要用法,还是要用法吧,不然问题很空 过去完成时,过去将来时,现在完成时的用法和区别 过去将来时引导的宾语从句,能举个例子吗? 时态的用法像现在时,过去时,过去将来时,过去进行时等等啊尽可能说详细一点 英语before用法 before前主语后动词用过去时或将来时+时间段+beforebefore前主语后动词用过去时或将来时+时间段+before还have been +时间段+since 对么?还是其他的? 英语,请用过去时,正在进行时,将来时各造一个简单的句子