
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 20:19:21


Life insurance can be divided into two categories, one named risk premium, and the other
financing. The first lays emphasis on safety or security of the policyholder, while the latter lays emphasis on investment. This genre of insurance provide the policyholder with ordinary functions and can be further classified into life insurance with dividend, investment insurance, versatile life insurance.

Life can be divided into risk protection of life insurance and finance and investment-type life insurance. Risk protection of life insurance emphasis on the protection of the risk of death or survival...


Life can be divided into risk protection of life insurance and finance and investment-type life insurance. Risk protection of life insurance emphasis on the protection of the risk of death or survival. Finance and investment-based life insurance products focused on finance and investment, the insured person can also have access to traditional life insurance by the function. The type of insurance can be divided into dividends insurance, investment insurance and universal life insurance link.


Life can be divided into risk protection of life insurance and finance and investment-type life insurance. Risk protection of life insurance emphasis on the protection of the risk of death or survival...


Life can be divided into risk protection of life insurance and finance and investment-type life insurance. Risk protection of life insurance emphasis on the protection of the risk of death or survival. Finance and investment-based life insurance products focused on finance and investment, the insured person can also have access to traditional life insurance by the function. The type of insurance can be divided into dividends insurance, investment insurance and universal life insurance link.


life insurance can be divided into risk protection life insurance and investment finance life insurance. risk protection life insurance is mainly to protect from the risk of life or death. investment ...


life insurance can be divided into risk protection life insurance and investment finance life insurance. risk protection life insurance is mainly to protect from the risk of life or death. investment finance life insurance is mainly to invest and finance. The individual with insurance can be awarded the benefits from traditional insurance. This type of insurance can be divided into share insurance, investment link insurance and comprehensive insurance.


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The life insurance may divide the risk safeguard life insurance and the investment managing finances life insurance. The risk safeguard life insurance stresses in safeguards person's survival or the d...


The life insurance may divide the risk safeguard life insurance and the investment managing finances life insurance. The risk safeguard life insurance stresses in safeguards person's survival or the death risk. The investment managing finances life insurance product stresses on investment managing finances, the insured may also gain the function which the traditional life insurance has. This type insurance may divide into draws bonus the insurance, the investment to link safe and the multi-purpose life insurances.


Life can be divided into risk protection of life insurance ...


Life can be divided into risk protection of life insurance and finance and investment-type life insurance.
Risk protection of life insurance emphasis on the protection of the risk of death or survival.
Finance and investment-based life insurance products focused on finance and investment, the insured person can also have access to traditional life insurance by the function.
The type of insurance can be divided into dividends insurance, investment insurance and universal life insurance link.


译文;The life insurance may divide the risk safeguard life insurance and the investment managing finances life insurance. The risk safeguard life insurance stresses in safeguards person's survival or th...


译文;The life insurance may divide the risk safeguard life insurance and the investment managing finances life insurance. The risk safeguard life insurance stresses in safeguards person's survival or the death risk. The investment managing finances life insurance product stresses on investment managing finances, the insured may also gain the function which the traditional life insurance has. This type insurance may divide into draws bonus the insurance, the investment to link safe and the multi-purpose life insurances.


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