
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 22:24:10


My name is Bassanio.The story I am telling took place ten years ago.I fell in love with a clever and beautiful girl,whose name was is Portia.Asking her to marry me was more troublesome than i had expected.I had to turn to my friend Antonio,who was a merchant of Venice.He was happy to help,but he didn't have any money just then.He had to borrow money from Shylock,who envied and hated him.Shylock agreed to lend the money on the condition that Antonio must pay the money back at the end of three months.Otherwise he should allow him to cut off one pound of flesh from any part of his body.
When Portia and I were getting married,a letter reached me from Antonio saying that all his ships had been lost at sea and therefore he had no choice but to give Shylock one pound of his flesh.He wished to see me before he died.I went to him at once.In the court,it was my wife pretending to be a judge who was taking charge of the trial.Shylock refused to take the money I offered,insisting on getting Antonio's flesh.When the judge declared that the court allowed Shylock to cut off the pound of flesh according to the terms of the agreement ,the others all thought that Antonio was sure to die.Then the judge added,"However,if you let him drop one blood,you will be accused of trying to murder a citizen of Venice and everything you own shall be taken away from you."It was too late for Shylock to regret now.In the end,the judge ordered that Shylock give half of his money and goods to the city of Venice.

英语翻译这个故事讲述了普通人的生活 英语翻译梦中的婚礼讲述了一个凄美的爱情故事,我需要地道的英文翻译这个故事,哪位仁兄帮个忙?是讲述的那个故事的英文,那个中文的我已经有了,就是要那个故事的英文版 英语翻译我说的是这个故事的主要内容~ 英语翻译我叫巴萨尼奥.我讲述的这个故事发生在十年前.我爱上了一位聪明漂亮的姑娘,她叫鲍西亚.向她求婚比我预想的还要麻烦.我只好求助于我的朋友安东尼奥,一位威尼斯商人.他很乐意帮 英语翻译:我讲述了我迟到的原因. 英语翻译首先请原谅我之前的鲁莽.我曾把这个故事用笔写下,想或许某一天能够把它说出来.上一次,我以为我准备好了,但是没有.希望这一次我不再为是否讲述这个故事而困扰.那是一个绿色的 这个故事是我编的 英语翻译 不要机翻 英语翻译希望语句通顺 可以帮我修改一下 至少不要有语法错误好的话悬赏会加这个故事讲述了小男孩尼尔斯 豪尔耶松和一只雄鹅的故事 豪尔耶松惹了小狐仙生气而变小 而阴阳差错的踏上 英语翻译选自>1.出自这个故事的成语是什么,它的寓意?2.给吴王讲述这个故事的用意是什么? 猜猜我有多爱你作者讲述这个故事为什么会让很多父母感动 Ne-Yo one in a million 待续是什么那就是说这个mv没有后续的发展了?我以为会有别的歌曲继续讲述这个故事 英语翻译用现代汉语把这个故事讲述一遍 英语翻译 每次我看到这个故事,我就禁不住泪流满面 英语翻译我要中文的读发,中文读发............. 《我与地坛》讲述的是什么 我以前从没听过这个故事英语翻译是什么 苏代为赵惠文讲述鹬蚌相争这个故事的目的是什么? 谁能给我一个团结的寓言故事这个故事要很短,要大意,我要讲述给班上所有同学听的,要很短很短,然后还有写寓意,总要有个边吧