关于英语的逗号Hello ,everybody!I like apples,but I dont like banbanas.For girls,we have skirts.Last night,I read a book.逗号用的都对不对,有没有可以加也可不加的

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 01:54:44
关于英语的逗号Hello ,everybody!I like apples,but I dont like banbanas.For girls,we have skirts.Last night,I read a book.逗号用的都对不对,有没有可以加也可不加的

关于英语的逗号Hello ,everybody!I like apples,but I dont like banbanas.For girls,we have skirts.Last night,I read a book.逗号用的都对不对,有没有可以加也可不加的
Hello ,everybody!
I like apples,but I dont like banbanas.
For girls,we have skirts.
Last night,I read a book.

关于英语的逗号Hello ,everybody!I like apples,but I dont like banbanas.For girls,we have skirts.Last night,I read a book.逗号用的都对不对,有没有可以加也可不加的
Hello everybody!
I like applesbut I dont like banbanas.
For girls, we have skirts.
Last night I read a book.
A good house,a good car,a good wife are what he wants. [名词并列,主语](noun,compound-subject)
I can read light,serious,amusing,or profound works of English authors. [形容词并列,修饰宾语](adjective,objective)
Do you see that tall,big,husky fellow? [形容词并列,修饰宾语](adjective,objective)
Butterflies flew before,behind and above the huts. [介词,构成状语](preposition,adverbial)
He is honest,but silly.[形容词并列,表语](adjective,predicative)
I like this,rather than that.[名词+并列同置](noun,apposition,object)
但:He is an English grammar teacher.It is a diamond wedding party.It is a Chinese New Year celebration.
Music,painting,and poetry are all interesting to him.(美国英语中and前多加逗号)
Music,painting and poetry are….(正确,英国多这样写.)
Music,painting,and poetry,are….(不好)
Music and painting and poetry are…
Neither music nor painting nor poetry is…
d.逗号须用在etc.,and so on,and the like的前面和后面:
Music,painting,poetry,etc.(or and so on,and the like),are….
What I need is money,money,money.
Long,Long ago and far,far,far away there was a king.
You can meet him at church,at school,or on the street.
I went to talk with him,to return the book,but not to see his sister.
Reading English.speaking it,and writing it are different processes.
He has learned Japanese for years,but he does not know it.
He must come back as soon as possible,or I cannot wait.
He was tired,so he took a rest.
He is very ill,so he does not go to school.
He seems to be very ill,for he looks so pale.
He is silly but his sister is clever.
John studies art and I study science.
You can go by night or by day,by sea or by land.
He is honest but clever,thin but hard-working.
He depends on,and is trusted by,his uncle.
He did it in accordance with,and in defence of,the law.
She is fond of,but seems poor in,her homework.
He loves,or pretends to love,his wife.
He was murdered inside or near the jungle.
a.用在yes,no,sure,personally,probably,certainly, usually;in general,in the first place,in my opinion,in any case,as a matter of fact;strictly speaking
这类修饰语的后面 :
Unfortunately,Mary caught cold yesterday.
Inevitably,he will be sent to prison.
On the whole,he is a nice fellow.
Generally speaking,New York is a nice place.
Tom,in the first place,must respect his parents.
Jimmy,I must say,shouldn't listen to the rumour.
b.用在furthermore,similarly,accordingly,anyway, otherwise;above all,in the same way,in other words,in contrast这类连接副词(短语)的后面:
He lost lots of money;as a result,he got sick.
He is sick;therefore,he must rest.
I do everything;in addition,I must not complain.
Liza is noisy;Tim,by comparison,is quiet.
I am too busy;Bill,on the other hand,fools about.
Seeing the police,the thief began to run away.
To earn more money,the boy worked harder.
The thief,seeing the police,began to run away.
Plants,with enough water and sunshine,will grow fast.
The boy,to earn more money,worked harder.
但是:The thief seeing the police began to run away.
The house on the opposite side is my uncle's.
The boy to earn more money worked harder.(There were other boys who did not have to earn more.)
He sat in a chair,reading papers.
He sat down to read papers.
John,come here.
Come here,John.
What,John,are you doing?
At eight(,) he goes to the office.
Thanks to his help(,)I got a good job.
He goes to the office at eight.
I got a good job through his help.
I asked a boy,who(=and he)kept silent.
He went to France,where(=and there)he planned to see her.
但:I asked the boy who kept silent.(There were other boys who did not keep silent.这里的定语从句是限制性的.)
He went to the city where he planned to live a year or two.
He said,“You are wrong.”
He replied,She was wrong.
—用在插在直接引语中间的he said这类词句的前面和后面:
“In the morning,”he said,“I don't feel well.”
He thought that she was wrong.
He knows what she said.
It may be asked whether anyone could stand the insult.
If you are careful,you will make fewer mistakes.
Since he is ill,he cannot work.
When it was raining,he came to me.
You will make fewer mistakes if you are careful.
I love her just because she looks pretty.
He works hard so that he may succeed.
John speaks Chinese better than Lee speaks English.
但是:You will make fewer and fewer mistakes in your composition,if you are careful enough.(如果主句较长,主句后可以加逗号.)
I will ,if I can.(如果状语从句需要强调,前面也可以加逗号.)
He will come,only when he needs your help.
That the city had been lost to the enemy,was true.
Studying every evening after the office hours for the past ten years,enabled him to know French and German.
John,my brother;William Shakespeare,the greatest poet of England;London,the capital of England.
the word“flame”,the year 1942,the historian Herodotus 〔但a great historian,Herodotus〕,my brother John,our greatest poet William Shakespeare,William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet,the question “to be or not to be”,the idea that man is mortal
Alexander the Great,John the Baptist,Richard the Lion- hearted,Henry the Fifth
不过,在人名后的尊称或学术头衔前可加逗号:Mr. John Lee,Senior;Mr.John Lee,Ph.D.
138 Liberty Street,Room 408,Fresno,California, USA
6742856135(=six billion…two million…six thousand…)
654321(4=4 thousand)(但在654321这个数字中,4=4)
President Do,Far East University
Outside,the streets are wet.
Such boys as you,are not to be found elsewhere.
He is eating,mummy.
Ever since,he has been very ill.
Whoever wished to escape,escaped into the jungle.
John has one;Mary, two.
但:John has one,Mary two.
Reading makes a full man;conference,a ready man.但:Reading makes a full man,conference a ready man.Egyptians give us agriculture;Romans,law.
My father takes care of John;my mother,Mary.
Painters express their feeling by forms and colours;musicians,by sounds;poets,by words.
That man,I have known for many years.
The war is over,I am glad to say.
It is vicious,that dog of yours.
John is a young man,honest,kind and intelligent.
645 Beal Street,
New York,NY 11109.
Mr.James Read,
68 St.James Road,
Dear Sirs,(或不加标点)(英式)
Gentlemen:(正式)Dear John,(非正式)(美式)用在结尾的客套语中:
Sincerely yours,(或Faithfully yours,[美国很少这样说])David White.
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Hello everybody!
I like apples but I dont like banbanas.
For girls, we have skirts.
Last night I read a book.
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