
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 04:35:20


B you look worried,what happened?
A I said something rudely to my mother last week.I am very regretful but I don't know what to do .
B I think you'd better apologize to your mother as soon as possible,because I have done something like this before.I knew that I was wrong but I felt shamed to do that.I thought that I would be guilty in the end so I said sorry to her at that moment.She forgave me immediately.
A You are right.Perhaps she has already forgive me,and I am worried about it myself.Well,I'll phone her and make an apology right now.
Hope I can help

B: you don't look so good, what happened? A: I last week rude to mother talking. I now regret, but do not know what to do? B: I advise you immediately apologize to your mother, because I also tried li...


B: you don't look so good, what happened? A: I last week rude to mother talking. I now regret, but do not know what to do? B: I advise you immediately apologize to your mother, because I also tried like this. Clearly know oneself is wrong, But embarrassed to apologize. I think in the end the bosom of regrets or myself, so then immediately apologize to the mother. Mother will immediately forgive me. A: you're right, maybe mom has been forgive me, but I myself in trouble, ok! Now that I will call my mother an apology.


B: you look upset, what happened?
A: I said something rude to my mom. Now I am so regretful, but I have no idea how I deal with this.
B: I think you have to apologize to your mom. I have been ...


B: you look upset, what happened?
A: I said something rude to my mom. Now I am so regretful, but I have no idea how I deal with this.
B: I think you have to apologize to your mom. I have been rude to my mom, but I apologized right away because I knew if I was too shy to do this, I would be guilty all the time.
A: you are right, she probably has forgave me, I am just too worried. Okay, I am calling her and apologizing.


英语翻译B:你的脸色看起来不怎么好,发生事了吗?A:我上个星期粗鲁地对妈妈说话了.我现在很后悔,但又不知道怎么办才好?B:我劝你马上向你妈妈道歉,因为我也试过这样子.明明知道自己错 英语翻译:我的脸色看起来苍白吗? 那啥,请把这几句译成英文.怎么?出了什么事情?没什么,可是你的脸色看起来很不好. 英语翻译本人英语不怎么好,“无论成败,在我心中,你都是无可取代的! 看起来好.用英语翻译 英语翻译:你的妈妈看起来十分和善 形容脸色好的词形容脸色好:脸色( 形容态度好:态度( 乐观 英语翻译翻译得不怎么好. 梦见父亲生病,是那种感觉不怎么好的病,脸色也不好.但是他不去看,我要他去看,梦中哭醒了,这是个什么梦 看起来你很喜欢唱歌.英语翻译 英语翻译机场:李先生,我是TPV的陈经理,一路辛苦了.客人::我来帮你拿这个包.:是先去公司,还是先去酒店.客人:去酒店.:请上车主位.车上::你脸色看起来很好,可以交换下名片吗?客人 英语翻译难怪你看起来精疲力尽的( )( )you look( )( ). (你现在看起来很苍白.)的英语翻译 看起来一样的英语翻译 看起来帅气的 英语翻译 ()的脸色 英语翻译我被男友抛弃了,男人都喜新厌旧,不是好东西.你看起来不一样,你是我喜欢的类型. 我买了一只六斤多的母鸡,发生了关系~·里面感觉好热 不怎么舒服