英语中英文翻译如题 谢谢了1that's a good idea this dish is really wonderful 2it's very juicy i must say we've had a splendid meal 3my husband and i have heard of your work of finging host families for internationl students at the universit

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 02:04:11
英语中英文翻译如题 谢谢了1that's a good idea this dish is really wonderful 2it's very juicy i must say we've had a splendid meal 3my husband and i have heard of your work of finging host families for internationl students at the universit

英语中英文翻译如题 谢谢了1that's a good idea this dish is really wonderful 2it's very juicy i must say we've had a splendid meal 3my husband and i have heard of your work of finging host families for internationl students at the universit
英语中英文翻译如题 谢谢了
1that's a good idea this dish is really wonderful 2it's very juicy i must say we've had a splendid meal 3my husband and i have heard of your work of finging host families for internationl students at the universities ,and wouid like to get to know you better. we hope it will be possible for you to be with us 4since you knew the taylors before they left boulder, we thought you might enjoy visiting with them again 5我得核对一下,但是我觉得应该可以的 check pretty sure 6天不早了,恐怕我得走了 get late 7再次感谢让我们度过了这么美好一个夜晚 thank for 8我们征求过他的同意使用这辆汽车ask for permission 9为了你姐姐,我会帮助你的 for the sake for 10划线地方翻译10请吃海鲜,曾热吃

英语中英文翻译如题 谢谢了1that's a good idea this dish is really wonderful 2it's very juicy i must say we've had a splendid meal 3my husband and i have heard of your work of finging host families for internationl students at the universit
1.那是个好主意 这道菜太棒了 2.它非常多汁、可口,我必须说,我们吃了丰盛的一餐 3.我和我的丈夫都听说了你在为学校的国际留学生们找寄宿家庭的工作,并且想更多的了解你.我们希望你能够和我们在一起.4.自从你在泰勒一家离开boulder(博尔德科罗拉多州大学或巨大的石块)以前认识他们,我们就猜到你会想和他们再一次去拜访.5.I have to have a check,but I'm pretty sure for it.6.It's getting late.I'm afraid I have to go.7.Thank you again for letting us have such a nice night.8.We have asked for permission to use this car.9.For the sake of your sister,I will help you.你应该写错了,是for the sake of 10.Please eat the seafood before it cools.

1that是个好主意这道菜确实是美好的 2it非常多汁,我必须说,我们有一个灿烂的餐 3my丈夫和我听说过您的工作finging寄宿家庭的internationl的学生在大学和wouid想了解您更多一点。我们希望这将是您可以与我们合作 4since你知道泰勒离开前,巨石,我们认为您可能享有与他们再次来访 5 I have to check, but I think we should be abl...


1that是个好主意这道菜确实是美好的 2it非常多汁,我必须说,我们有一个灿烂的餐 3my丈夫和我听说过您的工作finging寄宿家庭的internationl的学生在大学和wouid想了解您更多一点。我们希望这将是您可以与我们合作 4since你知道泰勒离开前,巨石,我们认为您可能享有与他们再次来访 5 I have to check, but I think we should be able the check pretty sure 6 days late, I am afraid I have to go get late 7 Let us once again to thank spend a night so wonderful thank for 8 We sought his consent to the use of the car ask for permission 9 to your sister, I will help you for the sake for 10 crossed the local translation of 10, please eat seafood, have been hot to eat
