
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 21:30:53


The American parents often express their love to their children with the words in daily life,while the Chinese parents are not used to speak so directly,such as the word" I love you',to their children.And also the Chinese children can not call the name of the parents,compared with in USA,this is acceptable.Chinese parents often take care the children until they graduate from the high school or the university,But in USA,most of the parents just encourage the children to be confident and independently handle with their own affairs.

the parents in China are not acustomed to say something intimate like "I love you"to their children,on the contrary the parents in America always express their love to children with their words. Chine...


the parents in China are not acustomed to say something intimate like "I love you"to their children,on the contrary the parents in America always express their love to children with their words. Chinese children cannot call their parents' name directly,however,which is accepted in America,the parents in China take care of their children all the time until they become adult, but in America most of parents encourage them to be more independents,


Chinese parents not accustomed to said to the child that I love you, words, American parents intimacy is often expressed in words love for the child. Chinese children of parents cannot keep shout name...


Chinese parents not accustomed to said to the child that I love you, words, American parents intimacy is often expressed in words love for the child. Chinese children of parents cannot keep shout name, and in the U.S. this is acceptable thing. Chinese parents used to take care of the kids, and American parents to encourage the children to work independently most


Chinese parents are not used to say familiar words such as I love you, United States of parents regularly words of love to their children. Chinese children on their parents can not call names, and in ...


Chinese parents are not used to say familiar words such as I love you, United States of parents regularly words of love to their children. Chinese children on their parents can not call names, and in the United States this is acceptable. Chinese parents used to take care of their children to, and the United States most parents encourage child independent work


Parents of China are not used to expressing their feelings such as saying"I love you!"to children,while parents in America are often used to do it with this means.Children in China are forbidden to ad...


Parents of China are not used to expressing their feelings such as saying"I love you!"to children,while parents in America are often used to do it with this means.Children in China are forbidden to address their parents with the whole names,while, in America ,this is what can be accepted.And chinese parents are inclined to foster their child to a much old age,but most American parents prefer to encourage children to deal with many things independently.


In China,parents don't often say some words to their children, like"I love you" .And children don't say their parents' name directly; And parents usually care for their ch...


In China,parents don't often say some words to their children, like"I love you" .And children don't say their parents' name directly; And parents usually care for their children even though they are old enough. But in America ,parents always show .their love to their children with some words.And they allow their children say their name,and encourage their children do somethings by theirselves.


英语翻译中国的父母不习惯对孩子说我爱你之类的亲昵话,美国的父母则经常用言语表达对孩子的爱.中国孩子对父母不能直呼名字,而在美国这是可以接受的事情.中国父母习惯照顾孩子到大, 写对父母说我爱你的作文 描写对父母说我爱你的作文, 对父母说我爱你的作文急 中国父母对孩子无私奉献的利弊 关于对父母说我爱你的作文250字 “父母是孩子的一面镜子.” “孩子是父母的影子.”谁说得对啊? 父母之爱是什么 造句 例如:父母之爱是天凉时对孩子的嘘寒问暖 英语翻译“我爱你 只对你说” 的英语怎么说 苏教版语文,习作2 写我对父母说‘我爱你’的.. 关于自立,父母怎么对孩子说 父母对孩子的爱 作文《我对父母说我爱你》谁有400字 六年级上册习作二,对父母说:“我爱你”真么写 外国人为什么经常会说我爱你?经常看欧美电影,发现外国人天天说我爱你,比如要去上班了,对自己的孩子老婆什么的,总会说iloveyou 然后亲亲.看电影,我父母从来没跟我说过我爱你之类的肉麻话 写一首属于自己的诗 对父母说我爱你 帮我写 表达对父母的爱的诗歌,不能抄袭的 英语翻译我爱你,中国,我爱你,中国,我爱你春天蓬勃的秧苗,我爱你秋日金黄的硕果.我爱你青松气质,我爱你红梅品格.我爱你家乡的甜蔗,好象乳汁滋润着我的心窝.我爱你,中国,我爱你,中国,我 中国的父母对孩子如此关心,一致他们愿为孩子包办一切 用英语怎么说急用