
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:31:06


Has the products delivered or not?It usually takes 6 days for transportation,and 8 working days for custom clearance.Due to the 7 days national-day holiday from Oct 1st~7th,if the products departured from your side today,we will have to pay extra warehouse renting charge to the custom,therefore,please deliver the products in Oct 2nd,so that we can start the clearance right after the holiday without paying anything extra.

Has our goods shipped out yet ? if you send the good out today, It will reach us in 6days by air ,Normally ,the procedures of Custom Clearance takes 8 working days.and ,from Ist October to 7th October...


Has our goods shipped out yet ? if you send the good out today, It will reach us in 6days by air ,Normally ,the procedures of Custom Clearance takes 8 working days.and ,from Ist October to 7th October is our National Holiday.so our goods will cause warehouse Charge.
.If you hasn't sent our goods out,please try to make the shippment on 2nd,October .so that we can make Custom Clearance at the end of our national holiday.


The goods already? If you send out the goods today, after 6 days to air transport to our local, we in the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs clearance is usually eight working day...


The goods already? If you send out the goods today, after 6 days to air transport to our local, we in the customs offices for handling the formalities of customs clearance is usually eight working days. Plus we October 1 to October 7, 7 days holiday, our goods in the customs warehouse will produce the warehouse rent. So if you did not send out the goods, try to arrange shipment on October 2, so we go to work after the end of the holiday can go through the customs clearance formalities


If the goods have been issued? If you send goods today, only 6 days after the cargotransport to our local, we in the customs clearance procedures usually is 8 working days. Plus we October 1st to Octo...


If the goods have been issued? If you send goods today, only 6 days after the cargotransport to our local, we in the customs clearance procedures usually is 8 working days. Plus we October 1st to October 7th holiday 7 days, our goods in customswarehouse will produce the warehouse rent. So if you're not shipped, try to arrange to ship the goods in October 2nd after the end of the holiday, so we can handle customs clearance formalities.


if the commodities have been send? in generally, the customs clearancey formalities can spend 8 workdays.if the goods were shipped today,

英语翻译货物是否已经发出?如果你们今天发出货,6天后才能空运转运到我们当地,我们在海关办理清关手续通常是8个工作日.加上我们10月1日到10月7日放假7天,我们的货物放在海关的仓库里会 货物是否已发出 英语翻译 英语翻译你们订购的货物上星期五已经发出,我们正在等待船公司给我们提货单.我们会跟你指定的联系人联系. 寻英语翻译:货物今天发出,下周一在海关报关,报关好后,我会告诉货物的跟踪号. 英语翻译我们今天发出了076订单和077订单的货物到贵公司,请贵司注意签收货物. 英语翻译这条短信是发给客户的.我和客户约好,今天可以将货物的样品打样给他看的.我想发个短信给他,内容如下,语气委婉一些!问他今天是否有空过来看样品,如果他没时间,请把公司地址告 英语翻译晕 你们说的到底哪个对呀 如果能把举证的出处也发出来就好了~比如说A对 然后 发出一段话或文章出来 英语翻译我们的货物在5月25号就全部做好,等待你们货代的装船通知,但是现在已经6月3号,我们致电货代,他们仍然还不知道何时前来装运.希望阁下尽快与联系,确保货物及时发出 英语翻译F:合同1234号的货物你们是否已经备妥待运了?C:是的.我们打算预定通过香港转运到纽约的船只.本月底可以装运F:你们是否能与船公司联系一下,争取用直达船装运呢?C:我们已经这 货物是否通关收到?英语翻译 如果你不提供保函,怎么证明货物已经全部返工.英语翻译. 英语翻译英文翻译:我是红业纸业的王明,很高兴认识你.1.附件订单我已经收到,2.我司仓库有贵司需要的数量,可根据你们要求安排发出.3.附件是PI,请查收另货物重量在45公斤左右,共2件请确认以 英语翻译:货物已经到达海关了 英语翻译这笔货物是在2011-1-29发出,按照60天的账期,在3-29已经到期,请确认什么时候能付出, 英语翻译这个是你已经付给我们的运费,账单先前已经发给你了。附件是用来清关的发票,原件已经随货物出去了 英语翻译我们接受你们打折的要求,,你们能接受这批货物已经是对我们莫大的帮助,我对此非常感谢 ,但是40%的折扣对我们来说损失太大了 ,我真的希望贵公司能够帮助我们,是否能减少一点折 翻译!汉译英,谢绝软件!我刚刚和Fedex联系,确认货物的清关动作已经完成,目前已经在印度国内转运,如果不修改发货地址,是否会影响到你们收到货?还是有其他影响?请帮忙确认,谢谢! 悬赏中译英.TKS!今天你们的电话仍没有人接听.我们现在急需用到12000码,如果签合同开L/C实在很费时间,不知贵司是否可以通融一下,12000码的货先帮我们发出来.