重庆大足石刻 英文介绍有关重庆大足石刻的 介绍,用于旅游!

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重庆大足石刻 英文介绍有关重庆大足石刻的 介绍,用于旅游!

重庆大足石刻 英文介绍有关重庆大足石刻的 介绍,用于旅游!
重庆大足石刻 英文介绍
有关重庆大足石刻的 介绍,用于旅游!

重庆大足石刻 英文介绍有关重庆大足石刻的 介绍,用于旅游!
Dazu Stone Carvings are located in the country of Dazu in Chongqing municipality ,about 120 km away from the city center of Chongqing.The carving work began in late Tang Dynasty and saw its hey day in the Song Dynasty.There are over 60,000 statues altogether and they are in 40 places of Dzau County.The statues on Mount Baoding and Mount Longgan (namey,Beishan Moutain )boast the most centralized collection ,the largest scale and the most exquisite craftsmanship of all the places,and in 19612 this area was listd by the State Council as one of the fist cultural heritage places unders state protection.And in 1999,it was listed as world cultural heritage by UNESCO.
14 km away from Dazu County ,stone caring on Mount Baoding were created from 1179 to 1249 ,or,In the reigns of Emperor Chunxi to Emperor Chunyou in the South Song Dynasty.The person in charge was Zhao Zhifeng,who was born in Xueliang township of Dazu County,several km away from mount Baoding.He became a monk when he was five,and moved to the western part of Sichuan Province to learn Buddhism when he was 16.Then he returned home and had the Buddhism “Daochang”built under his care.(Buddhism “Daochang” refers to the place where the Buddhist doctrine is publicized with images.
He dedicated his following 70 years to this course until he passed away at eh age of 90,when the forest of statues was completed at a preliminary level.The Buddha Bay we are seeing now is the major part of the stone carvings on mount Baoding.This Buddhism “Daochang”also includes 12 other places and extends 2.5 km.The total number of the statues is over 10,000 and some of them are titanic and imposing with various dimensions.Since the planning was unified and the craftsmanship was consummate,there are few similarities between the statues.Moreover,the statues are each in connection with each other and are each in accordance with the Buddhism doctrine.Almost the entire creed of this religion is included in one generation and thus a Buddhism Daochang with a comprehensive ,rigid creed and special features was formed.This is the only Buddhism Daochang that houses huge stone carving in China.

重庆大足石刻 英文介绍有关重庆大足石刻的 介绍,用于旅游! 大足石刻艺术博物馆用英文怎么说?分不多, 好大足网 是指 重庆的的大足还是 甘肃大足?好大足网 的这个大足 是指 重庆的的大足还是 甘肃大足? 明清皇陵,庐山国家公园 武当山 大足石刻 的英文名字 我想问一下,大足石刻的英文单词是什么?就像长城是 THE GREAT WALL 不知道大足石刻是什么? 大足石刻如禅阅读答案 那位高手可以帮忙介绍下大足石刻!用英语! 大足石刻之千手观音的手如何计算(代数)具体些. 大足鼠耳蝠真的会吃鱼吗? 请用英文介绍广州恒大足球队 与我国三大石窟,并列为世界文化遗产的另一处石窟艺术宝库是( )A.克孜尔千佛洞B.麦积山石窟C.大足石刻D.龙游石窟 重庆大足区哪里有烧碱卖?也叫氢氧化钠,火碱、苛性钠 寻杨氏家谱,我是光字辈,爸是通字辈,爷爷是正字辈,家居重庆大足 最早的石刻文字 世界八大石窟是哪八大?我就知道中国的云岗,龙门,敦煌,和大足石刻,加上麦积山是五个石窟,外加泰国和缅甸交界的那个吴哥窟.怎么样算也才六个啊.楼下回答的统统只是中国的八大石窟。但 重庆大足地震了~09年8月8日刚刚地震了,好黑人咯!听到地下轰轰轰的响,黑的往外面跑.虽然没得上次震的久,但是比上次的声音要响得多,整个大足都感觉到强烈的震动!不晓得其它地方有没有人 世界最早的碑碣石刻 南宋石刻公园的评价