典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译

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典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译

典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译
典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译

典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译
Lenny does not want to wear his jungle shorts for football,but he get a nice surprise when he sees hir friends.




1这是星期五下午。3班已经穿上他们的衣服和等待排队回家。莱尼是在背后,因为邮政在他的厚夹克(防水衣)卡(卡住)。他是如此的忙,他几乎错过了zip考克斯老师说什么。“这儿有一封信是给你所有。考克斯先生说。“不要失去它,别忘了给你的父母。里面有好消息。”莱尼想知道好消息是。他在操场上跑去见他的妈妈。“快!打开这封信,”他说。“考克斯说里面有好消息的“先跟我打招呼!“笑了他妈妈,但她打开信。她看完告诉他。“3班将有足球课。下一个星期。学校将借给你一些靴”“哇! '喊莱尼。“真正的足球!我打赌我得分15目标!”他的妈妈宠物这封信在她包里。“关于一个条纹状的(带条纹的衬衫和袜子吗?我可以有一个真正的足球带吗?”请求(央求)莱尼。“等等看。”妈妈说道。在家里莱尼不能离开他的滑雪衫和他的母亲不得不帮助他。“我很高兴你既不违反邮政。我不能把你另一个外套到下个月。”她说。“我不想要一件新外套,”莱尼说,“但我可以有一个真正的足球地带?请?”“问我喝完茶,”他的妈妈说。他们有煎饼喝茶用果酱和苹果。煎饼是莱尼的最喜欢的。但是今天他吃了就尽快。他放下刀叉当啷一声。(当啷)“你承诺(许诺)谈论足球的事情在茶。”他说。妈妈把考克斯的信她的包。“每个孩子需要旧t恤和一些袜子,”她读。没有真正的足球东西?'问莱尼。“对不起,没有。除了短裤。考克斯先生希望你们都有新的短裤。我们将明天去市场寻找一些。”莱尼不高兴知道他的妈妈税法。她已经决定,这是事实。他看起来很棒。“我敢打赌,他们总是有一个合适的(像样的)足球地带,”他想。“我敢打赌,他们没有穿旧t恤。”那天晚上,他躺在床上睡不着思考。他要确保他的妈妈买了足球短裤。他想要适当的白色足球短裤。然后他知道他可以得分很多的目标。2第二天早饭后他们开始购买新的短裤。市场是两个街道,莱尼住远离。在路上他们看到泰德和谢恩由3类。泰德和巴蒂尔住在莱尼。他们踢球对路边巴蒂尔撞球到他和莱尼踢回去。“想玩吗?“叫泰德。“我不能,不是现在。我把我妈妈买新的足球短裤。”“我们有我们的已经,”泰德喊回去。市场非常拥挤。大家都注视着水果和蔬菜摊位上堆积如山。有鞋子和衣服出售在有条纹的帆布(帆布)屋顶(屋顶)。一个男子在卖短裤“把你的丛林短裤!”他喊道。他穿着大草帽(宽檐草帽)和一个巨大的(巨大的)一双丛林短裤在他的裤子。他们有大的绿色的树木和猴子微笑在顶部。“或大或小,他们不贵,”那人说。“不,谢谢”莱尼说。“我要strart足球课下弱。我需要真正的足球短裤。”他把他的妈妈的手。他们挣扎着穿过人群试图找到真实的足球短裤。他们发现很多短裤,太大,一个小白色的一对,太小了,当他们确实发现一对锡莱尼的尺寸他们花费太多的钱。“我们只能得到junngle短裤”,妈妈说道。“颜色是可爱的。我相信你会喜欢他们比白人。”莱尼拉一脸‘哦妈妈'he说“但是——“没有但是’他的妈妈。他们去sloowly回人出售的丛林短裤。桩(堆)在他的摊位已经下降了很多。“我就知道你会回来。我撇开一对只为你'said男人。他拥有一双junngle短裤反对(比较)tuousers莱尼的。“一个完美的适合!”他笑着说。莱尼的妈妈打开钱包,付了沙斯。那人把它们放在一个袋,递给它。“你就在那里,儿子。玩得开心穿着他们!”莱尼没有微笑。“我希望他们真正的足球短裤。”他说。“Junngle短裤是未来最好的事情。他的妈妈说。在回家的路上他们看到负责和Pam来自三班踢一个球对抗围墙(围墙)。他们住在顶部的莱尼的街。我们不能等到星期一对足球的女孩说。我们有新的短裤!”“所以我说莱尼。但他没有打开他的包,向他们展示。3周一ofternoon 3班正在等待他们的第一个足球课。每个人都是嘈杂和兴奋,摆动(摇摆)他们的足球东西包。莱尼是在后面的丛林短裤在他的包里。他不想穿上。考克斯先生拿了一大盒靴进入更衣室。他们花了很长时间找到适合每个人的靴子。现在穿上你的足球东西快点,”他说。莱尼有改变在一个角落里在门后面。当他们回答全部准备考克斯先生喊道,“排队,每个人!”确保他是莱尼在回来。他不想让别人看到他的丛林短裤,他躲在泰德。他低头看看泰德穿着和得到一个惊喜。泰德穿着丛林短裤!莱尼推动(用肘碰)他的回来,说“你的短裤和我相同的!”“是的,”泰德说”,一样的pam的和负责和巴蒂尔的!”这是真的。所有的朋友都穿着junngle莱尼的街短裤。考克斯先生笑了。“五个平安幸福在相同的短裤。它是一个记录灵感!”他说。“和我们都住在里昂街'说莱尼。“在这种情况下(既然这样)你必须所有玩同样的团队可以是里昂街狮子。”当考克斯已经解决(挑选)三个更多的球队他们去比赛场地。五人制足球直到回家他们打时间。狮子队打败了所有的其他人和考克斯先生说他们是冠军。莱尼打进5球。在更衣室孩子解开(解开)他们的泥(沾满泥水)的靴子,穿上他们的衣服。“所有的工具包(球服)必须清洗和靴子清洁在下个星期一。“考克斯先生说“别让它为你的妈妈。做只要你回家,然后你不会忘记。莱尼是第一个准备和他跑去见他的妈妈在大门口。他告诉她关于他的五个进球,里昂街狮子“我们最好快点回家现在莱尼说。我必须打扫我的靴子和洗我的短裤!”当考克斯先生为他的茶后开车回家(晚些时候)他自己笑起来了。在里昂街有五双丛林短裤吹在洗涤线。中心在周五下午,3班将有一场足球课下周,考克斯希望他们买一件新衬衫和一条短裤。莱尼的母亲奈他丛林短裤在市场,螺母他不喜欢他们。在第一个足球课,莱尼发现了其他四个孩子在里昂街穿着同样的丛林短裤。他们成为一个团队,并成为冠军。最后,莱尼非常爱他的丛林短裤。
It was Friday afternoon.Class 3 had put on their coats and were waiting in a line to go home.lenny was at the back because the zip on his anorak(防水衣)had stuck(卡住).He was so busy with the zip that he nearly missed what Mr Cox the teacher said.
‘Here is a letter for you all.’said Mr Cox.‘Don’t lose it and don’t forget to give it to your parents.There is good news inside.’
Lenny wanted to know what the good news was.He rushed across the playground to meet his mum.
‘Quick!Open this letter,’he said. ‘Mr Cox says there is good news inside’
‘Say hello to me first!’laughed his mum,but she opened the letter.She read it and told him.‘Class 3 is going to have football lessons.Next week.The school will lend you some boots’
‘Wow!’shouted Lenny.‘Real football! I bet I score fifteen goals!’
His mum pet the letter in her bag.
‘What about a stripy(带条纹的) shirt and socks? Can I have a real football strip?’begged(央求) Lenny.
‘Wait and see.’said mum.
At home Lenny couldn’t get out of his anorak and his mum had to help him.
‘I’m glad you didin’t break the zip. I can’t get you another coat until next month.’she said.
‘I don’t want a new coat,’said Lenny,‘but can I have a real football strip?Please?’
‘Ask me after tea,’said his mum.
They had pancakes for tea with jam and apple.Pancakes were Lenny’s favourite.But today he ate as fast as he could.
He put down his knife and fork with a clatter.(当啷)
‘You promised(许诺) to talk about football things after tea.’he said.
Mum took Mr Cox’s letter from her bag.
‘Each child will need an old T-shirt and some socks,’she read.
‘No real football things?’ asked Lenny.
‘I’m sorry,no.Except for shorts.Mr Cox wants
you all to have new shorts.We’ll go to the market tommorrow to look for some.’
Lenny was not happy buthe knew his mum.She had made up her mind and that was that.He looked great.
‘I bet they always had a proper(像样的) football strip,’he thought.‘I bet they didn’t have to wear an old T-shirt.’
That night he lay awake thinking.He was going to make sure his mum bought football shorts. He wanted proper white football shorts.Then he knew he could score lots of goals.
After breakfast the next day they set out to buy the new shorts.The market was two streets away from where Lenny lived.On the way they saw Ted and Shane from Class 3.Ted and Shane lived near Lenny.They were kicking a ball about beside the road
Shane slammed the ball over to him and Lenny kicked it back.
‘Want to play?’called Ted.
‘I can’t,not now.I’m off with my mum to buy new football shorts.’
‘We’ve got ours already,’Ted shouted back.
The market was very crowded.Everyone was looking at the fruit and vegetables piled high on the stalls.There were shoes and clothes for sale under stripy canvas(帆布) roofs(屋顶).One man was selling shorts
‘Get your jungle shorts!’he shouted.
He was wearing a wide straw hat (宽檐草帽)and an enormous(巨大的)pair of jungle shorts over his trousers.They had big green trees on with monkeys smiling at the top .
‘Big or small,they don’t cost much,’said the man.
‘No thanks’ said Lenny. ‘I m going to strart football lessons next weak.I need real football shorts.’
He pulled at his mum’s hand.they struggled through the crowds trying to find real football shorts. They found lots of shorts that were too big and a little white pair that was too small When they did find a pair tin Lenny’s size they cost far too much money.
‘We’ll just have to get the junngle shorts,’said Mum.‘The colours are lovely. I’m sure you’ll like them better than white ones.’
Lenny pulled a face ‘Oh mum’he said ‘But——
‘No buts’ said his mum.
They went sloowly back to the man selling jungle shorts .The pile(堆) on his stall had gone down a lot.
‘I knew you’d come back. I put aside a pair just for you’said the man.
He held a pair of junngle shorts against(比较) Lenny’s tuousers.
‘A perfect fit!’he said with a smile.
Lenny’s mum opened her purse and paid for the sharts. The man put them in a bag and handed it over.
‘There you are,son .Have fun wearing them!’
Lenny did not smile .‘I wish they were real football shorts.’ he said.
‘Junngle shorts are the next best thing.’ said his mum.
On the way home they saw Tessa and Pam from Class 3 kicking a ball against a fence(围墙). They lived at the top of Lenny’s street.
‘We can’t wait till Monday for football said the girls. We’ve got new shorts!’
‘So have I’ said Lenny. But he didn't open his bag to show them.
On Monday ofternoon Class 3 were waiting for their first football lesson. Everbody was noisy and excited ,swinging(摇摆) their bags of football things .Lenny was at the back with the jungle shorts in his bag. He didn't want to put them on.
Mr Cox carried a big box of boots into the changing room. They spent a long time finding boots to fit everyone.
‘Now put on your football things and be quick about it,’ he said.
Lenny got changed in a corner behind the door.
When they wer all ready Mr Cox shouted, ‘get in line, everyone!’
Lenny made sure he was at the back again. He didn't want anybody to see his jungle shorts and he hid behind Ted. He looked down to see what Ted was wearing and got a surprise.
Ted was wearing jungle shorts as well! Lenny nudged(用肘碰) him in the back and said ‘Your shorts are the same as mine!’
‘Yes,’ said ted ‘and the same as pam’s and tessa’s and shane’s!’
It was true. All the friends from Lenny’s street were wearing junngle shorts. Mr Cox smiled.
‘Five childred in the same shorts. it muse be a record!’ he said.
‘And we all live in lyon street’ said Lenny.
‘In that case(既然这样) you must all play for the same team you can be the Lyon Street Lions.’
When Mr Cox had sorted out(挑选)three more teams they went out to the playing field.
They played five-a-side football until home time. The lions team beat all the others and Mr Cox said they were the champions.Lenny scored five goals.
In the changing room the children untied(解开) their muddy(沾满泥水) boots and put on their clothes.
‘All kit(球服) must be washed and boots clean for next Monday.’ said Mr Cox ‘Don't leave it for your mum. Do it as soon as you get home and then you won’t forget.
Lenny was the first to be ready and he ran to meet his mum at the gate. He told her about his five goals and the Lyon Street Lions
‘We’d better go home quickly now said Lenny. ‘ I have to clean my boots and wash my shorts!’
And when Mr Cox drove home for his tea later on(晚些时候) he smiled to himself. On Lyon Street there were five pairs of jungle shorts blowing on the washing lines.
On Friday afternoon, class 3 will have a football lessons next week, Mr Cox wants them to buy a new shirt and a pair of shorts. Lenny's mother nuys him jungle shorts in the market, nut he doesn't like them. In the first football lesson, Lenny discovered that the other four children in Lyon Street are wearing the same jungle shorts. They become a team, and become the champions. At last, Lenny loves his jungle shorts very much.
Lenny does not want to wear his jungle shorts for football,but he get a nice surprise when he sees his friends. 5 of them wearing the same kind of jungle punk. Finally their team won the game.


A model of English 6 jungle shorts

Model English 6 jungle shorts



第二天早饭后他们去买新的短裤。市场是两条街的地方住远离雷尼。他们看见泰德和巴蒂尔3班的方式。泰德和巴蒂尔住的地方离莱尼。他们踢球路旁边谢恩把球交给他,他踢了它回来。“想玩吗?“叫特德。“我不能,不是现在。我把我的妈妈买新的足球短裤。”“我们有我们的了,'ted喊道。市场非常拥挤。大家都看着堆满了水果和蔬菜的摊位。有条纹帆布销售鞋子和衣服(帆布)屋顶(屋顶)。一个男人正在卖短裤'你丛林短裤!“他喊道。他穿着大草帽(宽檐草帽)和一个巨大的(巨大的)在他的裤子的丛林短裤对。他们有大的绿色的树上的猴子在顶部的微笑。“大的或小的,它不是很贵,”那人。“不用谢”说,莱尼。“我要开始足球课下弱。我需要真正的足球短裤。”他拉着他妈妈的手中挣扎着穿过人群试图找到真正的足球短裤。他们发现很多短裤太大白一点对,太小,当他们真的找到一个对锡莱尼的大小,他们花太多的钱。“我们会在junngle短裤,”妈妈。“颜色是可爱的。我相信你会比白人喜欢他们。”他拉长了脸,“哦mum'he说“但是——“没有借口'说他的妈妈。他们就sloowly回人销售丛林短裤。桩(堆)在他的失速下了很多。“我知道你会回来的。我把一双只为you'said男人。他把一对对junngle短裤(比较)莱尼的tuousers。一个完美的契合!”他笑着说。莱尼妈妈打开钱包的沙茨支付。他把它们放在一个袋子,把它交了。“有你,儿子。有乐趣穿!“他没有笑。“我希望他们是真正的足球短裤。”他说。“junngle短裤是未来最好的事情。”他妈妈。在回家的路上,他们看见特萨和PAM 3班踢一个球对抗围墙(围墙)。他们住在莱尼的街上。“我们不能等到星期一足球说的女孩。我们已经有了新的短裤!' '我'莱尼说。但他没有打开他的袋子给他们。



典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译 典范英语6翻译 帮忙翻译典范英语6的 丛林短裤 的全文 一句英文一句中文 典范英语6 《丛林短裤》原文 典范英语6 《丛林短裤》读后感 典范英语6《丛林短裤》单词 典范英语6丛林短裤录音 典范英语6 丛林短裤的翻译 全文的,最好能写上主要内容和中心之类的, 典范英语丛林短裤的中文翻译 要近期的 典范英语6丛林短裤的内容概括(用英语)急! 典范英语 的文章大意6 丛林短裤 要英文的,文章大意 求典范英语6丛林短裤200字左右的概括,英文 典范英语第7册丛林短裤 典范英语6 《丛林短裤》故事梗概是什么?同志们===故事的主要内容 大概就行 求典范英语6《丛林短裤》《皮皮公主的假期》《海象参加表演》三本书的全书翻译,注意是全书翻译!只要是典范6里面的(初二)任意三本全本翻译!不要拿部分翻译的糊弄翻得好的重赏!绝对 典范英语6明天之前要典范6 4、5、6的概括(英文的) 大概100词就行咯4:Oh otto!5:科密特船长与紫色星球6:丛林短裤 急求典范英语7全MP3,有的话请上传一下,最好是5,6两本,就是科密特船长与紫色星球,丛林短裤, 求典范英语《丛林短裤》故事摘要,(英文)80词以上注意不是读后感,是故事梗概,今天下午要交, 典范英语6-4,6-5,6-7,6-8的故事梗概.典范英语6的《哦!奥托》,《科密特船长与紫色星球》,《丛林短裤》,《来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工》,4本书的故事梗概,最好交代清楚其起因 经过 结果.注意了: