为地球熄灯一小时 英语作文减少能源耗费.倡导节能环保理念.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 15:23:59
为地球熄灯一小时 英语作文减少能源耗费.倡导节能环保理念.

为地球熄灯一小时 英语作文减少能源耗费.倡导节能环保理念.
为地球熄灯一小时 英语作文

为地球熄灯一小时 英语作文减少能源耗费.倡导节能环保理念.
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes t owrite a short essay entitle Earth Hour . You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.
1 地球一小时始于澳大利亚,并迅速席卷全球.活动旨在倡议个人、社区、企业和政府在特定的时间熄灯一小时,来表明他们对应对气候变化行动的支持.
2 地球一小时带来的变化.
3 你的观点
话说今晚偶们学校基本还是灯火通明……囧 这次作文与时俱进,选材于最新最热的一个话题:Earth Hour
参考范文: (偶刚刚摘选了新闻素材炮制出来.)
Earth Hour
Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes and businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Now it has grown to become one of the world’s biggest climate change initiatives. People are all joining together in a global effort to show that it’s possible to take action on global warming.
Earth Hour has brought about some new changes to our lives. The iconic "Bird’s Nest" National Stadium and the nearby "Water Cube" National Aquatics Center, usually illuminated by floodlights, went dark at 8:30 p.m., while dozens of hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and restaurants also switched some lights off. People join activities such as candle-lit dinners and star-gazing parties as a response to the call for "going dark". However, some critics have dismissed the event as simply a gimmick that will not make any difference.
From my point of view, Earth Hour is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to stand up, to take responsibility and to get involved in working towards a sustainable future. Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make a difference.
initiative 主动的行动, 倡议
global warming全球变暖,人尽皆知的一个词,但关键时候说不定就忘鸟~ - -!
iconic 标志性的
"Bird’s Nest" National Stadium 鸟巢 国家体育场
"Water Cube" National Aquatics Center 水立方 国家游泳中心 (两个现代化标志性建筑) 我要收藏
illuminate 照亮
floodlight 泛光灯
switch off 关灯,关电视之类~
candle-lit dinners 烛光晚餐 看来也可以给自己一个浪漫的理由
star-gazing parties观星派对,据说悉尼关灯后看到的星星多了好几倍呢!
gimmick花招, 诡计, 骗人的玩
【1】 【2】 下一页

"Earth hour"
"Earth Hour" by wwf. In March 31, 2007, this event held for the first time in Sydney, Australia more than 2200000 people turn off lights and appliances for an hour. "Turn off the ligh...


"Earth hour"
"Earth Hour" by wwf. In March 31, 2007, this event held for the first time in Sydney, Australia more than 2200000 people turn off lights and appliances for an hour. "Turn off the light, light of hope" is this year's "Earth Hour" propaganda language, moving target is to attract the world's 1000 city of about 1000000000 people participated in the.
84 countries and regions, about 1000000000 people participated in the "Earth Hour" activities and take practical action to call for energy saving ---
Global 84 countries and regions more than 2800 city and town in 28, twenty thirty lights, with global relay lasted 25 hours to complete the "Earth Hour" appeal to save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The organizers say, developing countries to participate in making this activity more global.
New Zealand residents enjoy a candlelight dinner
Located in the southern hemisphere, New Zealand and Fiji became the first lights of the country.
New Zealand has 44 towns in the "Earth Hour" activity this year, is on the Chatham island in the Pacific Ocean is the earliest start lights for one hour, the residents on the island in the evening closed all diesel generator.
In New Zealand's largest city Oakland, 328 meters high in the southern hemisphere's tallest building "Sky Tower" from the local time is twenty thirty began to turn off the lights for 1 hours; the five star The Langham London Hotel lit 1700 candles in the lobby, restaurant and bar, hundreds of guests enjoy don't romantic candlelight dinner. In the Antarctic continent Scout camp, although the local temperature dropped to minus 30 degrees Celsius, 26 Team New Zealand that night also shut down all non-essential lights and electrical appliances. New Zealand bulb factory that day is still some towns to the public free energy-saving light bulbs.
In the South Pacific island of Fiji, many businessmen and members of the public to actively participate in the "Earth Hour" environmental protection activities.
Around the world have turned off the lights
Then, to participate in the activities of the world are different according to their respective time zones have been lights out. From the Sydney Opera House of Australia, the United States to "Las Vegas" Las Vegas Casino; from the Chinese Beijing National Stadium "bird's nest", to London's "The London Eye", the prime minister's Office No. 10 Downing street; from Egypt to Giza Pyramid, the Eiffel Tower in Paris of France, Athens Acropolis, the global number of landmarks are involved in turn off the lights. Romania landmark buildings in the parliament palace and the city of Mexico more than 110 large-scale public buildings are also involved in activities to.
Developing countries to
"Earth Hour" executive director Ridley said, to participate in this activity in the developing countries and emerging economies, higher proportion. He said, this shows that people around the world have recognized that climate change is a big problem, needs a global response.
In 84 countries and regions to participate in activities, a total of 47 for the development of the economy, and in the last year, this figure was only 9.
Participate in economic development "Earth Hour" in the body, the most populous China and the second most populous India particularly noteworthy. China city of Beijing, Shanghai, Baoding, Taipei, have joined the "earth hour".
India this year for the first time to join "earth hour". The India government has urged people to then lights-out response in the newspaper.
"The foundation has been laid"
The UN climate change conference will be held in the Danish capital Copenhagen in December this year. Since the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, the United Nations hopes to reach a global climate change conference in Copenhagen in the new agreement.
"Earth Hour" executive director Ridley said, he hopes the "Earth Hour" can send people to the energy-saving emission reduction support to leaders.
He said: "we hope it can let the leaders see, so many different countries involved. So they are not admitted, (energy-saving emission reduction) mass foundation already laid down."
Ridley said, although the response to the various countries set up different emission reduction targets, but the world should act together, set goals at the same time, to ensure that the emission reduction of greenhouse gases.
