
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 07:25:13


  In a luxurious and elegant grand theater,a band of blond Americans areall set.
  All ofthe lights in it were dimming,when a stream of glarehighlighted the conductor in a swallow-tailed coat who looks like a boy.
  Regarding him as a great master,the band looked at the conductor andwaited for his signal to start the performance.
  As the baton moved gently,Dvorak's E minor Ninth Symphony (From theNew World) began to reecho over the inner theater and the audiences wereall indulged in the beautiful melody.
  Hardly had the musicstopped when tremendous applause exploded overspreading,which meant encouragingthe first mentally handicapped conductor in creating a music mythology.It wasno other than Zhou Zhou who came from China.


Showily elegance in the United States grand theatre, a group of americans blonde of band is ready. When all lights gradually after dark, a bright light focused on wearing a tuxedo looks like a kid on ...


Showily elegance in the United States grand theatre, a group of americans blonde of band is ready. When all lights gradually after dark, a bright light focused on wearing a tuxedo looks like a kid on command, the band as well as respect for the master looked at command, and wait for him to play signal. As the baton flick, a tune "- dvorak symphony no. 9 from the new world" echoed over the theater, people immediately immersed in the beautiful music. Music after the thunderous applause to save days and come, this is the first retarded conductor for the world to create music myth encouragement, and the retarded conductor is zhouzhou from China.我的认为还不错啊,手打,求精


In the luxury theatre, there was a orchestra formed of blond Americans ready for the concert. Then the music hall fell into darkness except a spot light focusing on the child-like conductor at whom ev...


In the luxury theatre, there was a orchestra formed of blond Americans ready for the concert. Then the music hall fell into darkness except a spot light focusing on the child-like conductor at whom everyone of the orchestra looked with respect, waiting for the signal to begin. With a slight wave of the conductor, Dvorak's Ninth Symphony -- from the new world filled the hall and the audience immediately immerse themselves in it. The thunderous applause after the music is the encourage to the world class legendary retarted Chinese conductor--Zhou Zhou from China.


In the theatre American luxurious and elegant, a blondeAmerican band is ready. When the lights graduallydimmed, a beam of light is focused on the tuxedo looklike child like command body, bands like th...


In the theatre American luxurious and elegant, a blondeAmerican band is ready. When the lights graduallydimmed, a beam of light is focused on the tuxedo looklike child like command body, bands like the conductor looked like respect for master, and waiting for him to issue play signal. With gently move the baton ", a songof Dvorak's Ninth Symphony -- from the new world"echoed in the theater over, people immediately immersed in the beautiful music. The music ended, thunderous applause overspread and come, this is the first in the world to create music legend encourage stupidcommand, the command is from Chinese stupid the Zhouzhou.


英语翻译在美国华贵典雅的大剧院里,一群金发碧眼的美国人组成的乐队已准备就绪.当全场灯光逐渐暗下来之后,一束强光聚焦在身穿燕尾服长得有如孩子似的指挥身上,乐队象尊敬大师一样看 国家大剧院在哪里? “有一群孩子在公园里”英语翻译 国家大剧院的设计者 国家大剧院是不是中国最大的剧院? 高贵典雅 简约流畅的英语翻译 英语翻译追梦2008---北京之旅国家大剧院鱼翅南瓜汤青花瓷玲珑塔博尔特美国的两只接力队在我的面前丢失了接力棒前门狗不理包子同仁堂奥林匹克公园的夜景祥云剧场动车组 和谐号, 中国国家大剧院的英文名称是什么? 国家大剧院的英文名是什么? 国家大剧院是谁设计的? 国家大剧院是谁设计的 端庄典雅的居里夫人在异常简陋的实验室,给这位美国记者留下了深刻印象(缩句) 在《社戏》中那条船就像一条大白鱼背着一群孩子在浪花里蹿在文中的作用是 大剧院里挤满了人(改为夸张句) 在大的剧院的天花板或墙壁上往往是凹凸不平,这是为什么? 英语翻译1在剧院里你最好不要戴帽子2我们班的.男生都在盼望着和二班举行一场篮球赛3我认为这本书不如那本书有趣4我的朋友已经买一座带花园和游泳池的大房子5我问爸爸在完成作业后我 我在大剧院要怎么去红树林海边?有没有可以直达的车到. 在括号里填上合适词语 ( )的维也纳 ( )大剧院 ( )操场