
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 08:39:53


这有篇文章,参考一下吧.Some one with high IQ will ensure that he will override others in studies, and thus an intellectual mind will serve all his life. In this respect, it seems as if IQ is much more important than EQ. However, the reality will teach us that most high guys was exploited by those high EQ guys. how do you think?Just for fun to enhance english, never treat such kind of question seriously.
Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet.
I have always been pondering on this question. Either IQ or EQ is quite important to a person's growth, development and even his life quality. After beating my brains, I make up my mind to support the viewpoint that EQ is more important. IQ has been determined from the moment you are born. Whether a person is smart or not depends on his IQ. We can do something like studying to develop our IQ. But we can't expect to make a lot of improvement in our IQ. It is almost fixed and hard to be changed.
we don't own high IQ, does it mean that we will never achieve the success? The answer is ''no''. We still have another form of attribute called "EQ''. What are ''EQ'' for? As a matter of fact, it is independent of IQ and play an important role of deciding how we can lead our own lives. It means an attitude of looking at things at your hands, people around you, so to speak, the outside world and yourself. A person with high EQ makes out how to cope with everything which he have to face and can handles it successfully. He also knows how to get on well with other people even if he dislikes them. Maybe his IQ is not high, however, it doesn't prevent him from embracing the success. Maybe many people who are smarter than him are willing to help him because of his kindness.

我要一篇英语作文,主题是智商比情商更重要! 智商比情商更重要 情商:为什么情商比智商更重要 情商:为什么情商比智商更重要 求辩论赛主题.高中生情商比智商更重要..我要辩论赛主题的情商比智商高呢,是高一的辩论赛,不求复制 复制的没有分数 今天中午就要用. 如何证明智商比情商更重要 求∶大学辩论赛中三辩手的要求和技巧有那些?辩论的主题是∶智商于情商哪个更重要?我们是情商比智商更重要.请问三辩手要怎么题问和辩词呢? 为什么情商比智商更重要!我要例子!示例 就是自由辩论能用上的!越多越好 为什么情商比智商更重要!我要例子!示例 就是自由辩论能用上的!越多越好 为什么情商比智商更重要!我要例子!示例 就是自由辩论能用上的!越多越好 辩论赛.情商比智商高的辩词下星期要参加辩论赛啊我们的主题是情商比智商高..能否提供一些辩词给我呢? 情商:它为什么比智商更重要 阅读 智商比情商更重要的辩论赛辩词辩论赛,我方的论点是“智商比情商更重要!”能从哪几个观点反驳对方,看了材料好像更多都是说情商更重要. 辩论赛:我方是反方,辩题是:现代社会智商比情商更重要.请例子论证. 对于中学生而言,情商比智商重要的辩论词...我们中学要开个辩论会,是讨论关于情商与智商的,我们是反方,支持情商比智商更重要,寻找有关于重要证明情商比智商重要的陈词,也想找给对方下 智商和情商,哪个更重要? 情商和智商哪个更重要辩论赛 情商与智商哪个更重要辩论