
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 11:34:44


微博 Microblog
山寨 copycat
异地恋 long-distance relationship
剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls
熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)
裸婚 naked wedding
炫富 flaunt wealth
团购 group buying
人肉搜索 flesh search
发烧友: fancier
骨感美女:boney beauty
卡奴:card slave
下午茶 high tea
愤青 young cynic
性感妈妈 yummy mummy
亚健康 sub-health
灵魂伴侣 soul mate
小白脸 toy boy
精神出轨 soul infidelity
钻石王老五 diamond bachelor
时尚达人 fashion icon
御宅 otaku
橙色预警 orange signal warning
预约券 reservation ticket
上相的,上镜头的 photogenic
80后:80's generation
限时抢购:flash sale
荧光纹身:glow tattoo
泡泡袜:loose socks
裸妆:nude look
黄牛票:scalped ticket
扫货:shopping spree
烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up
水货:smuggled goods
正妹 hotty
对某人念念不忘 get the hots for
草莓族 Strawberry generation
草根总统 grassroots president
笨手笨脚 have two left feet
拼车 car-pooling
解除好友关系 unfriend v.
暴走 go ballistic
海外代购 overseas purchasing
跳槽 jump ship
闪婚 flash marriage
闪电约会 speeddating
闪电恋爱 whirlwind romance
刻不容缓,紧要关头 crunch time
乐活族 LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)
一夜情 one-night stand
偶像派 idol type
脑残体 leetspeak
挑食者 picky-eater
伪球迷 fake fans
狂热的 gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him
防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy
奉子成婚 shotgun marriage
婚前性行为 premarital sex
开博 to open a blog
房奴车奴 mortgage slave
上课开小差 zone out
万事通 know-it-all
赌球 soccer gambling
桑拿天 sauna weather
假发票 fake invoice
二房东 middleman landlord
笑料 laughing stock
泰国香米 Thai fragrant rice
学历造假 fabricate academic credentials
暗淡前景 bleak prospects
毕业典礼 commencement
散伙饭 farewell dinner
毕业旅行 after-graduation trip
节能高效的 fuel-efficient
具有时效性的 time-efficient
很想赢 be hungry for success
面子工程 face job
指甲油 nail varnish
学历门槛 academic threshold
王牌主播 mainstay TV host
招牌菜 signature dishes
城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect
逃学 play hooky, 装病不上班 play hooky from work
一线城市 first-tier cities
高考 the National College Entrance Examines
录取分数线 admission scores
保障性住房 indemnificatory housing
一决高下 Duke it out
囤积居奇 hoarding and profiteering
灰色市场 Grey market
反倾销 anti-dumping
吃白食的人 freeloader
公关 public relation
不幸的日子,不吉利的日子 black-letter day
吉利的日子 saints' days
廉租房 low rent housing
限价房 capped-price housing
经适房 affordable housing
替罪羔羊 whipping boy
对口支援 partner assistance
小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man
二奶:kept woman
麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen
型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)
新新人类:new-new generation
驴友:tour pal
全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom

家电或设施 stove炉灶, fridge/ refrigerator/freezer冰箱,microwave oven微波炉, washing machine洗衣机, air conditioning空调, electric fans电风扇, radiator(电)暖气, electric stove电炉,personal stereo (system)音响,cooking utensils厨房用具,facilities设施,(water)heater热水器,shades/shutters百叶窗,sofa沙发,armchair扶手椅,couch睡椅,desk,coffee table咖啡桌,computer, carpet地毯,rug小地毯,垫子,fireplace壁炉,television/TV,table,bookshelves书架,lamps灯,painting油画,绘画,plants植物,pot plant盆栽sink水槽,洗碗槽,wash basin洗脸盆,dishwasher洗碗机,洗碗的人,toaster烤面包机,broom扫把,dust pan撮子,cupboard食橱,curtain窗帘,门帘,bowl碗,mug马克杯,spoon勺子,调羹,table cloth桌布,dresser/dressing table梳妆台,mirror镜子,wardrobe衣柜,衣橱,closet橱柜,shower淋浴,bath/bathtub/tub浴盆,浴缸,toilet盥洗室,马桶,furniture家具furnished有家具的,unfurnished无家具设备的,hire furniture租家具
床上用品 pillow枕头, pillow case枕头套, bed linen/sheet床单, , mattress/mat床垫,springs弹簧床, blanket毛毯, towel浴巾,毛巾 ,cushion(沙发)靠垫

门厅 hall会堂, 礼堂, 大厅, 走廊, 门厅, lobby大堂,大厅, 休息室, porch门厅,doorway入口处,entrance hall一楼大厅,lounge侯机厅,候车厅,大厅
房子不理想的地方 not near the center, not near the railway station, far from the bus stop, near the airport, noisy, shared kitchen合厨, insects昆虫, a stranger in the next bed, have no privacy没有隐私, have to prepare some repellant除虫剂
电话询问 Is it available now? 现在能住吗when will it be available?How long has it been empty/vacant for?空多久了
Is there a telephone? How far is it from the nearest foodshop/groceries/bus stop/park?
Is it furnished? What is the rental price?租金 How is it cooled /heated? 怎样制冷/采暖
费用 (max/maximum最高,minimum最低)rent租金,rental price租金,deposit押金, hire furniture租家具,insurance保险,electricity电,water,gas煤气,cable有线电视,phone,food,heating采暖,entertainment娱乐,car(gas汽油,insurance),fees/bills 费用,hiring a cleanig maid雇清洁工,laundry/washing charges洗衣费,slightly稍微/relatively相对 lower/higher,total合计
付款方式及周期 一般每周或每月付租金.week by week,per week,weekly,every week,once a week
住房规定 rules规定,non-smoker不吸烟的人, no smoking不准吸烟,non-drinker不饮酒的人,no drinking不准喝酒,no pets allowed不准养宠物,allergies过敏,be allergic to对……过敏,lock all the windows before going outside,mustnt play music after midnight, call/ask the landlord/elected floor seniors层长(每层楼的管理员), front door前门, key钥匙 , emergency紧急情况,fire doors/escape消防通道,no noise after 9 p.m. , smoking only allowed on the balconies只准在阳台吸烟 , no changes can be made to meal times准时就餐,
饮食 vegetarian素食的人,meal一餐 饭 ,dinner,weekdays/workdays/during the week周一到周五,take-away外卖,meat,fish,cheese奶酪,chicken,eggs,(French)fries薯条,fried rice炒饭,chips薯片,hot dog,sandwiches三明治,toast吐司,烤面包,fish and chips,pizza匹萨饼hamburgers汉堡包,noodles面条,Indian Curry咖喱饭,salad沙拉,Garden Salad,Green Salad,coke开口可乐,soda汽水,juice果汁,fruits水果,pie馅饼,spicy辛辣的,香辣的,tasty好吃的,sour酸的,sweet甜的,bitter苦的,hot辣的,salty咸的,good quality优质的,filling饱肚的,healthy,diet节食,
搬家 moving company搬家公司,moving reasons,floor plan平面图,layout布局,move in/out