
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 12:28:26


1.Naval Research Logistics *
  Wiley InterScience
  1996 to present
  2.Transportation Research Part E:Logistics and Transportation Review *
  Elsevier ScienceDirect OnSite
  01/1995 to present
  3.Air Force Journal of Logistics
  EBSCOhost - Academic Search Premier
  Apr 1999-
  4.U.S.Industry Quarterly Review:Transportation & Logistics
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  Apr 2002-
  5.Transport Logistics
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  Jun 1996-Dec 1998
  6.Retail Logistics Industry Profile:Sweden
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  7.Retail Logistics Industry Profile:Spain
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  8.Retail Logistics Industry Profile:Netherlands
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  9.Retail Logistics Industry Profile:Italy
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  10.Retail Logistics Industry Profile:Germany
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  11.Retail Logistics Industry Profile:France
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  12.Retail Logistics Industry Profile:Europe
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  13.Retail Logistics Industry Profile:Belgium
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  14.Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry Profile:Sweden
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  15.Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry Profile:Spain
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  16.Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry Profile:Netherlands
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  17.Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry Profile:Italy
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  18.Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry Profile:Germany
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  19.Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry Profile:France
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  May 2004-
  20.Pharmaceutical Logistics Industry Profile:Europe
  EBSCOhost - Business Source Premier
  Jun 2004-

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