
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 18:22:03


Quick View To
Civilization Of Chinese Food
It is not easy to brief the civilization of Chinese Food in a short message, it is because, there are more than 56 folks inside the Mainland China, and the large area causes difference dining habits among the difference districts. First of all, we need to know that, the old China was developed in a faming society, and most of the dining habits and meals culture are based on this factor.(中国美食是丰富多彩的,各个民族地区的风俗习惯都不一样,然而,由于古代中国是个农业大国,因而很多的饮食习惯以及食物都深受此影响)

Dining Tool and habits(餐具以及习俗)
Not same to the people living in western area, Chinese used to have their dinner together with all the family members, sitting around a table and each person will have one set of dining tool in front of them, including two bowls which one for rice and another for soup, one pairs of chopsticks and one plate for meat / vegetable. They will share the food dishes which were made and put into the central of table, diners will only pick up the food from the dished which who want to eat. He will pick it and places it into the small plate in front of him. There are 2 special habits, one is, Chinese diners never pick up rice from the bowl but will handle the bowl towards their lips then poke the rice into their mouths by the chopsticks. The other one is, Chinese always have soup during or after dining.(不同于西方,中国人在吃饭时是围坐在一张桌子边的,大家把菜肴放在桌子中间,夹取自己喜欢的.另外,中国人吃饭时还有两个习惯,一是喜欢把碗拿起凑向嘴边,把饭扒到嘴里,一是会在饭中或者饭后喝汤)

Traditional Chinese Food(传统中国饮食)
There are so many traditional and special Chinese foods, according to the folk culture, district, religion, and festival. For the famous classes divided by district, there are style of Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan, North-West, and so on…or by folk, there are kajia, Yunan, Fujian, etc. These all above mentioned styles are well-known in the worldwide. Here, introduce some special dishes, perhaps you have had it, or you have never heard :(因民族、地域、信仰、节日等的不同,中国传统饮食丰富多彩.从地域划分上看,有粤菜、北京菜、上海菜、川菜、东北菜等,从人群上看,有客家菜,福建菜(闽南菜)等,这些都享誉世界.
Doufu is the most popular food in Chinese Society.
It is also the main food in a faming family.
The recipe shown : Unicorn Doufu with Yunnan Ham(烹调方法:云南火腿酿豆腐)
Major Ingredients : Bean curd, Yunnan Ham, Black Mushrooms

Steamed Fish(清蒸鱼)
Chinese always make the fish recipes by steaming style.
Just only with some light soy sauce and some seasoning.(用黄豆酱以及一些调料即可)
The recipe shown : Steamed Snakehead in Chaozhou Style(潮州菜形式煮)
Major Ingredients : Snakehead, Preserved Lemon, Spring Onion

Dim Sum(点心,虾饺)
Dim Sum is the most famous food in world-wide.
It is a Guangdong Style snack which served as light meal.
The recipe shown : Steam Shrimp Dumpling
Major Ingredients : Shrimps, Pork, Wheat Flour for pastry

Lobster is the famous style seafood in Hong Kong.
Some difference from the traditional western chef's style..
The recipe shown : Lobster in High Stock
Major Ingredients : Lobster, Chicken Stock, Garlic(大蒜)

Dark Rice Vinegar With Ginger(姜醋黑米)
You perhaps have never heard this.this is Guangdong style.
It is a supplementary diet for women who is weak, new mother.(给虚弱或者产后妈妈食用)
The recipe shown : Pig's Fore Hands in Vinegar and Ginger
Ingredients : Sweet Dark Rice Vinegar, Pig's Hands, Egg, Ginger

Eggs In Tea(茶叶蛋)
This is a very special snack of Guangdong..
It is very nice food for the party, gathering, with beer.
The recipe shown : Eggs In Chinese Tea
Ingredients : Eggs, Chinese Dark Tea

Festive Dishes(节日食品)
Because of the poor and hard lifestyle character of a farming society, the Chinese farming families would have food which were being get from the farming field, such as, potatoes, tomatoes, vegetable, sweet corn, mushrooms, etc. So, the Chinese will have many dishes of meat recipes like Chicken, Pork, Fish that they do not have in the normal days. The are some special snack, or to be said, festival food will be made during the Chinese festivals, Such as Sweet-Stick Cake and Turnip Pastry in Lunar New Year, Glutinous Rice Tamale in Dragon Boat Festival, Moon Cake in Middle Autumn Festival, etc, and Steamed Buns to the Birthday person……(由于曾今农业社会的贫困艰难,中国的农民食用的都是地里种植蔬菜,例如马铃薯西红柿等等,所以,像鸡肉、猪肉、鱼等,平常在并不多见.中国人会在节日中做一些节日菜肴,例如端午节的粽子、中秋的月饼、生日的糕点等)

Main Food(主食)
Generally, we can divided the farming products of main food in China into 3 styles, those are, Rice in Southern and Eastern China, Wheat in Northern China and Sweet Corn in Middle, Northern, Western China. Because of their farming products, the people living in Southern China will have rice, congee or rice noodle as their main food, and who will have wheat made products like Bun, noodle, pancake in Northern China. The populace who living on seaside and lakeside will have seafood or lake fishes as meals. Of course, people can have any food as they want nowaday.(一般来说,划分三种,东方、南方的水稻;北方的小麦;中部、北部、西部的玉米.由于农业生产的原因,南方人食用米饭、粥、面条;北方人吃小麦做的馒头、面条、烙饼等.生活在海边或者湖边的人会吃海鲜之类)

Taste Depends On Climate(气候影响下的口味)
There is a big difference about the diets between Northern and Southern China, that is, the dishes made by Northern Chefs are in heavier taste and those are comparably light in Southern Chefs’ recipes, sometimes, we say it is tasty as sweet and fresh in Southern Chinese food. In the Northern and Western Provinces of China like Lingxia, hebei, Sichuan , Shenxi, and Yunnan, the diets are made in hot and spicy, because of the humid cold weather and high altitude, Chinese people wonder that to perspire is a good method for preventing diseases caused by humidity and cold.(北方口味重,南方口味轻;南方喜欢甜食以及新鲜的食物;在北方和西部,口味比较辣和刺激,那是因为潮湿的空气所致,人们认为流汗才能驱逐寒冷和湿气)
