求高手帮忙把这段茶艺解说词翻译成英文,谢谢!2功夫茶艺(乌龙茶) 尊敬的各位来宾大家上午好:今天很荣幸有我来为大家服务.请允许我先做一下自我介绍,我叫小华.希望通过让你在此度过美好

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 14:37:06
求高手帮忙把这段茶艺解说词翻译成英文,谢谢!2功夫茶艺(乌龙茶) 尊敬的各位来宾大家上午好:今天很荣幸有我来为大家服务.请允许我先做一下自我介绍,我叫小华.希望通过让你在此度过美好

求高手帮忙把这段茶艺解说词翻译成英文,谢谢!2功夫茶艺(乌龙茶) 尊敬的各位来宾大家上午好:今天很荣幸有我来为大家服务.请允许我先做一下自我介绍,我叫小华.希望通过让你在此度过美好
一. 一掬甘泉石上流.
用开水将所有茶具烫洗一遍,达到高温洁具的效果,还可以提高茶具的温度,使泡出的茶更为浓郁芳香,泡制功夫茶十分讲究水的选择,古人评水层留下许多名诗佳句: “精茗蕴香,借水而发” “无水不可论茶也” “水泉不甘,能损茶味” “其水应以山水上,江水中,井水下”.今天我们用来泡茶之水即为矿泉水,甘甜爽口,鲜美无比.
二. 小勺分茗入玉壶
三. 青溪流水幕潺潺
四. 飞泉流云鸣琴瑟
五. 一抹拂去千般愁.

求高手帮忙把这段茶艺解说词翻译成英文,谢谢!2功夫茶艺(乌龙茶) 尊敬的各位来宾大家上午好:今天很荣幸有我来为大家服务.请允许我先做一下自我介绍,我叫小华.希望通过让你在此度过美好
Dear ladies and gentlemen,good morning:Today I am honored to have services for everyone.Please allow me to do some self-introduction,I叫小Howard.Hope you spent in this beautiful day."Tea can keep in good health,fantastic,"taste from its fragrance,will enable people on the busy heart Department,tea edge gives us the opportunity together,total goods佳茗,in the noisy烦杂the earth,we also need a cup of tea,today show Kung Fu tea consists of 12 procedures.
1.掬Ganquan a stone upstream.
Tea with all the hot water to wash again,to achieve the effect of high temperature ware,but also can raise the temperature of tea sets,so that bubbles out more rich aromatic tea,tea is very meticulous effort in preparing the choice of water,the ancients commentary water have left many people Poetry lines:"Jing Ming Yun Xiang,through water and fat," "On the tea water should not have" "Shuiquan unwilling,茶味energy loss," "The water should be based on the landscape of the river,the water the next." Today,we to tea water is mineral water,sweet and refreshing,very delicious.
II.Tsp minutes into the Tea玉壶
Tea is the essence of nature,the seasons are green,Spring and hair,smoking a hundred flowers Lu,Yu-Zhen elite delicate mountains,its pristine无华,unaware Tiancheng,and selection of Yixing purple sand tea set with the match,with its tea not to seize fragrance,color scent are Yun.
III.Qingxi gurgling water curtain
That is to wash the tea,as Tieguanyin in the production process,by sun exposure,there will be dust-free environment,so its first bubble not suitable for drinking purposes,as a clean wash.
IV.飞泉convective ming琴瑟
Impact of tea when the water flush issued voiceless,melodious music,such as琴瑟All-ming,Huan Shan Water laugh,seems to welcome you all to come.
5.Touch of evil愁flick.
Hopefully,this tea for tea hairpin erased Terrier and bubble tea,but for you to erase the gloom may be trouble with.Let us use a calm pious heart to look forward to the release of the essence of tea,the tea water to wash Pour evenly in紫砂壶body,known as the "pot custody."壶身make tea with a touch of light,and outside temperature is conducive to the full dissemination of tea.

求高手帮忙把这段茶艺解说词翻译成英文,谢谢!2功夫茶艺(乌龙茶) 尊敬的各位来宾大家上午好:今天很荣幸有我来为大家服务.请允许我先做一下自我介绍,我叫小华.希望通过让你在此度过美好 英语:英语乌龙茶茶艺表演解说词由于工作原因常常接待外宾却苦于无法用英语沟通茶艺方面.现在请大家帮忙把这篇乌龙茶茶艺表演解说词翻译成英语,(不要用翻译软件啊,那些用过了,我的 茗闲情茶艺 翻译成英文,做店名的.求高手,急求!本店是茶馆。 英语翻译帮忙把这几个词翻译成英文.源缘鱼愉求高手帮忙翻译成英文. 求高手帮忙`那位高手知道这段数字1292591266481翻译成汉语``是什么意思`? 英语高手帮忙把“无论结果怎样”翻译成英文 请高手帮忙把这个名字翻译成英文 倪军 帮忙把这段中文翻译成英文.你好你是来自哪个国家的? 帮忙把这段英语翻译成汉语 求大神帮忙把这段罗马音翻译成中文谐音, 中译英文字求此段文字的英文翻译,同学给的,感觉不太好翻译.比较着急要,求高手帮忙翻译成英文, 哪位英文高手帮忙把下面这句话翻译成英文,我想学习有关operations的知识. 英语翻译我很喜欢这首萨克斯+说唱的歌《jami soul》想知道唱的是什么.求英文高手帮忙把英文歌词写出来,再准确的翻译成中文! 请英文高手帮忙把“泰和物业管理公司”翻译成英文, 帮我把这段中文翻译成英文谢谢 帮我把这段英文翻译成中文 但是我却放不下.求个高手帮我把这句话翻译成英文 把“刘翔是跨栏高手“翻译成英文