
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 05:39:35



For those greedy people who want to succeed without any effort, life is hard. They will face lots of difficulties and they may find excuses for their quitting. For example, I have a friend called Davi...


For those greedy people who want to succeed without any effort, life is hard. They will face lots of difficulties and they may find excuses for their quitting. For example, I have a friend called David. He is was once a lazy person who also liked smoking. He seldom went for lessons and did not obtain a positive learning attitude. He tried to succeed but he failed. He then found that a successful man must be straightforward and brave enough to overcome any obstacle. Now. he becomes a non-smoker and also a successful man due to his perseverance and effort. (100字)


要求全部用上以下单词或其其他形式!明天就要,succeed,will,quitting,smoking,perseverance,positive,lazy,disease,non-smoker,straightforward,obstacle! 按照要求写出下面单词的其他形式? 用不少于五句话描写你的父亲或母亲,要求用上一下单词:name,looks,has,likes,often1.用不少于五句话描写你的父亲或母亲,要求用上以下的单词:name,looks,has,likes ,often2.用不少于五句话介绍你的好 求单词 name is 或其缩写形式的音标! 用不少于五句话介绍图中的人物.要求用上以下单词:name,looks,good at,wearing.(是姚明) 用不少于5句话描写你的家人,要求用上以下单词:name,looks,has,likes,often 求助一个希伯来单词的读音请懂希伯来语的朋友提供以下这个单词的读音:שרשרת(锁链)请提供上罗马拼音、音标或其他形式, 按要求写出下列单词的其他形式potato(复数形式) child (复数形式) shouldn't (完全形式)ride (三人称单数) slow(副词) 请用上以下词语中的两个写一段话,要求: 一、用上一种修辞手法 二、以环保为话题,用上只要……就……浪费 清澈 擎天撼地 毛骨悚然 摧毁 新鲜 把以下英语动词转化成其名词形式~HELP!urge indicate suspend involve dominate recognize mix identify assume persist approach wonder bury conduct maintain 就这16个单词 , 求潮汕家乡的特产作文要求:400字 用文艺性笔调写篇短文,介绍你家乡出产的一种水果或其他特产 明天就上交了 速度要快! 我在这里等啊 英语翻译月球(月亮)上的山谷.不要the valley on the moon这种倒叙的,要求3个词以内,再多了就不可能是我想要的了.要用上lunar或者相关形式的单词.嗯嗯这三个要求… 以下字母能组词吗m v u c r a o e s h我的意思是用上述字母组成一个或多个单词, 求单词what is或其缩写形式的音标和中文意思 . 根据首字母或汉语意思写出单词,注意其形式变化. 求单词I am或其缩写形式的音标和中文意思, 按要求写出下列单词的其他形式.1.these(单词形式)______2.child(复数形式)______3.have not(缩写形式)______4.right(同音词)______5.cry(第三人称单数)______6.run(现在分词)______7.my(复数形式)______8.beautful(比较 请问a、z、c、b、n、h、u、i、m、e能组成什么单词或词组,要用上全部的字母,