
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:32:27


There are always a "running boy" and a "lying boy" living inside our mind,
they would fight against one another whenever you are back and forth.
At the stage of your primary school,"running boy" will clean "lying boy"'s clock,
during junior high school,they are neck and neck,
then the senior high school,it's coming the other way around,
"lying boy" knocks the "running boy" into the middle of next week.
However when it comes to university period,you will find out they cease the fire,
and the very reason turns out that "running boy" has been striken to death...
// 用"running boy"代指勤奋,"lying boy"代指懒惰
back and forth 犹豫不决 = hesitate in doing sth / blow hot and cold / hang a leg .
clean one's clock 打得某人落花流水 = beat sb into the pieces
neck and neck 不分上下
come the other way around 情况刚好相反 = The shoe is on the other foot
knock sb into the middle of next week 打某人到不省人事
cease the fire 休战,熄火

The human body has a diligent lilliputian and a lazy lilliputian.When you heisitate to do something,they would fight with each other. During you are in the primary school,diligent lilliputian often ma...


The human body has a diligent lilliputian and a lazy lilliputian.When you heisitate to do something,they would fight with each other. During you are in the primary school,diligent lilliputian often made lazy lilliputian drop and waters flow.When youare in the junior high school,they had a deuce, During senior high school,lazy lilliputian made diligent lilliputian black and blue. But untill the University, you suddenly find that they do not fight,beacause diligent lilliputian has been killed.


We all have a diligent fairy and a lazy fairy live in our mand,when we hesitate about something,they will fight against each other.When we were at primary school,the diligent one could a...


We all have a diligent fairy and a lazy fairy live in our mand,when we hesitate about something,they will fight against each other.When we were at primary school,the diligent one could always beat the other to the ground,and they usually end up a tie when we were at middle school.And finally,the lazy one began to prevail at high school.After you enterring university,you suddenly found they seemed to have made their peace,but the truth turned out to be the diligent one had been killed.


英语翻译人的体内都有一个勤奋小人和一个懒惰小人,当你犹豫不决时他们就会打架.勤奋小人经常把懒惰小人打得落花流水,初中时就打成平手了,高中时懒惰小人把勤奋小人打的鼻青脸肿.可 英语翻译人的体内都有一个勤奋小人和一个懒惰小人,当你犹豫不决时他们就会打架.勤奋小人经常把懒惰小人打得落花流水,初中时就打成平手了,高中时懒惰小人把勤奋小人打的鼻青脸肿.可 (英语翻译)勤奋,勤奋的 一个勤奋的人作文500字 他每天都努力学习,他是一个勤奋的学生 英文翻译 一个植物体内的每一个细胞是不是都有一个液泡啊 她是一个勤奋的人.他努力工作.她从不害怕困难的工作.的英语翻译 生命活动的主要承担者——蛋白质人和高等动物体内合成蛋白质的氨基酸分子至少都含有一个①氨基 ②羧基 ③肽链 ④都有一个氨基和一个羧基连接在同一个碳原子上A.①② B.②③ C.①②④ D 我们都有一个小嘴巴.请用英语翻译 求英语翻译“我们小的时候都希望有一个快乐的童年” 写出一个包含小人和君子的成语 怎样让一个懒惰的人变成勤奋的人 有一个小鼻子 英语翻译 人的一个染色体内组每条染色体上的DNA都相同吗? 有什么关于勤奋的小故事? 你是一个勤奋的人吗?用英语怎么说 怎样让自己成为一个勤奋的人 名言字不认识有一个名言 什么,一切都难办;勤奋,凡事什么顺利 【美】富兰克林