
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 06:24:32


Me up at 7:30 a.m.the weather is good to eat breakfast at eight to nine o'clock and i are good friends to play basketball at noon in the kfc 11点20 i have lunch at one o'clock this afternoon i went to the park in the singing and dancing

I wake up at 7:30 a.m. on the weather is so nice to eat breakfast at 8:00 and 9:00 I have friends to play basketball at 11:00 I have lunch in the KFC at 1: I went to the park in the singing and dancing

I get up at 7:30,the weather is fine.I eat breakfast at 8 o'clock then I play basketball with my best friend at 9 o'clock.When it is twenty past eleven I have lunch in KFC.1pm I go to the park,sing and dance at there.

At seven thirty in the morning, I got up.What a nice day !I ate my breakfast at eight o'clock.then I played basketball with my friends.At eleven twenty, we ate at KFC . At one in the afternoon, we went to the park.We danced and sang there.We had a great time.How happy we were!

I get up at half past seven in the morning. The wheather is so nice. Then I have my breakfast at eight. At nine oclock I go to play basketball with good friends and I have my lunch at KFC at twenty past eleven.At one oclock in the afternoon I go to singing and dancing in the park

I wake up at 7:30 in the morning it's 8 to 9 ate breakfast is one of my best friends to play basketball at 11:00 at noon in KFC in 20 I eat lunch at 1: I went to the park in the singing and dancing

I got up at 7:30 this morning, it was sunny today, then I finished my breakfast at 8 o'clock, after that, I played basketball with my best friend at 9.
At twenty past eleven, I went to the KFC to have lunch, then I take myself to the park to sing and jumping.

I got up at 7:30 this morning. What a nice day today ! I finished my breakfast at 8 o'clock, and then I played basketball with my friend at 9:00.At 11:20 I went to the KFC for lunch. After that I had a great time dancing and singing in the park .

英语翻译帮我翻译:早上7:30我起床了天气真好8点吃了早饭到了9点我和好朋友打篮球中午11点20我在KFC里吃午饭下午1点我去了公园在那唱啊跳啊 我早上七点起床 英语翻译 早上,我起床了用英语怎么说 我早上6点30起床英语 我早上7点起床的英语 我从21:30睡觉,第二天早上7点起床,共睡了多少小时?算式该怎样列? 今天早上我起床觉得我的头好痛 英语翻译 我早上6:30起床 英语“我早上6:30起床。”的英语 我早上七点起床有其他的翻译吗 帮我写200字的小练笔我失败的人生在运气方面,我真是一个不幸的人呀,我记得最不幸运的那天,那天早上起床,不知怎么我的该死的闹钟罢工了,搞得我睡过头了我醒来时已是7点了我就.(请帮我 我已经六年级了,快要毕业了,请帮我做一个作息时间表要符合以下要求:1.早上6:20起床,7:大我已经六年级了,快要毕业了,请帮我做一个作息时间表要符合以下要求:1.早上6:20起床,7:大概7:25左 我每天早上7点钟起床,7点20去吃早饭.7点30就到了教室,在学校学习从8点到晚上9点40,然后会寝室睡觉不要网上翻译的英语翻译 我每天早上7点半起床用西班牙语怎么说? 我每天早上7点半起床用西班牙语怎么说? 我早上7点起床,用英文怎么说? 翻译成英语.1.他们早上6:30起床.2.我7:30上学. 英语翻译今天是寒假的第二天,又是一个晴朗的天气,早上11点起床,11点30分吃早餐,在12点时.这是每天最痛苦的时候,在下午3点,我睡了一觉,4点起床时,我和我的同学一起去打篮球···每天都是这 我早上七点半起床 用英文怎么说