几道英语单选词汇和语法题目(1)1.(C) In the past men generally preferred that their wives ________ in the home.[A] worked[B] would work[C] work[D] were working我看到这样的例句:“Would you prefer that I(should) go with you?=W

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几道英语单选词汇和语法题目(1)1.(C) In the past men generally preferred that their wives ________ in the home.[A] worked[B] would work[C] work[D] were working我看到这样的例句:“Would you prefer that I(should) go with you?=W

几道英语单选词汇和语法题目(1)1.(C) In the past men generally preferred that their wives ________ in the home.[A] worked[B] would work[C] work[D] were working我看到这样的例句:“Would you prefer that I(should) go with you?=W
1.(C) In the past men generally preferred that their wives ________ in the home.
[A] worked
[B] would work
[C] work
[D] were working
我看到这样的例句:“Would you prefer that I(should) go with you?=Would you prefer me to go with you?”似乎,prefer后加that从句都是带省should的动词原型.就不是知道,具体的大概是虚拟语气里的什么语法,类似prefer这样的动词还有哪些.
2.(A)I don’t want to lend any more money to him; he’s already in debt ________ me.
[A] to
[B] for
[C] of
[D] with
是因为有固定搭配:be in debt to sb 就是欠某人债?
3.(D) ________,he does get irritated with her sometimes.
[A] As he likes her much
[B] Much though he likes her
[C] Though much he likes her
[D] Much as he likes her
虽然选对了 D,但并不知道为什么不选B.
4.(B)The vocabulary of any technical discussion may include words which are never used outside the subject or field ________.
[A] in view
[B] in question
[C] in case
[D] in effect
"outside the subject" or 'field in question''是不是应该是要分开看的,“field in queation”就是正在讨论的领域?但是为什么不是把“outside the subject or field”连在一起看.
5.(D)The long-awaited Hubble Space Telescope,________ to orbit the Earth next March,will observe some of the oldest stars in the sky.
[A] subject(subject to sth/sb=under the authority of sth/sb)
[B] owing(由于,因为)
[C] available
[D] due (due to:应归功于;由于)
这道题句子的意思我都不能理解:“那个期待以久的HUBBLE 空间望远镜,由于下个三月要 问世,将会观察一些天空中最久远的星星.” 特别是A和D要怎么区分啊.
6.(D) ________ of the burden of ice,the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.
[A] To be free
[B] Freeing
[C] To free
[D] Freed
7.(D)________,more than 200 houses and buildings are heated by solar energy,not to mention the big cities in the region.
[A] Alone in the small town
[B] In the small alone town
[C] In the alone small town
[D] In the small town alone
8.(C)The bank is reported in the local newspaper ________ in broad daylight yesterday.
[A] to be robbed
[B] robbed
[C] to have been robbed
[D] having been robbed
是因为 be reported to 所以不选B,不选A ,因为它表将来?
9.(D) Had Paul received six more votes in the last election,he ________ our chairman now.
[A] must have been
[B] would have been
[C] were
[D] would be
10.(D) The board deemed it urgent that these files ________ right away.
[A] had to be printed
[B] should have been printed
[C] must be printed
[D] should be printed
第5题是B,D 该怎么区别。之前打错了。

几道英语单选词汇和语法题目(1)1.(C) In the past men generally preferred that their wives ________ in the home.[A] worked[B] would work[C] work[D] were working我看到这样的例句:“Would you prefer that I(should) go with you?=W
1. In the past men generally preferred that their wives ________ in the home. (C)
当名词从句表示委婉的愿望(wish)、建议(suggest)、劝告(advise)、要求(demand)、命令(order)等意思时,常常用“should+动词原形”或者省略should直接用“动词原形”表示虚拟语气.本题中的prefer 就是一种表示愿望的语气,that宾语从句中选择 [C] work 就是省去should虚拟的这种情况.
2.(A)I don’t want to lend any more money to him; he’s already in debt ________ me.
in debt (复债)可以说是个固定搭配,介词to是根据意思而选用的,此处的to表示“归属”,debt to me意思是“欠我的账”,其他例子如:the key to the office 办公室的钥匙,a private secretary to the minister 部长的私人秘书,an honor to his country属于他国家的光荣.
3. (D) ________, he does get irritated with her sometimes.
此处是让步状语从句,as 和 though都可以引导这种从句,但是用法不同:
1)形容词/副词 + as + 主语 + 谓语动词,如:
Rich as he is, he is not happy. 虽然他很富, 但他并不幸福;
2)谓语动词 + as + 主语 +助动词,如:
Try as he would, he could not lift the rock. 他虽然尽了最大努力, 仍不能搬动那块石头.
* 答案D符合第一例:Much as he likes her, he does get irritated with her sometimes. 虽然他非常喜欢她,但他确实有时候和她动怒.
* Though he is rich , he is not happy. 虽然他很富, 但他并不幸福.
* Though he would try, he could not lift the rock. 他虽然尽了最大努力, 仍不能搬动那块石头.
4. (B) The vocabulary of any technical discussion may include words which are never used outside the subject or field ________.
[B] in question 意思是“正被讨论”,此处是介词短语用作subject or field 的后置定语,而subject 和 field 是 介词 outside的两个选择的并列宾语,即“超出正被讨论的主题(范围)或领域范围”
5.(D)The long-awaited Hubble Space Telescope, ________ to orbit the Earth next March, will observe some of the oldest stars in the sky.
本句的主谓结构是The long-awaited Hubble Space Telescope will observe some of the oldest stars in the sky(期待以久的哈勃望远镜将观察到天空中的一些年代久远的星球), due to orbit the Earth next March(明年三月如期绕地球轨道运行)是形容词+不定式短语,(注意:这里的 orbit 是动词“绕...轨道运行”,而不是名词“轨道”),相当于一个非限制性定语从句(which is due to orbit the Earth next March)
A. subject to + 名词:意思是“从属于/次于/服从于…”,但是题目中的 orbit 是动词
B. owing to + 名词 (由于,因为)
D. due to + 名词:意思指“应归功于;由于”;due to + 动词:意思指“预计/如期做某事”.
6.(D) ________ of the burden of ice, the balloon climbed up and drifted to the South.
a) 非谓语动词不定式和分词短语作状语的区别:1)句首的不定式短语只能作目的状语,即“为了...”;2)分词短语常作时间或原因状语,此处指的是“由于摆脱了冰的荷载”,是原因状语.
b) 分词的逻辑主语:如果句子主语是分词的行为者,即主谓关系,用现在分词;如果句子主语是分词的行为对象,即动宾关系,用过去分词.题目中the balloon 显然是的动词 free 的行为对象,如果把它改写为 because the balloon was freed of the burden of ice, … 就可以一目了然的发现balloon 与 free 属于动宾关系.
7.(D)________, more than 200 houses and buildings are heated by solar energy, not to mention the big cities in the region.
[A] Alone in the small town: 这里是alone副词,意思是“单独地、孤零零地”,如果选用就是说明houses and building 在由太阳能取暖时的状态,意思是“200多个houses and building在小城镇里单独用太阳能取暖”.显然不合逻辑.
[D] In the small town alone:用在名词或代词之后的alone意思是“只有, 唯有, 仅仅”,句子的意思就成了“仅仅在小城镇里,就有200多个houses and building用太阳能取暖”
8.(C)The bank is reported in the local newspaper ________ in broad daylight yesterday.
a)首先明确这个句子是由 report … to do sth.(报道…做某事) 化来的被动语态 to be reported to do sth.(...被报道做某事).所以B 和 D 被排除.
b)接下来对谓语动词和不定式动词的发生时间进行比较,很明显,rob的行为发生在 report 之前,一般形式to be robbed表示发生在report 以后,而 完成式to have been robbed 是发生在 report 之前.
9. (D) Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he _____ our chairman now.
a)从句Had Paul received six more votes in the last election是条件虚拟省略 if 后的倒装;
b)主句he would be our chairman now是对现在的虚拟,因此整个句子是错综条件虚拟句,意思是“假如保罗在上次的选举中再多得六张选票,那么现在他就会是我们的主席了.
对过去虚拟:情态动词 + have done;
对现在或将来的虚拟:情态动词 + do;
对过去虚拟:(if) 过去完成式;
对现在的虚拟:(if) 过去式;
对将来的虚拟:1) 过去式;2)should do;3)were to do
10.(D) The board deemed it urgent that these files ________ right away.
a)本句中的it 是形式宾语,指代拖后的that从句,形容词urgent是宾语补足语.
b)deem (认为)表示主语的个人态度,因此宾语从句的谓语动词需要虚拟.在表示个人态度(愿望、要求、看法、命令等)的名词从句中,谓语动词用“should + 动词原形”或者省去should直接用“动词原形”.


prefer 和虚拟语气没啥关系。第一题选a

其实这是分析大多数虚拟语气的方法,对于一般虚拟语气都适用,但prefer that sb.(should)do在高中语法书里可是明确写着的,一定要特记


其实这是分析大多数虚拟语气的方法,对于一般虚拟语气都适用,但prefer that sb.(should)do在高中语法书里可是明确写着的,一定要特记
2有,in debt of...to sb.是欠某人什么
4.outside the subject or field in quesion翻译成在课题或讨论领域以外一起看就行
5.A不是等于under the authority of吗?authority是权威,授权的意思,这个短语是经...授权的意思,和D很好区分,D只是由于,归功于。句子没错,就这么翻译
6.the burden of the ice是冰的重负,意思是气球卸下了冰的重负后,上升向南方飘去了,气球应该是被卸重,free有释放的意思,所以和那个短语是被动关系啊
alone放后面in the samll town alone意思单独是小镇,这里alone修饰town,但放前面alone in the small town,是修饰的是整个状语,和后面的cities就不搭了,后面cities那句不是状语性质的,前后是个比较的感觉
5.owing to只能放句首,不能放句中
至于第七题嘛,alone离谁近就修饰谁,这道题D,alone离town近修饰town,要是选A,不就修饰in the small town了吗?要是这样,就和非谓语相似了啊,你再品品吧
