north北方 east东方 west西方 south南方 我老是记不住啊 怎么办?各位学长们给我支支招啊 有没有什么巧门啊?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 16:21:00
north北方 east东方 west西方 south南方 我老是记不住啊 怎么办?各位学长们给我支支招啊 有没有什么巧门啊?

north北方 east东方 west西方 south南方 我老是记不住啊 怎么办?各位学长们给我支支招啊 有没有什么巧门啊?
north北方 east东方 west西方 south南方
我老是记不住啊 怎么办?各位学长们给我支支招啊 有没有什么巧门啊?

north北方 east东方 west西方 south南方 我老是记不住啊 怎么办?各位学长们给我支支招啊 有没有什么巧门啊?

north北方 east东方 west西方 south南方 我老是记不住啊 怎么办?各位学长们给我支支招啊 有没有什么巧门啊? 将north east west south组成四个复合词 west,south,east,north怎样记不容易混淆? 根据地理位置,用适当的方位词填空(南:south 北:north 西:west 东:east 东北:north-east 东南:south-east 西北:north-west 西南:south-west)1.Guangzhou is in the _______ of China.2.Beijing is in the _______ of china.3.Shang Now many young people go _________ to teach children there.(south-east,north-west)south-east,north-west两个选一个 North是北面的意思,South是南面,West是西面,East是东面,North west是西北的意思,North sast是东北的意思,South west是西南,South east是东南.发现什么规律了吗》? in/on/to the south/north/west/east of 怎么个用法啊 阿姆斯特丹在荷兰的什么方位?WEST NORTH?EAST?SOUTH?THANKS~ Shanghai is___ of beijing.A east B west c north D south Where is the Shanghai?It is in the ( )ofChina A.east B.west C.north Shanghai is the _____ of China.A.west B.north C.east 用(turn left)(turn right)(go straight)(north)(west)(east)(south)分别造一个句 The Great Wall __from the east to the west in north China.为什么填runs? Beijing is in the () of China .A:east B:west C:north Japan is to the_________of China.A.east B.west C.south D.north 广州在哪个方向?用英语写的比如说North West South East Canada lies on the ___ (south、west、east、north)of the United States. East and West and north and south,One hundred teeth and never a mouth.What am