
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 10:20:57


How to face difficulties 个人遇到困难和挫折时一定要冷静面对,尽量通过合法渠道、理智地去解决.Personal difficulties and setbacks must be calm in the face,as far as possible through legal channels to resolve rationally.对于面临的困难怎么办?一是不怕,二是战胜它.这很好,但光有克服困难的勇气是不够的,更重要的是要理智地分析一下,哪些困难是客观的,哪些又是主观造成的.是客观的,我们努力克服它,是主观的,应力求避免.人的精力和生命总是有限的,我们应当尽可能地减少与困难发生冲突的机会.The difficulties faced how to do?The first is not afraid,and the other is to defeat it.This is very good,but it has the courage to overcome difficulties is not enough,it is more important to rational analysis,which is a difficult objective,which is subjective.Is an objective,we strive to overcome it is subjective and should strive to avoid.Energy and human life is always limited,we should minimize the difficulties and conflicts.不管怎么说,困难总不是什么好事.过去有种说法,叫做:"困难是好事,可以锻炼人",带有浪漫主义的色彩.在这种借口下,多少人陷入了人为的困境而不能解脱,浪费了他们许多好时光.我们应当努力减少主观上的失误,以使我们有更多的时间和精力去对付客观的困难.In any case,the total is not a difficult thing.Endemic in the past,called:"The difficult thing is to exercise",with romantic color.In such an excuse,how many people fall into the plight of man-made and can not free themselves from it,they wasted a lot of good times.We should strive to reduce the subjective mistakes,so that we can have more time and energy to deal with the objective difficulties有人说,错误和失败是难免的.是的,可以这么说,但是,决不能以此为借口,而姑息自己的失误.对于一个国家来说就更是如此,我们应该尽可能避免因失误而造成的困难,更应该科学地对待各种困难,而不被困难所吓倒,而不要在自己设下的陷阱里打转.It is said that errors and failures are inevitable.Yes,you can say,however,must not use it as an excuse,and tolerate their mistakes.For a country,even more so,we should try to avoid mistakes caused by the difficulties of science should treat all kinds of difficulties,and not be intimidated by difficulties,rather than in their own set of traps around.但是纸上谈兵总是空.让我们振作起来,勇敢而理智地面对各种困难,尽量避免人为因素造成的苦难,向着未来一步一个脚印地前进.But the paper is always empty.Let us take heart that the good sense and courage to face difficulties,as far as possible to avoid the suffering caused by man-made,step by step toward the future to move on.