
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 08:28:13

㈠近段时间,H1N1流感病毒从墨西哥和美国等地传来到世界各地.H1N1流感病毒被炒得沸沸扬扬,搞得人心惶惶,请你根据下列表向人们介绍H1N1.1:来源:墨西哥和美国 2:病症 发烧,咳嗽,疲倦和厌食 3预防方法:Ⅰ注意个人卫生,常洗手,别去人多拥挤的地方 Ⅱ避免手接触眼、口和鼻子 Ⅲ增加户外活动,多锻炼,多吃水果和蔬菜 Ⅳ 如有不适,要马上就医 4专家提醒:H1N1流感病毒可医可治,不必太恐慌.㈡今年是中国成立60周年,你校为此举办了一个“爱我中华”的演讲比赛,请根据一下内容完善你的演讲稿.1.中国是个历史悠久的国家,地大,物质丰富 2.有许多名胜古迹,例如:长城,故宫 3.去年,中国成功举办了第29届奥运会,同时中国人也在地震中学到了互相关心 4.政府正在不断完善我们的生活环境.人们过着幸福的生活 5.今年,中国将在10月1日迎来60岁生日,相信我们的国家会变得越来越强大 两篇英语作文,90个单词左右

Recently, H1N1 influenza viruses from Mexico and the United States came to the world. H1N1 influenza viruses lot of heated discussions and do a panic, would you please introduce to people based on the following list of H1N1. 1: Source: Mexico and the United States 2: symptoms of fever, cough, fatigue and anorexia Three prevention methods: Ⅰ attention to personal hygiene, wash hands often, do not go to crowded places Ⅱ Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose Ⅲ increase in outdoor activities, exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables Ⅳ if they feel unwell, seek medical treatment right away 4 experts advise: H1N1 influenza A viruses can doctor can cure, do not panic too much. Ii This year marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of your school by organizing an "I love China" in a speech contest, please complete accordance with what the content of your speech. 1. China is a long history of the country, a vast wealth of material 2. There are many attractions, such as: the Great Wall, Forbidden City 3. Last year, China successfully hosted the 29th Olympic Games, while the Chinese people have also learned a caring earthquake 4. The Government is constantly improving our living environment. People live a happy life 5. This year, China on October 1 will be Celebrating its 60th birthday, I believe that our country will become more and more powerful

帮忙写两篇英语作文,有材料,90个单词!㈠近段时间,H1N1流感病毒从墨西哥和美国等地传来到世界各地.H1N1流感病毒被炒得沸沸扬扬,搞得人心惶惶,请你根据下列表向人们介绍H1N1.1:来源:墨西哥和 帮忙写两篇英语作文(50个单词)一篇关于“person”、一篇关于“thing” 谁能帮我写个英语小作文啊!宝洁市场部环保方面!单词要简单点的就行 我这有材料 可以发 邮 箱 英语作文120个单词 谁能帮忙写十篇英语作文!100个单词左右,要有翻译!谢谢了! 请帮忙写一篇英语作文 Teach Your Child to Wonder.要100个单词以上, 我们英语老师要求写一篇100个单词的英语作文,麻烦帮忙写一篇! 帮忙写英语作文 急啊写人的80来个单词 急啊啊啊啊 英语作文参考请大师们帮忙写两篇英语作文:一篇描写寒假计划,一篇描写一个人的一天的日常生活,每篇不少于50个单词,要求全部运用从五年级上册课本中的单词!另:需要附带中文! 帮忙写一篇英语作文,作文题目是“怎样给别人留下好印象”150个单词就可以 求英语大神帮忙写一篇作文,150单词就好,上面有要求. 帮忙写写关于电影材料的英语作文. 四个时态写两篇英语作文 每篇不少于50个单词 帮忙写英语作文!十万火急~1.The books you like to read!120-150个单词2.Opportunity is the key to success.120-150个单词 请帮忙写一下80个单词英语作文,题目是My deskmate(我的同桌)要快!快. 英语翻译谁可以帮忙把汉语翻译成英语;是一篇作文;可以吗;80-100个单词 my room英语作文 70个单词 蓝鲸英语作文(30个单词)