
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 03:35:51


1 It sure looks like she is deeply hurt by her ex-boyfriend.So do you know if she is ready to start over?She may look independent,but she is fragile inside.Maybe the reason she doesnt want to be committed in a relationship is because she wants to protect herself.
2 another cute thing about her is that,whenever we go out to eat,she asks me "would you like some marble cheese cake?" I always ask her if she likes it or not,but she says she just want to look at them,because she thinks they look adorable.(therefore I have to eat them LOL)
纯人工翻 大致意思相同 极小部分不好翻,省略了.
PS 楼上绝对是机器翻得,语法都不对 LOL

1, it seems indeed to be ex-boyfriend hurt her very deeply, you know she is ready to accept some new feelings? She does look very independent, but very fragile. Perhaps she is always reluctant to open...


1, it seems indeed to be ex-boyfriend hurt her very deeply, you know she is ready to accept some new feelings? She does look very independent, but very fragile. Perhaps she is always reluctant to open their hearts to others and show her talent to others because want to protect yourself.
2, she has a cute behavior is, she and I to eat Western food, she would ask me: "Do you mind if the block of marble cheese cake to eat? " I asked her did she like to eat. She said no, but she likes to see, and she found them beautiful.


1. It seems she has been badly hurt by her ex-BF. Do you know if she is ready for a new relationship? She looks very independent, yet vulnerable. Maybe the reason why she refuses to open her heart and...


1. It seems she has been badly hurt by her ex-BF. Do you know if she is ready for a new relationship? She looks very independent, yet vulnerable. Maybe the reason why she refuses to open her heart and show her talent, is that she wants to protect herself.
2. Another thing interesting of her: She and I go for west food, and she always asks me, do you mind if I order 大理石cheese cake? I ask if she likes it, and she says no, but she just likes to see it, she finds it good-looking.
那什么蛋糕的 我不知道啥玩意 你这情书的还不错 哈哈 句子算通顺


1. It seems that she is deeply hurt by her ex-boyfriend. And do you know whether she is ready for a new relationship? She does look very independent. Actually, she is rather fragile. She never opens...


1. It seems that she is deeply hurt by her ex-boyfriend. And do you know whether she is ready for a new relationship? She does look very independent. Actually, she is rather fragile. She never opens her heart and shows her talents to others, and maybe it is just because she wants to protect herself .
2. She has a very cute behave, that is whenever we go to a western restaurant, she would ask me if I mind having a piece of Marble Cheese Cake.I asked her whether it was because she liked to eat it. She denied and said it looked beautiful and she just liked to appreciate it.


英语翻译1、看起来她确实被前男友伤害得很深,那你知道她是否已经准备好接受一段新感情了吗?她看起来确实很独立但是很脆弱.可能她总是不愿意向别人敞开心扉和向别人展示她的才华就是 英语翻译1、她看起来像个小女孩 英语翻译2011年9月26日晚 今天身体欠佳,喉咙哑了说不出话.原来我之前所付出的一切都只是在垫底.她没有我想的那么爱我,她一直惦记着伤害过她的前男友.当我恳求她别放弃我时,我用刀子划 英语翻译2011年9月26日晚 今天身体欠佳,喉咙哑了说不出话.原来我之前所付出的一切都只是在垫底.她没有我想的那么爱我,她一直惦记着伤害过她的前男友.当我恳求她别放弃我时,我用刀子划 她看起来怎样?用英语翻译 我爱的人前男友已经分手两年了可以现在他又来纠缠他说要同她和好我该怎么办?前提是现在我爱她她也爱我,但是前男友之前已经伤害过她而且很深,我现在该怎么做? 枫叶代表什么?曾经有个女孩对我说过.一天,她做了个梦,她在一棵桃树底下,桃树开满了桃花,来了一对情侣,那男的是她前男友,曾经抛弃了她,让她伤得很重.她叫她:“帮我摘朵桃花好吗?他说 英语翻译她找的的男友一个比一个帅气 看起来你游得很 英语翻译我被男友抛弃了,男人都喜新厌旧,不是好东西.你看起来不一样,你是我喜欢的类型. 英语翻译N X Z Z X Z Y H H D O W H X N D是我女朋友的前男友发给她的。求翻译。 英语翻译我想和外籍男友分手,怎样才礼冒点?我不想伤害他 英语翻译1在很多坟墓的山上 2 她跪在她妈的坟墓前大声痛哭 看起来非常伤心 3 两个月后 他的爸爸娶了后妈 次日早上的对话 4 她家的厨房里 5继母与她女儿故意刁难她 让它往破水缸里装水 4 是前男友 前男友 英文怎么说 英语翻译1 老祖母也有弱点,她一直努力企图用忘却的办法来对付恋人的背弃所带来的屈辱与痛苦,不幸的是她至死也没能忘怀.2 临终前,她又一次受到伤害,上帝并未像她信仰的宗教所说的那样 幸福等于快乐吗?女孩被心爱的男友抛弃,后来交新男友.新男友很宠爱自己,感觉很幸福,但是不快乐!我和我老婆就是这样她才和他前男朋友分手但是她现在不快乐我该咋办? 用英语翻译 她看起来比以前handsome多了