英语翻译第四条 乙方的义务、责任4.1 乙方就本协议及承担其作为物流服务供应商的义务.4.2 乙方保证自己具有提供物流服务的相关资质,可提供复印件给甲方留存.4.3 乙方有义务为甲方保守商

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 18:28:44
英语翻译第四条 乙方的义务、责任4.1 乙方就本协议及承担其作为物流服务供应商的义务.4.2 乙方保证自己具有提供物流服务的相关资质,可提供复印件给甲方留存.4.3 乙方有义务为甲方保守商

英语翻译第四条 乙方的义务、责任4.1 乙方就本协议及承担其作为物流服务供应商的义务.4.2 乙方保证自己具有提供物流服务的相关资质,可提供复印件给甲方留存.4.3 乙方有义务为甲方保守商
第四条 乙方的义务、责任
4.1 乙方就本协议及承担其作为物流服务供应商的义务.
4.2 乙方保证自己具有提供物流服务的相关资质,可提供复印件给甲方留存.
4.3 乙方有义务为甲方保守商业秘密,未获甲方事先书面同意,不向任何第三人透露甲方的相关信息,但根据有关政府机关或法院要求透露的不在此限,但乙方应在第一时间通知甲方.
4.4 当甲方或由甲方指定交货方交付货物给乙方后,乙方应对此货物负责,乙方必须将货物完整无缺地进行指定的仓储、运输、配送工作.如乙方将货物送错、毁损、丢失的,乙方应协助甲方妥善处理相关事宜,其带来的费用和损失由甲乙双方协商负担.
4.5 乙方负责向甲方提供货物送达签收回执;如对方没有签收应向甲方书面说明原因,并及时与甲方联系解决,甲方向客户联系得到确认的,视为货物已送达;但乙方不能提供签收回执由此造成甲方对客户主张的权利不能实现的,乙方应承担相应的责任.
4.6 乙方必须按双方约定的时间送货,否则每延迟一天乙方按运费的3‰支付甲方违约金.
4.7 乙方同意放弃对甲方货物的留置权,未经甲方同意不得将甲方货物以任何形式进行处置.
4.8 本协议约定的实际价值以甲方的出售价格(即甲方的发票金额)为准.

英语翻译第四条 乙方的义务、责任4.1 乙方就本协议及承担其作为物流服务供应商的义务.4.2 乙方保证自己具有提供物流服务的相关资质,可提供复印件给甲方留存.4.3 乙方有义务为甲方保守商
Artile Four:Obligation and Responsibility of Party B
4.1 Party B undertakes its obligation as logistics service provider under this Agreement.
4.2 Party B guarantees that it has relevant qualifications/licenses for offering logistics services,and can submit copies of such qualifications/licenses to Party A for record.
4.3 Party B has the obligation to keep commercial secret for Party A,and must not disclose Party A's information to any third party without obtaining written consent from Party A in advance,unless such disclosure is upon request from related government authority or court,however Party B must inform Party A at the first time.
4.4 Party B shall be responsible for the cargo once the cargo is delivered to Party B by Party A or any delivery party appointed by Party A.Party B must store,transport and distribute the cargo as requested completely and intact.Party B shall assist Party A for proper settlement of any wrong delivery,damage or cargo loss from Party B,expenses and losses therefrom should be undertaken by both Party A and Party B after negotiation.
4.5 Party B shall submit Cargo Receipt to Party A to prove cargo is delivered; Party B shall explain to Party A in case the receiver do not sign on the Cargo Receipt,and shall contact Party A to solve the problem in time; any confirmation from customer to Party A after contact shall be regarded as cargo delivered; in case Party A's right to Customer cannot be realized due to Party B's failure in obtaining Cargo Receipt,Party B shall undertake related responsibility.
4.6 Party B must deliver the cargo according to the lead time agreed upon; otherwise Party B shall pay 3‰ of the freight as default penalty for every 1-day delivery delay.
4.7 Party B agree to waive the lien to cargo of Party A,and cannot dispose of Party A's cargo in any means without Party A's agreement.
4.8 The actual value agreed upon in this agreement is Party A's sales price (i.e.,Party A's invoice value).

4 B's obligations, responsibilities and commitments
4.1 B on the agreement of its obligations as a logistics service providers.
4.2 B to provide logistics services to ensure that they have th...


4 B's obligations, responsibilities and commitments
4.1 B on the agreement of its obligations as a logistics service providers.
4.2 B to provide logistics services to ensure that they have the relevant qualifications, can provide a copy to the buyer retained.
4.3 B obligation to be accountable to maintain commercial confidentiality, not the prior written consent of the two parties.The buyer is not disclosed to any third party related information, but according to the government agency or unless the disclosure is required by the court.But B should notify the buyer in the first time.
4.4 When the buyer or buyer designated for delivery of goods delivered to B, B should take charge of the goods.B cargo integrity and non-repudiation must be designated for storage, transportation and distribution work.If B will send the wrong goods, destroyed, lost, B should assist the two parties to properly handle related matters.consists of the costs and losses brought about by the burden of consultation between the two sides.
4.5 B responsible for the delivery of the goods to the buyer would receive acknowledgment; Written statements should be accountable if it did not receive them,associated with the buyer and timely solution, the two parties confirmed the link to the customer, are deemed to have been served;But B would receive acknowledgment resulting buyer can not provide the right kind of customer advocate.B should be held responsible.
4.6 B to be mutually agreed delivery time, according to B for every day of delay in payment of 3% of the freight buyer of the default.
4.7 B to the two parties agree to waive the lien on the goods.goods to the buyer without the buyer agreed not to dispose of any form.
4.8 of the agreement the two parties agreed to the actual value of the sale price (buyer's invoice amount) shall prevail.


英语翻译第四条 乙方的义务、责任4.1 乙方就本协议及承担其作为物流服务供应商的义务.4.2 乙方保证自己具有提供物流服务的相关资质,可提供复印件给甲方留存.4.3 乙方有义务为甲方保守商 英语翻译第六条 乙方权利及义务  (一)权利  1.乙方约定并同意,在委派人员的工作不符合要求的情况下,乙方应给予员工培训或者指导,经过三个月的考核期,若委派人员仍然无法满足工 英语翻译六、本合同第四条为乙方选择条款,乙方可以不填写.合同订立后,乙方不能交付本合同全款的,须向甲方缴纳不低于本合同交易金额20%的定金.当甲方收到乙方的剩余款额(余款在一周 英语翻译如果本联合体中标,甲方将享有和承担完成本工程中的 工作的权利和义务,并获得由此而得到的收益和承担相关的责任;乙方将享有和承担完成本工程中的 工作的权利和义务,并获得 英语翻译乙方在现场设备安装调试期间对甲方现场的设备设施负有保护责任,如因乙方原因造成的损坏均由乙方负责赔偿(赔偿标准按甲方公司相关管理文件执行). 保护环境是我们每个人应尽的社会责任与义务英语翻译 不同国家公民的义务和责任 英语翻译第五条 甲方安排乙方执行 工时制度.第六条 甲方为乙方提供必要的劳动条件和劳动工具,建立健全生产工艺流程,制定操作规程、工作规范和劳动安全卫生制度.根据乙方实际岗位的工 英语翻译通过秉持Singer观点,我们可以重新树立自己关于应尽责任义务的范围. 英语翻译通过分析托运人对托运危险货物的义务和责任起到保障各方的权益和避免冲突的作用划分各方责任义务 把这句话翻译成英语 解释社会责任,社会义务,社会响应的含义, 有没有关于类似义务和责任的格言警句 责任义务权利有什么哲学意义上的不同 简述经济法责任与经济法义务的区别 谈谈你对医生责任,权利,义务的认识 作为父亲应履行的责任和义务是什么 违反 义务教育法 规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究什么责任 责任与义务的小作文.200到300字左右!