本人在澳洲读大学,有道Business Law的case急需解答,Jane decides to go on the Katoomba cable car.She pays for her ticket at the ticketbox at the entrance to the office,and proceeds through the office.As she is liningup for her ride,she not

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/23 09:42:56
本人在澳洲读大学,有道Business Law的case急需解答,Jane decides to go on the Katoomba cable car.She pays for her ticket at the ticketbox at the entrance to the office,and proceeds through the office.As she is liningup for her ride,she not

本人在澳洲读大学,有道Business Law的case急需解答,Jane decides to go on the Katoomba cable car.She pays for her ticket at the ticketbox at the entrance to the office,and proceeds through the office.As she is liningup for her ride,she not
本人在澳洲读大学,有道Business Law的case急需解答,
Jane decides to go on the Katoomba cable car.She pays for her ticket at the ticket
box at the entrance to the office,and proceeds through the office.As she is lining
up for her ride,she notices a large sign placed near the ride which states that the
operators of the cable car are not responsible for any damage or injuries however
caused through accident,an act of God or negligence.However,she proceeds
onto the ride.Because of the negligence of the operator in guiding people into the
car,she falls and is injured.She claims damages for the injuries sustained.
• Could the cable car operators disclaim liability?
• Would it make a difference if she did not see the sign?

本人在澳洲读大学,有道Business Law的case急需解答,Jane decides to go on the Katoomba cable car.She pays for her ticket at the ticketbox at the entrance to the office,and proceeds through the office.As she is liningup for her ride,she not
...that about entry the contract under thecondition or not
Q1:no/ cause jane saw the notices after she bought the ticket though office which means jane been noticed the possible danger after she entry the contract with amusement park.Once jane paid the ticket fee to office that means legally jane blindly entered the contract with another party without any 'dangerous warning'
Q2:no/ the sign will be there doesnt matter wether she see it or not
很早之前读的了 应该这样吧?.也不是很确定

本人在澳洲读大学,有道Business Law的case急需解答,Jane decides to go on the Katoomba cable car.She pays for her ticket at the ticketbox at the entrance to the office,and proceeds through the office.As she is liningup for her ride,she not 如何拿到澳洲绿卡?技术移民是怎么一回事?在我国读大学,有可能拿到么? 澳洲的塔斯马尼亚大学 在澳洲读IB数学只考到2分还能被大学录取吗总分24分但是数学只有2分不及格,还有什么大学能够就读吗? 我在澳洲上高中能考中国的大学么 好考么我是山东的 去澳洲考中国大学是不是比在这好? 雅思考了6 听力6.5 阅读5.5 写作6 口语6.5 如果申请澳洲一般大学硕士需要读语言几周?还需在澳洲考雅思吗 General Business学的是什么general business在大学学得是什么? 请问澳洲查尔斯达尔文大学的地理位置在哪?一共有几个校区? 澳洲昆士兰大学的寒假和暑假分别在几月份 放假几天? 澳大利亚是不是在澳洲? 澳洲是在哪里 澳洲在哪里 澳洲business Law的assignment第一次写,没思路, 澳洲英语怎么读 monash的Bachelor of business可以直接申请吗?在国内读了两年大学,听说去monash不能直接申请Bachelor of business,一定要读college,如果可以直接申请uni的话,requirement是什么呢? 我今年高一,有个很远房的表姨在澳洲答应要资助我去澳洲读大学,但只提供前两年的学费,爸爸妈妈都是工薪阶层,我们家家境也一般,但是我们都不想放弃这次机会,因为没有她的电子邮件和电 我今年高一,有个很远房的表姨在澳洲答应要资助我去澳洲读大学,但只提供前两年的学费,爸爸妈妈都是工薪阶层,我们家家境也一般,但是我们都不想放弃这次机会,因为没有她的电子邮件和电 computer science和information techonology哪个好哪个比较容易学,我的C++和JAVA学得不好,所以想知道哪个可以不涉及这个,还有就业的话怎么样,PS:我在澳洲读大学