An Embarrassing Situation英语作文

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An Embarrassing Situation英语作文

An Embarrassing Situation英语作文
An Embarrassing Situation

An Embarrassing Situation英语作文
At work,near my cubicle,someone makes a fart joke and a few people laugh.Then,the female supervisor who previously made the penis comment enthusiastically tells everyone,"Hold on!" She runs to her office and brings back something called a "Fart Detector," which looks like a household fire alarm.We all gather around (me standing near the outskirts of the small crowd).The supervisor activates it,and the detector screeches to life.A robotic male voice shouts,over the sound of a siren,"Attention!Someone in this vicinity has farted!Please evacuate the area!"
Everyone laughs and laughs,and I laugh some,but I'm not one to get carried away with fart humor.I feel there's nothing wrong with it and it certainly amuses me.But I've covered that territory so many times that it's just not as funny to me as it once was.
To be fair,I think some people relive the spirit of fart humor when in a new setting that's not necessarily conducive to fart humor.In other words,if they're standing in the clinical environment of their company's office and someone makes a fart joke they first heard when they were 7 years old,they'll laugh like they’re 7 again,because hearing it in the odd environment is almost like hearing the joke for the first time.
But for me,the idea of old fart jokes playing new again -- no matter the environment -- doesn't make sense.If you've heard fart humor once,you've heard it a thousand times,no matter the environment.
That's what I'm thinking when I notice that some people in the "Fart Detector" circle are looking at me through their tears of laughter.I wonder why.Maybe because they're planning to use the "Fart Detector" on me?Maybe because I'm not laughing anymore?Maybe because they think that,because I'm not laughing,it must mean I'm offended or embarrassed by the "Fart Detector?"
I laugh a fake laugh,just to fit in.But even I know it sounds fake.
And,sure enough,someone says,"Careful with that 'Fart Detector.' You might embarrass him again!"
Very,very loud laughter.
Did I Get Embarrassed By the Situation?Yes,but let me be clear that it was not because I was embarrassed by fart jokes or detectors.Instead,I was embarrassed by the idea that they would think I was embarrassed by fart jokes or detectors.Then,I was embarrassed by their pointed cackling.And then,I was embarrassed by my embarrassment.
Also,thanks to the company I was keeping at that moment,I was once again reminded of -- and I therefore had to relive -- the previous,completely stupid "penis comment" embarrassment,which seemed to hang over the office environment like the big red stink of a fart,sirens blaring.This was very,very embarrassing.
And finally,I suddenly and sadly realized that,thanks to this overactive and recurring rash of embarrassment,which would only later be quelled by heavy intake of alcohol mixed with a variety of prescription drugs,I had somehow lost the respect of every single person in the building.Very,very,very embarrassing.
How Red Did I Turn,On A Scale of 1-10?8,before walking away; 10+,while hiding in an office bathroom stall.